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1、1,小学英语时态,2,四种时态,一般现在时 现在进行时 将来时 过去时,3,一般现在时,一般现在时:表示经常性的事情,习惯性的动作或一般性事实。时间状语: often 经常, usually通常, always 总是,every day每天,sometimes 有时等。,4,句子结构:1.主语+is/am/are(be 动词)+其他 2.主语(非单三)+动词原形+其他 3.主语(单三)+动词s或es+其他 非单三:I, you, we, they, 复数。 单三:he, she, it, 单个人(如my father ,your sisiter),单个物(the cat, the dog)。,

2、5,一般现在时,动词变单三: 1) 直接加s, 如: come-comes 2) 以o, x, s, sh, ch 结尾+es , 如: do-does, wash-washes,go-goes 3) 辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i ,+es, 如:fly-flies, worry-worries, carry-carries 4) 特殊: have-has,6,一般现在时,1.go- 2.get- e- 4.put- 5.have- 6.see - 7.take- 8.do- 9.read- 10.know- 11.buy- 12.say-,goes,gets,comes,puts,has,s

3、ees,takes,does,reads,knows,buys,says,7,一般现在时,(1)句中有be动词或can时, 变疑问句: 把be和can提前, 开头大写,句末加问号。 变否定句:在be 和can 后加 not,8,一般现在时,陈述句:She is a student. 疑问句 Is she a student? 否定句 She is not a student. 陈述句:I can swim. 疑问句 Can you swim 否定句 I can not swim.,9,一般现在时,(2) 当句子中即没有be动词和can 时 陈述句:We get up at 7:00 every

4、 morning.疑问句Do you get up at 7:00 every morning? 肯定回答:Yes,we do. 否定回答:No,we dont.否定句We dont get up at 7:00 every morning. 陈述句:She has a little brother.疑问句 Does she have a little brother? 肯定回答:Yes, she does. 否定回答:No, she doesnt.否定句 She doesnt have a little brother.,10,一般现在时,1. She is a girl. 否定句: 一般疑

5、问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答:,She isnt a girl.,Is she a girl?,Yes, she is.,No, she isnt.,11,一般现在时,2. He often goes to school at seven . 否定句: 一般疑问句:,He doesnt often go to school at seven .,Does he often go to school at seven?,肯定回答:Yes,he does.,否定回答:No,he doesnt.,12,选择题,( )1.Tom is a worker. He _ in a factory. His

6、sisters _ in a hospital. work, work B. works, work C. work, works ( )2. Who _ English best in your class? speak B. speaks C. speaking ( )3. He often _ the windows . A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans ( )4. We _ music and often _ to music. like, listen B. likes, listens C. like, are listening,B,B,C,A,

7、13,( )5. She sometimes _ up at six in the morning. A.get B. gets C. gets ( )6. Mary usually_to me . A. will write B. write C. writes ( )7. He doesnt _ cats. A. likes B. like C. liking ( )8. My sister_often clean the room. A. didnt B. isnt C. doesnt,C,C,B,C,14,填空,1.I _ from China. (be) 2.Jack and Tom

8、 _ my friends. (be) 3.Your parents _(read) books every day. 4.Li Lei always _ to school at 7:30.(come) 5.You always _ (do) your homework well.,am,are,read,comes,do,15,6. The child often _ (watch) TV in the evening. 7. Wang Kai and Wang Li_ (have)lunch every day. 8.We often_ (play) in the playground.

9、 9. Chen Jie sometimes _(go) to the park with her sister.,watches,have,play,goes,16,10. He often _ (have) dinner at home. 11. Daming and Tommy _ (be) in Class One. 12. We _ (not watch) TV on Monday. 13. Nick_ (not go) to the zoo on Sundays. 14. They _ (like) the apples. 15.Do you _(eat)dinner at hom

10、e. 16.They dont _(get)up at five.,has,are,dont watch,doesnt go,like,eat,get,17,按要求完成句子,1.Do you often play football after school? (肯定回答) 2. I have many books. (改为否定句) 3. My sister likes peaches.(改为否定句) 4. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句并做肯否回答) 5. I watch TV every day. (同上) 6. Tom h

