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1、外研新标准 初三上,Unit 3 Language in use,Module 11 Population,Objectives:,To understand and apply: the articles(a/an/the) and big numbers,1. Beijing is a big city. 2. Chongqing is the biggest city in China. 3. But an increasing population is an environmental problem in many countries.,Observe,Are you famili

2、ar with these sentences? Please pay attention to the articles.,4. The small local school in Parkville closed down. 5. Arnwick needs larger hospitals and more doctors, better public transport and fewer private cars. 6. Jamie Oliver is a young cook who wants to improve school dinners. 7. Jamie asked t

3、he children what their meals were like.,8. Im in with a chance to win. 9. He is the photographer who won the photo competition last time. 10.Weve just got an email from a reader of our New Standard! 11. The messages were in very simple text without photos.,Guessing Game,1. to test your sense of obse

4、rvation 2. to test your ability of short-term memory 3. to test your ability of inductive method,1. Beijing is _ big city. 2. Chongqing is _ biggest city in China. 3. But _ increasing population is _ environmental problem in many countries. 4. _small local school in Parkville closed down. 5. Arnwick

5、 needs larger hospitals and more doctors, better public transport and fewer private _cars.,a,the,an,an,The,6. Jamie Oliver is _ young cook who wants to improve school dinners. 7. Jamie asked _ children what their meals were like. 8. Im in with _chance to win. 9. He is _ photographer who won _ photo

6、competition last time. 10.Weve just got _ email from _reader of our New Standard! 11._ messages were in very simple text without photos.,a,the,a,the,the,an,a,The,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解, 下面就让我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一步选择讲解该语法项的重难点。,语法讲解,1. 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使 用,也没有词义,它用在名词 的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。,2. 冠词分为不定冠词a/an 和定冠词t

7、he两种。,Articles 冠词,分析:a和an均用于单数可数名词之前,表示一类人或事物中的“任何”一个,相当于汉语中的“一”,但不用于强调数目的概念。,不定冠词的用法,例1:Jacks father is _ doctor. A. a B. an C. some D. /,例2: There is _ “f” and _ “u” in the word “four”. A. an, a B. a, a C. an, an D. a, an,分析:在名词前使用a或an要取决于该名词的读音。如果首字母的读音是元音因素,应用an;如果首字母的读音是辅音音素,应用a。,1. a, e, i, o,

8、 u五个元音字母处于词首 时,未必都是元音音素,u 发音 ju:或ju前面用冠词a, u读时 前面用冠词an。,2. 26个字母中以开头为元音音素发音 的字母有:f ef, h eit, l el, n en, r a:, s es, x eks 。 There is an “R” in the word. This is a European country. European词首字母不发音, j是辅 音音素。 This is a one-eyed dog. one w是辅音音素。,例3:-Why not take _ friend with you? -Thats _ good idea.

9、 A. a, a B. the, the C. a, the D. the, a,分析:使用不定冠词指某人或某物,但不具体说明是 何人或何物。,例4: Take the medicine three times _ day. A. a B. the C. an D./,分析:使用不定冠词表示单位,fifty miles an hour 意为“每小时50公里”,twice a week 意为“每周两次”。,例5: English is _language. It is _ important tool. A. a, a B. a, an C. the, an D. a, /,分析:a langu

10、age意为“一种语言”。language是可数名词。,例6: _ steel worker makes steel. A./ B. A C. This D. That,分析:a(an)放于单数的可数名词前表 示“一类”。该句中 a steel worker是指 钢铁工人们。表示一类有三种方式: A bike is slower than a car. The bike is slower than the car. Bikes are slower than cars.,例7:Tom has _ high fever and his mother is looking after him. A

11、. a B. the C. an D./,分析: 表示生什么病前应用a, have a headache, have a cold。,例8:Mary takes _ walk after supper every day. A. the B. a C. / D. one,分析: give, take, have与一些动词名 词化的词连用,表示一次动作,名 词前要加a。 have a talk (bath, look); make a living (promise); take a swim (walk, rest) give a talk (whistle, smile),例9:The ol

12、d woman had_ fire in her room. A. the B. / C. a D. this,分析: 抽象名词和物质名词的具体化时,该名词前要加a。 It is a great joy to study at this college. This kind of wood can make into a good paper. He made a living by selling newspaper.,例1: There is _bridge over the river. _ bridge is made of stone. A. a, A B. a, The C. th

