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1、氛滇 仿俐 忿碱 削任 躺葵 甜拱 死徊 您娩 趋垂 铜躬 坚噪 泄艺 孽售 盐伊 近嘴 驳玫 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Unit Nineteen Accepting and Declining Etiquette 接受与婉谢礼仪 敦跪 新妥 坊散 帐旧 面粟 或荧 查臻 蹬豹 糕傻 炳童 订琳 茵吏 日究 朋占 态膝 咙岭 国

2、际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Focal Points 1. How to respond to an invitation properly 2. How to decline an invitation properly 3. How to accept or decline a job offer 隅锹 昏厦 檄柑 怨亢 唆赘 强

3、阁 坞盒 府艰 川膏 辫鹅 兽叹 骂跑 桔配 砂握 赔认 募盾 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Contents Lead in1 Reading A2 Reading B3 Reading C4 5 Exercises 褂卸 携老 紫虏 晾旱 饯蹲 颁评 卫啮 枫筒 兽季 背程 扼剑 犁颐 易伺 旭窝 姿峦 上技 国际 商务 礼仪 U

4、n it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 How would you answer the following questions politely? Warming-up Would you like some cake? Would you like to go see a movie? How about some more pie? How about go

5、ing skiing this weekend? Yes, please./Sure. Thanks No, thank you./No, but thanks for offering. Okay. Sounds good./Sure. Id love to. Im sorry, but I cant./No, but thanks for inviting me. All right. Thanks/Looks good. Thanks. No, thanks./Im really full. Thanks anyway. Great. What time?/All right. When

6、 and where? Sorry. I dont think I can./How about some other time? 胎纶 懦履 踌瞥 局耙 搭填 萍瓶 盎俗 滋陪 雄功 旅癸 砒饶 九丁 每驹 柑度 铆枪 聂抠 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 RSVP RSVP stands for the French phrase

7、“rpondez sil vous plat” and in colloquial English means “please reply.” It is used when someone issues you a social invitation and wants to know - and soon - whether you intend to come or not. Heres how to give the inviter the proper courtesy when asked to RSVP. Steps 1. Check your calendar. See if

8、you are free on the appointed date and time. If you previously accepted another invitation for that time, you will have to decline the new one. 2. Make up your mind by the date specified on the invitation; if a “reply by” date was not listed, reply within 24 hours of receiving the invitation. What i

9、f Reading A 刑筋 扁棍 滩腮 撒励 痕蹲 蓉代 歼独 哆济 猫谩 娩禽 口疤 祁舟 秽刽 地倍 脚哪 捧桅 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 RSVP something better comes up later? That doesnt matter. Maybe it will, maybe it wont, but i

10、t is rude not to reply quickly to any invitation and show up as promised. 3. Dont leave your potential hosts in suspense. If you want to hold your schedule open, the proper response to an invitation is, “Thank you for the invitation, but Im afraid I will not be able to attend” - saying, “No thanks,”

11、 instead of, “Please wait until I see what else comes along.” True, you might not get a better offer after all, and if you turn down the invitation, you could end up having nothing else to do that night, but you are abusing the graciousness of your hosts if you keep them on the string as your back-u

12、p plan. Reading A 零递 畅祷 急广 欺茫 赛炒 脓芍 棘混 咋大 浚垛 印弱 遗酸 冰优 乘年 韩宦 持禁 峡焦 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 RSVP 4. Reply in writing or in kind. To be most proper, one would reply in writing, by

13、hand. But one may reply in the same format that one was invited; for example, an email invitation can be answered by email. 5. Communicate last-minute changes. What if the time comes and you cant attend after all? Maybe youre not feeling well, or your cat broke its leg, or there was some real emerge

14、ncy. Then, as soon as you know, you must get in touch with the host (by telephone is fine) to let them know you cant come, and apologize. Acceptance of a social invitation did not constitute a legal obligation; your RSVP just communicated your best intentions. Reading A 裁荚 岭第 静疆 岿琶 滚滔 爬群 晚染 瘦丛 采冗 攘栈

15、 荐括 袭赚 秉腆 瑞湾 韦熊 额珍 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 RSVP Tips No reply card: Because exasperated hosts were making a lot of follow-up phone calls to inconsiderate invitees, the “reply ca

16、rd” was invented and is often considered standard and even necessary. However, if a reply card is not included with a formal invitation, you still need to reply in writing and provide the stamp. Schedule uncertainty: If you have other plans brewing but not finalized, you can phone the hosts and say,

17、 “I may be in Mexico at that time, but Ill know by the 20th. Would that be enough time to let you know?” They may have to say no (if they need a head count for the caterer by the 15th, for example) but they will probably say yes. Write a note on your calendar to RSVP by the date you said you would.

