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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全贵州省专升本英语分类模拟6贵州省专升本英语分类模拟6Part Reading ComprehensionTask 1 We have recently heard a great deal about the bad effects of computers on our social and economic institutions. In industry, computers mean automation, and automation means unemployment. The Unit

2、ed States, with its extravagant investment in computers, is plagued (使得灾祸,烦恼) by unemployment for unskilled workers. Already computers have begun to displace workers whose tasks are simple. The variety of jobs, formerly done only by humans, that the machine can perform more rapidly, accurately, and

3、economically, increases with each new generation of computers. If we follow this trend, say the pessimists (悲观主义者), we are faced with the prospect of mass unemployment for all but a handful of highly trained, highly intelligent professionals, who will then be more influential and overworked than the

4、y are now. Only recently a distinguished English physicist predicted that within twenty years electronic engineers might have to become conscientious objectors in order to prevent these machines from wrecking out (使遭难,破坏) social and economic institutions. What can we do about it? It is foolish to dr

5、eam of reversing history. We cannot pass laws forbidding the advancement of science and technology. The computing machines are here, and they will grow because engineers want to build them, soldiers want to enlist them in new weapon systems and politicians want their help in the process of governmen

6、t. In short, they will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken, no matter how many unskilled laborers we might have set to work. Computers will continue to amplify our intelligence for just the same reason that engines continue to amplify our

7、muscles. The question we must ask is not whether we shall have computers or not have computers, but rather, since we are going to have them, how we can make the most humane and intelligent use of them. 1. The author insists that _.A.computers will continue to have bad effects on our social and econo

8、mic institutionsB.computers will continue to cause mass unemploymentC.computers will lead to economic controlsD.computers will continue to flourish, but there is no cause for pessimism答案:D解析 推理判断题。根据文中最后一段“The computing machines are here, and they will grow because engineers want to build them, sold

9、iers want to enlist them in new weapon systems and politicians want their help in the process of government”,可知D为正确答案。2. According to the article, which of the following best characterizes the authors attitude towards the computer?A.Extremely pessimistic.B.Cautiously optimistic.C.Extremely optimisti

10、c.D.Cautiously pessimistic.答案:C解析 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第五句“In short, they will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken”可以推断出作者对此是相当乐观的,故选C。3. The author suggests that computers will continue to grow and flourish because _.A.it is foolish and impossib

11、le to reverse historyB.no laws can forbid the advancement of science and technologyC.engines amplify our musclesD.they can be and have been put to good use答案:D解析 推理判断题。根据文中最后一段“Computers will continue to amplify our intelligence for just the same reason that engines continue to amplify our muscles”可

12、推知应选D。4. The main idea of the last paragraph is _.A.that computers are misleadingB.that computers have caused industrial strifeC.that we are able to build bigger and faster computersD.that we can make the most humane and intelligent use of computers答案:D解析 主旨大意题。由文章最后一句话“.we must ask is not.but rathe

13、r, since we are going to have them, how we can make the most humane and intelligent use of them”可知应选D。5. Conscientious objectors in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _.A.people who refuse to do something for moral reasonsB.objects in the minds of the engineersC.pessimists who find the who

14、le situation hopelessD.machines that can prevent computers from ruining us答案:A解析 词语理解题。首先conscientious objector的字面意思就是“正直的反对者”;再根据第一段最后一句话“electronic engineers might have to become conscientious objectors in order to prevent these machines from wrecking out (使遭难,破坏) social and economic institutions”

15、所提示的语境可知选A。Task 2 When young people get their first real jobs, they face a lot of new, confusing situations. They may find that everything is different from the way things were at school. It is also possible that they will feel uncomfortable and insecure in both professional and social situations. E

16、ventually, they realize that university classes cant be the only preparation for all of the different situations that arise in the working world. Perhaps the best way to learn how to behave in the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior. By doing so, you will be abl

17、e to see what it is that you admire in this person. For example, you will observe how he acts in a crisis. Perhaps even more important, you will be able to see what his approach to day-to-day situations is. While you are observing your colleague, you should be asking yourself whether his behavior is

18、 like yours and how you can learn from his responses to a variety of situations. By watching and learning from a model, you will probably begin to identify and adopt good working habits. 1. The young people who just graduated from school may not behave well in the working world because _.A.they were