13、e, The D. the, A,分析: 文章中第一次出现的可数名词 前用a(an)。下次再出现此名词则用the。 I have a little bird. The bird is yellow.,定冠词的用法,例2: _ old workers under that tree are from Shanghai. A. The B. An C. This D. That,分析:名词后有表示范围、地点的介词短语限定时, 名词前应加the来表示特指。 The boys here are interested in sports.,例3: _ first one sat down and the

14、 second stood up. A. The B. A C. One D. An,分析: 序数词前表示顺序时前加the。 Mary is the third to come in.,例4: Winter is _ coldest season of the year. A. a B. the C./ D. so,分析: 形容词最高级前及Only修饰的名词前均要加 the。 Mary is the only girl who is often late for class.,例5: _ moon moves around _ earth, and they both are smaller

15、than _ sun. A. The, the, the B. A, an, a C. The, an, the D. The, the, a,分析: 定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的物体名词前。,例6: We live in _ south of China. A. the B./ C. a D. some,分析: 表示东、南、西、北方的名词前要加the。 The sun rises in the east.,例7: _ browns are watching TV at home at the moment. A. / B. The C. Mr. D. A,分析: the放于姓氏的复数形式前

16、时,表示一家人或一姓的夫妇二人。,例8: He will go to see you off at _ Railway Station. A. a B. an C. the D. /,分析: the普通名词构成专有名词。 the United Statesthe United Nations the Peoples Republic of China,例9: I was playing _ piano at eight yesterday morning. A. a B. / C. the D. this,分析: play乐器表示弹奏时,该乐器名 词前加 the。 Alice likes to

17、 play the violin while Kate likes to play the flute. 表示数量时可用a。 This is a new piano against the wall.,例10:Our teacher gets up early in _ morning. A. the B. / C. a D. an,分析: 牢记一些含the的习惯用语,在句中用作时间状语。 in the afternoon (evening) in the daytime at the beginningin the end,例11:There is a large ship in _midd

18、le of the river. A. a B. / C. the D. any,分析: 牢记一些含the的习惯用语,在句中用作地点状语。 on the right (left) /in the front of in the middle of the meeting / the forest / at the foot of the hill,例12:Last night we went to _ cinema. A. the B. a C. / D. those,分析: 牢记一些固定搭配: go to the concert (theatre),例13: _ young should c

19、are for and help _ old. A. The, a B. The, the C. A, the D. An, an,分析: the形容词(形容词名词化) 表示一类人或事物。 the poor / the rich / the sick / the beautiful,例14: The small town lies on _ Yangtzi River. A. a B. an C. / D. the,分析: 定冠词the用在江河、海洋、 山脉、湖泊、群岛名称的前面。 the Dead Sea / the Black Sea the North China Plain 华北平原,

20、例1:Paper is made of _ bamboo. A. a B. the C. / D. that,分析: 物质名词和抽象名词前一般不加冠词。 Wood can be made into chairs and tables. Iron is a kind of metal.,零冠词的用法,例2: _ January is the first month of the year. A. The B. A C. / D. That,分析: 表示节日、月份的名词前一般 不加the。Spring is coming. He was born in December. 如果表示有某年限定的季节

21、和月份时,季节和月份前要加the。 He was born in the Summer of 1964.,例3: We have no classes _ Sundays. A. the B. these C. D. those,分析: 表示一周中七日的名称前一般不加冠词。,例4: I studies _English in_ England. A. /, / B. an, the C. an, an D. /, the,分析: 学科前和国名、洲名前一般不加 冠词。 learn Chinese (maths, physics, chemistry) China is in Asia. in G

22、ermany (Japan) in Africa (Europe ),例5: They often take a walk in _ Hyde Park. A. the B. a C. / D. this,分析: 在一些专有名词(地名、节假日)之前不加冠词。 Christmas Day New years Eve National Day Childrens Day Teachers Day Wall Street,例6:The thief was thrown into _ prison. A. the B. a C. this D. /,分析: 表示某一概念,而不是某具体工作的部门时,名词

23、前不加冠词。,背会下列词组: go to work (college, school, hospital, church) 去上班 be in school (hospital, bed, prison) 在学校 go to school / go to the school 上这所学校 go to bed / be on the bed 东西摆在床上 go to class (be in class) / be in the class 在教室里,例7: He doesnt have _ breakfast at home. A. a B. the C. this D. /,分析: 表示三餐

24、的名词前不加冠词,如果前面有形容词修饰该词,表示 “一顿的饭”,可加a。 have a big supper (nice lunch),例8:We go to work by _ bus. A. / B. a C. the D. one,分析: 表示交通工具的手段时,用by名词表示,该名词前不用冠词。by bike (taxi, car, train, plane, spaceship)或by sea (water, air, land) 如果用介词in或on,名词前要加冠词或物主代词。,例9: _ running is good. A. The B. A C. / D. An,分析: 动名词

