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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全大学三级(B)分类模拟198大学三级(B)分类模拟198Reading ComprehensionTask 1 When you visit a European family in winter, youd better not take off your coat as soon as you enter the house. Because that means you will stay for a long time, which will make the host feel nervous

2、. So you should wait until the host asks, May I take your coat? If you are lucky enough to arrive to a formal dinner party in Paris, you should mind your manner. Even your finest manners may not be correct by French customs. For example, it is not polite to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand, bec

3、ause the hostess will deal with finding a vase when she is too busy to do that. Though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle of wine to a dinner party. Why? Its as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand, and thats an insult. You may, however, offer a box of chocola

4、te which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee. Another thing you should remember: it is not polite to use the bathroom in a private house. Once seated at the table, guests must never get up and leave the tablenot to go to the bathroom, not to help the hostess in the kitchen, and not to ser

5、ve or clear. 1. The finest manners in China may _ in France.A.be the sameB.be the worst mannersC.not be suitableD.help you a lot答案:C解析 推理题。从第2段第2句“Even yourfinest manners.”可以推断出答案是选项C:你的行为 举止(在国内)很得体,但对于法国人来说,可能未必。2. You should not take off your coat on arriving at a French house, because _.A.the co

6、at will make the house dirtyB.it will bring bad luck to the hostC.you will catch a coldD.it will make the host nervous答案:D解析 细节题。从第1段第1、第2句可以知道,如果客人一进门就脱大衣意味着客人会待很长时间,这会让主人感到很紧张。3. What can you bring to the dinner party as a gift?A.Some candies.B.A cup of coffee.C.A box of chocolate.D.A bottle of wi

7、ne.答案:C解析 细节题。见第4段最后一句:“You may, however, offer a box of chocolate which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.”一般来说,晚餐后会喝咖啡,所以你带一盒巧克力作为礼物送给女主人比较贴心。4. Why is it impolite to bring a gift of flowers in hand to a dinner party in France?A.Because no one likes flowers in France.B.Because the hos

8、tess will be too busy to find a vase.C.Because the host has no vase at home.D.Because flowers mean bad luck in France.答案:B解析 语义题。本题先要理解impolite的词义,才能正确回答这个问题。第3段的意思是说,如果你带了鲜花作为礼物,会让主人在很忙的状况下去找花瓶插花,这显然是不太礼貌的行为。5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.It is polite to use the bathroom in a pr

9、ivate house.B.In France people usually have coffee after a dinner.C.You should never help the hostess in the kitchen.D.French people like wine.答案:A解析 是非题。最后一段第一句说,你应记住一件事,那就是在私人住宅赴宴时使用洗手间是不礼貌的行为。选项A与句子意思相反。Task 2 Peter Fern was mad on mountains. Climbing was the love of his life. Church towers, seas

10、ide cliffs, rock faces, ice mountains, anything- if its there he used to say, then I want to climb it. So the news of his marriage gave me a surprise. Id never known him to take much interest in girls. Well, well, Peter Fern a married man. I couldnt get over it. I wondered whether his wife would try

11、 to stop some of his risky adventures. She was French perhaps-from that place where he usually spent his holidays. Chamonixm, wasnt it? From Chamonix hes climbed Mont Blanc on his 17th birthday, and one of the Aifuilles the day after. That was it, then: she was French from a family, most of whom lik

12、e climbing. No doubt. No other explanation. A month later I met them both in town. Anna surprised me because she was English. She was a dancer in the theatre. Never climbed more than 60 steps in my life. She told me. Peter has his interests, and Ive got mine. No problems. No problems. None at all, P

13、eter said, smiling. Where did you spend your honeymoon? I flew to New York to see the Drake Dancers on Broadway. A wonderful show. Peter said, I didnt want to miss the good weather. So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north face of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop. Great fun, the Eiger. Grand place

14、a honeymoon. Ill show you the photographs we took one day. 1. Peter was mad on mountains. means _.A.he enjoyed to climb mountainsB.he was angry on mountainsC.he lost his senses on mountainsD.he enjoyed climbing mountains very much答案:D解析 “be mad on sth”意思是“对某事极感兴趣或非常入迷”。“enjoy”后一般接名词或动名词才表示“喜爱,热爱”,所以

15、选D。2. The risky adventures means _.A.expensive adventuresB.dangerous adventuresC.terrible adventuresD.unkind adventures答案:B解析 此题属词义辨析题。“risky”表示“充满危险或风险的”,故选B。3. According to the passage, after Peters marriage _.A.he would stop mountain climbing because his wife didnt like itB.his wife would stop hi

16、m from mountain climbingC.he himself would give up his loveD.Peter would continue to keep his love and so he did答案:D解析 根据文章第三段的描述,婚后彼得有自己的兴趣爱好,而妻子也有自己的爱好,两人互不干扰:就彼得的蜜月旅行来看,他们也确实做到了这样。4. The writer had thought the only mason why Fern was married was that the girl _.A.might be French living near the m