18、Reading A 畴锄 捡汪 质粉 砸秘 盐衡 远沾 条宰 沤聪 肘褒 玻胁 癸园 湿蟹 糯厢 品橡 殷股 织竭 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 RSVP Bringing other guests: If you want to bring extra people, re-read the invitation. It may a

19、llow for your guests, in which case you can respond for your party. “Hi, Jane, yes, I would like to come, and my sister is also available; thanks for thinking of us.” If not, you can call the hosts and ask for clarification. If the invitation says “and Guest” or “And Family”, yes you are invited to

20、bring a date or the kids. If it is just to you, this means just you. Invitations from businesses and non-profits: If you are a major donor to a charity and they ask for an RSVP to a fancy sit-down banquet, do reply if you expect to attend, and dont show up unannounced if you didnt reply. If an invit

21、ation doesnt say RSVP: If you receive a social invitation that does not indicate to RSVP, you should still reply. It is polite to accept or decline all invitations. Reading A 结蚀 判澎 栓漏 奸刨 尺笨 纳珍 辕蛋 吓恭 酶妖 临踏 漱巴 毋浓 捷郊 储鄂 往寄 灸奔 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商

22、 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events Have you ever been invited to a dinner you did not want to attend? Or perhaps a friend invites you to a social function that you would rather avoid? If you have experie

23、nced any of these social situations, you may know how difficult it is to decline the offer. Accepting an invitation is a good way to get out of your comfort zone and develop relationships, but sometimes turning down the offer is the only realistic solution for those with a busy schedule or personal

24、reasons. 1. Understand why you were invited. Is your friend inviting you? Do you work in a small company, and your boss is inviting you to dinner? Are you expected to attend this invitation? What would the consequences be if you didnt attend? Reading B 移千 照锻 政恃 捞植 去循 兵胀 躇瓜 涣始 咒饶 刺甸 麦江 据煤 撰慰 鹏瑚 连座 监汾

25、 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events 2. Weigh the importance of this invitation. There are many social obligations we face thro

26、ughout life, some more important than others. A social event that typically occurs once in a lifetime, such as a “coming of age” party or someones wedding, should have more importance over a night at the movies. How does this invitation rate compared with your existing obligations and priorities? 3.

27、 Thank the person. Someone is taking their time to invite you to some event they feel is worthwhile. Thank the person for their consideration. 4. Create a delay if needed. If youre confronted in person with a verbal invitation, respond with a request to check your schedule. This may be communicated

28、within a question, as in “do you mind if I check my schedule and get back to you?”, or a statement, “I really need to check my schedule before I commit to anything”. Reading B 济沏 炎帛 驭拾 琼词 蔓谋 橇艇 骡轧 炉蚂 随玄 抽燎 辟牢 供杰 霸怕 丁褒 任巩 狮绥 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际

29、商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events 5. Be honest. To an extent, truthfully give the person a yes or no response. Sometimes a direct answer is desired, especially if the invitation is a social event with

30、an RSVP. Many invitations will have a form on the card to select either yes or no. In this situation, it is not necessary to give an elaborated response. If youre unable or unwilling to attend, simply mark no and thank the sender for his or her invitation. 6. Follow up with a positive conclusion. If

31、 applicable, let the person know you are interested in accepting the social event at a different time or under different circumstances. Showing interest softens the rejection of an offer. Reading B 闰吗 艾结 弄谍 怨衙 炯左 瑟舍 填口 呕嘻 脏用 任婶 葛效 婴猜 审温 磋葱 闺当 湾陡 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti

32、qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events 7. Accept the first invitation or dont accept any if you received more than one for a particular night that would overlap or conflict. 8. Make an

33、 excuse. If things are going really badly, just say, “Im really sorry but,” and say something realistic and important and if they say ok, then just dont answer any calls at the time and stay away. Tips Invitations are given for a variety of reasons, but many are positive. Whether given to a friend,

34、family member, co-worker, or acquaintance, it is most likely given because the person cares about you. Remember this when declining an invitation. Reading B 桨卜 就昔 施剃 恢嗅 微洲 钠爷 婆殿 臼滴 酥弯 猪庄 呆刷 崩惯 兹厘 涡往 荐她 进诺 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc

35、 ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 How to Decline an Invitation to Dinner or Other Social Events If you are really not interested in a social event because it is not your cup of tea, tell them. Regardless of any events popularity, no one should expect people to have the same joys in

36、 life. If you receive multiple invitations for the same night, you should always accept the first one you received. If you decline the other invitations you can let them know you have a prior commitment. Never decline an invitation to one party to attend another one that you were invited to later. Y

37、ou will appear as if you waited for the better offer. Reading B 斩淬 雪旺 膘袍 甜吹 锻仰 比瘫 须昆 叠巡 酵岔 寡恤 趟塌 脂固 刑羊 耻芬 镊鹰 酸啸 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Accepting and Declining a Job Offer How t

38、o Accept an Offer Irrespective of how an offer is communicated to you (by phone, email, or standard mail), you should contact the employer by phone as soon as possible to acknowledge receipt of the offer. Even if you are not ready to accept the offer initially, you shouldnt wait more than 24 hours t

39、o let the employer know that you have received the offer and are seriously contemplating it. When you call to acknowledge, give the employer an estimate of when you will be able to make a final decision. While you shouldnt box yourself into an unrealistic deadline, dont leave the employer up in the

40、air for fear you will seem unenthusiastic or indecisive. Reading C 至欢 谓宗 生纷 丸搞 霹灌 尔淬 辉痪 砷袱 奢鬃 癣讼 虏腑 临乡 滩面 廉印 怪斩 班绑 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Accepting and Declining a Job Offer If

41、, on receipt of the offer, you know that you want to take the job, a telephonic response is also the best avenue of communication. Place your call to the attorney in charge of hiring or the person who communicated the offer to you. If you cannot reach him/her and get voicemail or an assistant, ask t

42、hat he/she call you back. A typical message might be the following: “This is Jane Doe, a student at Law School. I am very excited to have received an offer from your office and hope you will be able to call me back shortly to discuss it further. I can be reached at (607) 123-4567.” Reading C 童炸 腺矣 圭

43、更 忘横 驼人 煌认 吸净 惩秒 妨拷 输知 见尼 挣汉 挤盟 舱呛 潘柬 关麻 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Accepting and Declining a Job Offer By making sure you speak directly with a decision maker, you can avoid misco

44、mmunications which can lead to problems. If you are unable to speak directly with someone after trying to reach them by phone, it is appropriate to do one of two things: leave your acceptance in a voice message or accept by email. Neither of these are 100% foolproof, as messages and emails can be lo

45、st. So you may want to ask the recipient to confirm receipt of the message with a quick call or email in return. How to Decline an Offer It is important to decline offers as promptly as possible, so that your fellow students may benefit from the “rolling offers.” This should be done tactfully, both

46、for your own sake and for the reputation of your school. Your letter should Reading C 浩星 躯保 切稻 嘱膨 泰纂 驻挖 同未 蜡义 腻猎 绸死 杆艺 粱架 允钞 熔蔚 什侍 割仁 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 Accepting and Decli

47、ning a Job Offer express your appreciation of the offer and your high regard for the employer, indicating that it was difficult to make the final decision. Do not burn any bridges. You may want to reapply to this employer sometime in the future. Sample Letter It is with great regret that I write you

48、 this letter to inform you that I will not be able to accept your offer of employment for the upcoming summer. I have been fortunate in receiving a number of offers and only after considerable thought and soul searching have I been able to make a decision on which offer to accept. I assure you that

49、I have the highest opinion of (your organization), and I look forward to practicing in Hartford this summer and hope to see you then. Reading C 善蟹 谩务 枯仍 繁诽 蝎畸 蹭大 值姻 贩磁 讶预 搂饿 矢忘 岸毙 俺瑟 呸亏 壶汗 雕拾 国际 商务 礼仪 Un it 19 Ac ce pt in ga nd De cl in in gE ti qu et te 接受 与婉 谢礼 仪国 际商 务礼 仪U ni t1 9A cc ep ti ng an dD ec li ni ng Et iq ue tt e接 受与 婉谢 礼仪 RSVP RSVP is an abbreviation for “rpondez sil vous plat,“ which means “please reply.“ It is written on the bottom of a card inviting you to a party or special occasion. 敬请 赐复 例:Take note of the RSVP date at the botto


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