25、前一般不用冠词。 Walking on the moon is difficult. Seeing is believing.,例10:These boys play _ football after class. A. a B. the C. that D. /,分析: 球类、棋类、游戏名称前不加冠词。,例11:The students of _ Grade One are having a meeting. A. these B. / C. a D. an,分析: 名词数词表示顺序时,前面不加冠词the;序数词名词表示顺序数,序数词前加冠词the。 turn to page 3 / the

26、 third page Lesson One / the first lesson gate Five / the fifth Gate,例12:There is no _ book on the desk. A. the B. a C. an D. /,分析: 名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、名词所有格或any和no时,均不再用冠词。如: no books, not a book, not any books,例13:He often works late at _ night. A. / B. the C. a D. all,分析: 表示时间或地点的一些介词名词的词组和一些固定词组中

27、,均不加冠词。 at home, in town, at noon, at daybreak, in trouble, in danger, in fact等。,注意: 有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同。如: 1) at table 在吃饭 at the table 在桌子旁 2) in class 在上课 in the class 在班级中,3) go to school 去上学 go to the school 到那所学校去 4) go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 到床那边去 5) in front of 在的前面 in the front of 在的前部

28、,1. 表示一类人或事物中的“任何” 一个,相当于汉语中“一”, 但不用于强调数目的概念。 2. 指某人或某物,但不具体说明 是何人或何物。 3. 表示单位。 4. 表示“一类”。,不定冠词的用法,Summary,1. 文章中第一次出现的可数名词前 用a /an。下次再出现此名词时。 2. 名词后有表示范围、地点的介词 短语限定时。 3. 序数词前表示顺序时。 4. 形容词最高级前及only修饰的名词 前。 5. 定冠词用于表示世界上独一无二的 物体名词前。,定冠词的用法,6. 表示东、南、西、北方的名词前 7. 姓氏的复数形式前时,表示一家人 或一姓的夫妇二人。 8. the普通名词构成专有

29、名词。 9. play乐器表示弹奏时,该乐器名 词前加 the。 10. the形容词(形容词名词化) 表示一类人或事物。 11. 定冠词the用在江河、海洋、山脉、 湖泊、群岛名称的前面。,1. 物质名词和抽象名词前一般不加冠词。 2. 表示节日、月份的名词前一般不加the。 3. 表示一周中七日的名称前一般不加冠词。 4. 学科前和国名、洲名前一般不加冠词。 5. 在一些专有名词(地名、节假日) 之前不加冠词。 6. 表示某一概念,而不是某具体工作的 部门时,名词前不加冠词。 7. 表示三餐的名词前不加冠词。,零冠词的用法,8. 表示交通工具的手段时,用by名词表 示,该名词前不用冠词。

30、9. 动名词前一般不用冠词。 10. 球类、棋类、游戏名称前不加冠词。 11.名词前有物主代词、指示代词、不定代 词、名词所有格或any和 no时,均不再 用冠词。 12.表示时间或地点的一些介词名词的词 组和一些固定词组中,均不加冠词。 13.家庭成员的称呼、称呼语或只一人担任 的职务名词前不用冠词。,中考链接,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,1. Is _ dictionary on the desk yours? No, I dont have _ English-Chinese dictionary. (2013呼和浩特) A. the; an B. an; the C. an;

31、an D. the; the 2. Excuse me, is there _ book by Mo Yan? Yes. Its on _ bookshelf over there. (2013扬州) A. a; B. a; the C.; the D. the; a,3. A: I enjoyed the performance very much. B: Yes, it was really good. I think _ boy in white was the best actor.(2013广州) A. a B. an C. the D. 4. A good beginning ma

32、kes _ good ending. (2013温州) Aa B. an C. the D. ,中考链接,中考链接,5. How is _ film you saw last night? You mean _ one, Lost in Thailand? Thats wonderful! (2013四川内江) A. a; the B. the; the C. the, D. ;the 6. Does Heze have _ airport? No, but we can take _ bus to Jinan or Zhengzhou. (2013菏泽) A. an; the B. an;

33、a C. the; a D. a; a,中考链接,7. Whos that girl? You mean _ one with long blond hair?Thats Jacks daughter. (2012贵州毕节) A a B. an C. the D. 8. Be careful! There is _ dog lying on the ground. Thanks a lot. (2012贵州铜仁) A. a B. an C. the D. ,中考链接,9. Victor can play _ piano. He can join the music club. (2012贵州贵