19、 not well educated at schoolB.what they learn in university classes is not adequate for their new lifeC.the society is too complicated to adapt toD.they failed to work hard at school答案:B考点 事实细节题解析 在本文第一段前几句作者描述了刚毕业的年轻人会在工作中感到迷茫、不适应等,接着又在本段最后一句“Eventually,they realize that university classes cant be

20、the only preparation for all of the different situations.”给出了出现这种情况的原因,即大学课程不能作为工作中出现的各种情况的唯一准备。选项中只有B项是对本句的完整诠释。2. The underlined word arise in Para. 1 means _.A.come into beingB.bring aboutC.go upD.cause to happen答案:A考点 词语理解题解析 分析arise所在的语境可知,that所引导的从句是修饰先行词the different situations的定语从句。由此可推出此句意思

21、为“在工作中出现的各种情况”。因此arise意为“形成,出现”。故A项正确。3. The best way to learn how to behave in the working world is _.A.to find a worker and follow him closelyB.to find a person you respect and see how he acts in different situationsC.to find a person you admire and make friends with himD.to make the acquaintance

22、of a model you admire答案:B考点 事实细节题解析 文章第二段第一句“Perhaps the best way to learn how to behave in the working world is to identify a worker you admire and observe his behavior.”指出,学习在工作中如何表现得最好的方法是找到一位你敬佩的人,并且观察他的行为。并且由接下来作者举的例子也可知,选项B符合题意。4. The purpose of this writing is _.A.to offer career guide to you

23、ng peopleB.to tell young people the importance of the first jobC.to instruct young people how to communicate with peopleD.to advise young people on good working habits答案:D考点 主旨大意题解析 本文作者从应届毕业生在实际工作中出现的问题入手,给出了应对的办法,即文章中提到的最好途径,可以推断这其实是要他们形成好的工作习惯。故D项正确。A、B、C三项均不符合题意。5. The passage could be best enti

24、tled _.A.Learn, Learn and Learn AgainB.One Is Never Too Old to LearnC.Learn from a ModelD.Learn Forever答案:C考点 主旨大意题解析 由文章大意及以上题目的分析可知,本文主要讲述了应届毕业生应对新工作的最好办法是寻找一个典范,细心观察并模仿之,C项即是文章中心思想的总体概括。故选C。Task 3 Anthropology(人类学) is the study of how people live. It includes their family life, religion, art, law

25、s and language. The term anthropology comes from two Greek words: anthropos means human being and logy means the science of. Anthropology can be divided into two areas. These two main divisions are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology. Culture includes many things, such as art, religion,

26、laws, and even furniture and movies. Anthropologists define human progress in three main steps. Step one begins with the first human being and continues until the last of the people who hunted animals just to survive. Step two includes people who grew food. In this step, there was progress in invent

27、ion and religion. Step three deals with the first civilizations, such as those in Egypt and parts of Asia. Anthropologists always seek new information about people. For instance, recent evidence found in Ethiopia and Kenya shows humans earlier in history than it was previously believed. 1. According

28、 to the passage, anthropology is the study of _.A.family life, religion and artB.the differences between science and artsC.human beingsD.different cultures答案:C考点 推理判断题解析 根据第一段第一句“Anthropology is the study of how people live.”和第三句“The term anthropology comes from two Greek words: anthropos means huma

29、n being.”可推知,人类学是一门研究人类的学科。故选C。2. Which of the following belongs to the second step of human progress? _A.Progress was made in religion and invention.B.Humans hunted animals just to survive.C.The first civilization came into being.D.People started to learn science and arts.答案:A考点 事实细节题解析 根据第二段第三、四句“

30、Step two includes.In this step, there was progress in invention and religion.”可知,答案为A。3. Which of the following statements is true? _A.Furniture and movies belong to physical anthropology.B.Anthropologists are still trying to get new findings about people.C.The study of human beings began in Egypt a

31、nd parts of Asia.D.The first civilization appeared only in Egypt and parts of Asia.答案:B考点 事实细节题解析 根据第一段最后一句“Culture includes.and even furniture and movies.”可知,选项A错误;根据第三段第一句“Anthropologists always seek new information about people.”可知,选项B正确;根据第二段最后一句可知,选项C、D错误。故选B。4. According to the passage, what h

32、ave anthropologists recently found? _A.There are cultural anthropology and physical anthropology.B.There are three steps in the progress of human beings.C.There were more civilizations in Egypt than in parts of Asia.D.There is a longer history of human beings than it was thought before.答案:D考点 事实细节题解

