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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学三级(B)分类模拟284大学三级(B)分类模拟284Writing问题:1. 写一则海报:精彩的国际足球比赛,中国对日本,比赛时间2014年1月18日下午3点,地点在北京体育馆,票价是25元一张。请到接待处订票,电话是0104679561。欢迎前往为双方加油。答案:You wont want to miss this! EXCELLENT INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL MATCH China vs. Japan PLACE: the Beijing stadium (gymnasiu

2、m) TIME: 3:00 p.m. January 18, 2014 FARE: 25 yuan/ticket TEL: 0104679561 Please book tickets at the Reception Office. Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams! 问题:2. 海报常用语句翻译。 1.由我校外语系主办的英语演讲比赛将于下周一进行。 2.报名时间为9月30日到10月1日。 3.订票请拨打电话0102278196。 4.好机会别错过。 5.届时欢迎大家光临。 答案:1. Organized by the F

3、oreign Language Department, an English-Speaking contest will be held on next Monday. 2. The time for signing up is from September 30 to October 1. 3. Please contact the number 0102278196 for tickets. 4. Dont miss such a good opportunity. 5. All are welcome to be present at that time. 问题:3. 写作:球讯。 由外

4、语系学生会主办,本周五下午4:30我系和计算机系篮球队在本校篮球场进行友谊比赛。欢迎大家观看助兴。 海报日期:2014年4月9日 答案:Basketball Match We are going to have a basketball match with the Computer Department on the basketball court at 4:30 p.m. this Friday. Welcome all students to watch the match. The Student Union April 9th, 2014 问题:4. 小王因为感冒发高烧不能上今天上

5、午的课。医生建议他今天卧床休息。请以小王的名义写一张请假条给他的老师Miss Liu。答案:June 2nd, 2014Dear Miss Liu, I am sorry that I am unable to attend the classes this morning because of a bad cold and high fever. Enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who advised me to stay in bed today. I will go back to school as soon as I recover

6、. Yours respectfully, Xiao Wang 问题:5. 李梅有两张电影票。她去宿舍找王林,王林碰巧不在。请以李梅的名义给王林写一张留言条,约他晚上7点在电影院门口碰头。答案:9:00 a.m., April 5Dear Wang Lin, I came to your dormitory to meet you, but you happened to be out. I have two tickets for the recent movie. I will be waiting for you at 7:00 p.m. at the gate of the movie

7、 theater. Li Mei 问题:6. John Smith先生在2014年6月2日下午3点钟打电话找李先生,想要告知他第二天开会的事情。但李先生不在,他同事Jane接的电话。John Smith先生希望李先生回他电话13335111458,假如你是Jane,请写一份电话留言。答案:Telephone Message Date: June 2, 2014 Time: 3:00 p.m. From: John Smith To: Mr. Li Message: John Smith called you to tell you something about tomorrows meeting, but you happened to be out. He would like you to call him back at 13335111458. Signed/Taken by: Jane 5 / 5


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