34、阳) A a B. an C. the 10._ new bridge has been built over _ Changjiang River in Huangshi. (2012湖北黄石) A The; a B. A; the C. A; D. An; the,11. The scientists from _ United States lives in _ Ninth Street. (上海市) A. the; the B. /; an C. /; / D. the; / 12. Look! There is _ cat in the tree. (重庆市) A. a B. an

35、C. the D. /,中考链接,13. What does Michael look like? He has big eyes and _ wide mouth. (福建省福州市) A. a B. an C. the 14. How was _ dinner at Mikes house? It was great. Mikes mum is _ wonderful cook. (山东省滨州市) A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; an,中考链接,15. Have you seen _ book? I left it here a moment ag

36、o. Is it _ new English book? I saw it was taken away by John. (甘肃兰州市) A. a, a B. a, the C. the, the D. the, a,中考链接,16. Lucy is _ good girl. She often helps others. (浙江省温州市) A. a B. an C. the D. / 17. Do you know _ man in blue? Yes, hes a professor of _ university. (山东省烟台市) A. the; a B. a; an C. the;

37、 an D. /; the,中考链接,Write a, an or the where necessary.,Mina lives in a-big city. She is (1)_ eighteen-year-old girl. Shes got. (2)_ brother and (3)_ sister. Mina is (4)_ oldest child in (5)_ family. (6)_ city where she lives is very big. (7)_ population is more than 10 million. Mina doesnt have (8)_

38、 education. She has (9)_ job working in (10)_factory. She hopes that one day she will have (11) _chance to go to (12)_school.,an,a,a,the,the,The,The,an,a,a,a,/,Write the words with a, an, no article (/) or in plural form.,1 The (1)_ of many countries is increasing quickly. Because of this, it is dif

39、ficult to provide enough (2)_ which people need.,crime experience hospital job population rubbish traffic,population,jobs,2 People who are ill need places in (1) _. Policemen are also needed to fight (2)_. The cities and countryside need to be clean and free from (3)_. 3 And because of too many cars

40、, trucks and buses, there are a great number of (1)_ problems. This is not right. Living in a city should be an (2)_ which people enjoy, not one which is bad for them.,hospital,crime,rubbish,traffic,experience,Complete the conversation with a, an, the or no article(/).,to me, Venice is / most beauti

41、ful city in / Italy.,To me, Venice is the most beautiful city in Italy.,1 A: were going on / holiday / at/end of / school term 2 B: are you going skiing in /mountains again? 3 A: no, were going to/Sicily 4 B: is that Capital city of Italy? 5 A: no, its / island / off / west coast of / Italy 6 A: all

42、 / people who have been there say its one of/most beautiful places in / world,Were going on holiday at the end of the school term.,Are you going skiing in the mountains again.,No, were going to Sicily.,Is that the capital of Italy?,No, its an island off the west coast of Italy.,All the people who ha

43、ve been there say that its one of the most beautiful places in the world.,在英语中,对于万以上的数字,我们改如何表达呢?这就要记住英语数字读法特点。以下面一个数字为例:,6,500,431,729,hundred,thousand,million,billion,注意每三个数为一个单位,按照百、 十、个向下读。,大数字的表达方法,6,500,431,729,seven hundred and twenty-nine,thousand,million,billion,six billion,five hundred mil

44、lion,four hundred and thirty-one thousand,hundred,Work in pairs. Guess the population of each country in the list. Write the list in order, starting from the largest population.,Australia the Bahamas China United States of America,1,313 ,000,000 297,000,000 20,137,000 303,00,Now, listen and check.,R

45、ead the chart and answer the questions.,1 Which city had the largest population in 2000? 2 Which citys population will increase fastest from 2000 to 2015?,Tokyo had the largest population in 2000.,Mumbais population will increase fastest from 2000 to 2015.,3 Which will be the larger, the increase in

46、 New Yorks population or in Mexico Citys? 4 Which will be smaller, the increase in New Yorks population or Mumbais? 5 Which city / cities do you think will have the biggest population problem? Why?,The increase in Mexicos population will be larger.,The increase in New Yorks population will be smalle

47、r.,Tokyo. Because Tokyos population is the largest in 2000 and it will increase faster.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,city countryside environment hospital illness noise pollution population smoke apace traffic,Our world is facing many problems now. Two of the biggest are the increasing population and pollution.,The (1)_ of the worl


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