17、ountain, and from a mountaineer familyB.would not stop his climbingC.perhaps came from FrenchD.might live near the mountain答案:A解析 根据文章第二段作者的揣测,彼得结婚的理由应该是新娘来自法国,来自一个喜欢攀登的家庭,此外别无可能。5. Peter and Annas marriage is probably _.A.a failure because neither of them likes the others loveB.happy because each o

18、f them respects the others loveC.painful because either of them would do ones own thingD.a mistake because either of them wouldnt care the others love答案:B解析 根据文章第三段两人的叙述及他们使用的形容词“wonderful”、“great”等,可以推测他们的婚姻肯定很幸福美满,最起码是“No problems”。Task 3 Miracle of the Forest When you walk into a National Forest,

19、 you really believe you are the first person who has ever been here. Funny thing is, you are not. These forests have been used for over a hundred years. From this timber stand, settlers used wood to build their homes. And ties were cut for the railroad. Hard to believe, isn t it? But that s the Mira

20、cle of the Forest. With careful management these forests have re newed themselves, year after year, providing us with all kinds of benefits. And that s why we call them Forever Forests. Come to see for yourself! And get involved with the new Forests For Us program and tell people all about the Mirac

21、le of the Forest. For more information write: Forest for US, P. O, Box 2000, Washington, DC 20013. Miracle of the Forest Duration that has been used: 1 . Usage of the forest:1. 2 .for the building of houses 2. 3 for the railroad The reason that we call them Forever Forests: 1. 4 themselves with care

22、ful management 2. providing us with lots of 5 year after year 1.答案:a hundred years2.答案:wood3.答案:ties4.答案:renewed5.答案:benefitsTask 4ADo prepare well for the interview by researching the organization and identifying the key skills you can bring to the job. BDo consider using interview coaching to impr

23、ove the way you come across others. CDo look your prospective employers in the eye when greeting them - one of their major concerns will be how you will fit in. DDo be prepared to answer wide-ranging questions about your views and values. EDo be clear in your own mind about whether the job matches y

24、our personal values and needs before your accept any offer. FDont be too passive about your answer. Modesty is all very well, but you have to demonstrate that you can make a major contribution to the organization. GDont show too much interest in the salary, leave entitlements or the make of the comp

25、any car. 1. _问候你未来的雇主时,看着他们的眼睛。他们所主要关心的一件事就是你如何适应新工作。答案:C2. _在接受任何工作之前,想清楚该工作是否符合你的个人价值观和实际需要。答案:E3. _考虑参加面试辅导,改进与他人交流的方式。答案:B4. _准备就自己的观点和价值观回答各类问题。答案:D5. _不要对薪金、假期和公车品牌表现出过多的兴趣。答案:GTask 5There are many ways of putting out a fire. You may have seen people put out burning cigarettes by stepping on t

26、hem. Stepping on a burning cigarette shuts off the air and puts out the fire. Many fires are put out with water. Water cools the material that is burning. It helps smother (闷熄) a fire, too. Some of the water is changed into steam when it strikes the hot fire. The steam shuts off air from the fire an

27、d helps put it out. Some fires cannot be put out with water. They have to be smothered with sand or with chemicals of some kind, such as those used in some fire extinguishers (灭火器). Suppose a tank full of gasoline is on fire. Gasoline is lighter than water. If you poured water into the tank of gasol

28、ine, the water would sink to the bottom of the tank. The gasoline would float on top of the water and would probably keep on burning. If you keep on putting water on the fire, the gasoline would flow over the edge of the tank. Then the fire would spread. 1. What are the major ways of putting out fir

29、es as mentioned in the passage? With water, _. 答案:sand or chemicals解析 文章最后一段主要是介绍用沙或化学物质灭火,从最后一段第二句“They have to be smothered with sand or with chemicals of some kind, such as those used in some fire extinguishers. ”可以得到答案。2. Why can water put out a fire? Water _ on fire and the steam shuts off air.

30、 答案:cools the material解析 从第三段第二句“Water cools the material that is burning. ”可以得到答案。3. What cant be used to put out gasoline fires? _. 答案:Water解析 最后一段首先说明有些火不能用水扑灭,后来就以装满汽油的油箱着火为例,说明水在此时不能用于灭火,故答案应填入water。4. What will happen if you put water into the tank of gasoline? The water will sink _ of the tank. 答案:to the bottom解析 从最后一段的倒数第四行“.the water would sink to the bottom of the tank. ”可以得到答案。5. What is the best title for the passage? How to _ a Fire. 答案:Put Out解析 文章开始就说明有多种灭火的方法,之后分段进行介绍。从第一句“There are many ways of putting out a fire. ”可以得到答案。 13 / 13


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