33、析 根据文章最后一句“.recent evidence found in Ethiopia and Kenya shows humans earlier in history than it was previously believed.”可知,最近人类学家发现,人类的历史比之前人们普遍认为的还要长。故选D。5. Which could be the best title for the passage? _A.AnthropologyB.The Progress of Human BeingsC.The CivilizationsD.The Study of Anthropologists

34、答案:A考点 主旨大意题解析 文章开篇讲了人类学的研究对象,接着讲述了其对人类发展研究的三个阶段,最后提出了最近的研究成果。所以全文的关键词应是“anthropology”。故选A。Task 4 Car servicing is something that every car owner has to experience at least some time of the year. The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and have the servicing done met

35、hodically (有条理地) according to your car maker. Consider this: Your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage (里程) figures indicate that you need to have it serviced. Certainly, this is the right thing to do but have you wondered what actually goes in to make you pay that servicing bill every 6 m

36、onths? Servicing your car is a simple DIY (Do It Yourself) job that you can learn quickly and easily to save some good money. If you have never serviced your car before personally, heres your resource: Car servicing essentially means inspecting the car thoroughly for any damaged components, and repl

37、acing some parts regularly that wear out over time. If you review carefully it is certainly possible to do all this by yourself, as below: You will need a complete set of tools as provided by your car maker when you purchased the vehicle. This will usually consist of all the spanners (扳手) that you m

38、ight need. Completely servicing your car will need a few hours but you will end up saving a lot of money. Besides, its fun too and a lot of learning. 1. What is the best way to service your car?A.To service your car by yourself.B.To turn to other car owners for help.C.To send your car back to the ca

39、r maker.D.To have your car serviced at the service station.答案:D解析 事实细节题。根据文章第一段第二句“The best method to service your car is to go to your car service station and.”可知检修的最好方法是去服务站,因此选D。2. What indicates that your car needs servicing?A.Weather conditions.B.Gas consumption.C.Mileage figures.D.Servicing bi

40、lls.答案:C解析 事实细节题。根据文章第一段第三句“Consider this: Your car is up and running smoothly but the mileage figures indicate that you need to have it serviced”可知,虽然汽车运行正常,但是里程数显示你需要对汽车进行保养,故本题应选C。3. Why does the author suggest servicing your car by yourself?A.It is money-saving and easy to learn.B.It is a simple

41、 way to save energy.C.It is convenient and challenging.D.It is done more efficiently.答案:A解析 事实细节题。根据文章第二段“Servicing your car is a simple DIY job that you can learn quickly and easily to save some good money”可知,servicing your car by yourself is money-saving and easy to learn(自己保养汽车简单易学,节省费用)。4. Some

42、component parts should be replaced regularly because _.A.they are outdatedB.they need to be oiledC.they become worn outD.they are easily available答案:C解析 事实细节题。根据文章第四段第一句“Car servicing essentially means.and replacing some parts regularly that wear out over time”可知,零件磨损才是主要原因,故选C。5. What is included i

43、n the set of tools provided by the car maker for self-servicing?A.Spare parts.B.Cleaning brushes.C.Measuring meters.D.All kinds of spanners.答案:D解析 事实细节题。根据文章第五段第二句“This will usually consist of all the spanners that you might need”可知,那套工具中应包含所需要的各种扳手。故选D。Part Writing问题:1. Directions: For this part, y

44、oure required to write a composition on the topic On the Low- carbon Life. You should write at least 120 words, and your composition should be based on the outline given in Chinese below and write your composition on the Answer Sheet. Outline: (1)目前人们很崇尚低碳生活; (2)低碳生活的重要性; (3)怎样创建低碳生活。 答案:On the Low-

45、carbon Life Recently, it is very popular to live a low-carbon life. It not only results from the promotion of the government but also rises out of the peoples heart. Living a low-carbon life is of great importance to every one. First of all, it can protect the environment to a great extent. Second,

46、it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring. Third, it is a healthy lifestyle and will help create a harmonious social atmosphere. Therefore, how to create a low-carbon life is necessary for us to consider. To begin with. we should save the energy, such as the electricity, water and domestic gas. Second, when we go out we should take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving a car. Third, we should not use the plastic bags which are hard to break down. If so, we can live a low-carbon life and gain the happiness of it. 16 / 16


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