11、as got a toy. (同上),18,现在进行时,句子结构:主语+be+动词的现在分词 口诀:我用am,你用are,is用在他她它,单数名词使用is ,复数名词使用are 定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作常与Listen,Look,now,连用,19,现在进行时,动词ing的变化规律: 1)直接加ing ,如: open-opening, clean-cleaning 2) 去掉词尾不发音的e ,如:take-taking, have-having, 3) 重读闭音节的,双写最后的字母,加 ing , 如: put-putting, begin-beginning ,

12、swim-swimming, run-running, ,20,现在进行时,study_ make_ swim_ stop_ come_ close_ have_ run_ drive_ wash_ begin watch_ take talk put,studying,making,swimming,stopping,coming,closing,having,running,driving,washing,beginning,watching,taking,talking,putting,21,现在进行时,1Mr Zheng (read) a book now. 2. The rabbit

13、s (jump) now. 3. Look ! Tom and John (swim). 4. My brother(make) a kite in his room now. 5. Look! The bus(stop). 6. We(have) an English class now.,is reading,are jumping,are swimming,is making,is stopping,are having,22,现在进行时,否定形式:在be动词后面加not 例如:I am not singing . They arent writing . 一般疑问句及回答:把be动词放

14、在句首 例如:Am I singing ? Yes ,you are . / No ,you arent . Are they writing ? Yes ,they are . / No ,they arent .,23,现在进行时,1. The boy is playing basketball. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯定回答:_ 否定回答:_,The boy isnt playing basketball.,Is the boy playing basketball?,Yes,he is.,No,he isnt.,24,选择题,1. What are you doing? I_.

15、 A. eat B. can eat C. eating D. am eating 2. We are _ books now. A. reading B. am reading C. read D. to read 3. Our teacher is _ a red sweater . A. putting on B. put on C. wears D. wear 4. That boy isnt _ the teacher . A. listen B. listens C. listening D. listening to,D,A,A,D,25,现在进行时,5. Its eight o

16、clock. Jimmys parents _ TV. A. is watching B. are watching C. watch D. to watch 6. My mother is _ a cake _ my birthday. A. making ; to B. making ; for C. doing ; to D. doing ; for 7. They are _ these books in the box. A. puts B. put C. to put D. putting 8. _ you _ the window? -Yes, I am. A. Do, clea

17、n B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning,B,B,D,C,26,填空题,1. What are you _(do) now? I _(eat) bread. 2. Its nine oclock. My father _(work) in the office. 3. Look!The boy _(swim). 4. _ he _(clean) the classroom? No, he isnt. He _(play). 5. Where is Mike? He _(run) on the grass. 6. Listen!who

18、_(sing) in the music room?,doing,am eating,is working,is swimming,Is cleaning,is playing,is running,is singing,27,一般现在时和现在进行时练习题 一、选择: 1. My mother often_oranges. A eat B. eats C. eating 2. My aunt sometimes _very well. A.sing B.sings C.singing 3. Jack usually _ grandpa very much. A.miss B.misses C.

19、missing 4. He _ his homework now. A: doing B. is doing C. does 5. Lily _ the piano now. A: playing B plays C is playing 6. Look! Tom _ in the sea now. A.swim B.swimming C.is swimming 7. Listen! The students _now. A: cry B: are crying C cries 8. A bird _ every day. A. flies B. fly C. is flying 9. The

20、 horses often _ fast. A . run B. runs C. is running 10. You _ every night . A. dance B. dances C. are dancing,28,11. He _to church on Sundays. A.go B.goes C is going 12.Mom _me her new earrings every day. A. show B. shows C. is showing 13. She _ TV every night. A.watches B.watch C. is watching 14. T

21、hey _the mountain every day. A: climbs B: climb C is climbing 15. Dont shout! She _ now. A: sleeping B is sleeping C sleeps 16. He _the picture now. A is painting B paints C is painting 17. Look! He _ now. A dance B is dancing C dances 18. My parents _ me to the park every week. A. take B. takes C.

22、are taking 19. That elephant _ two big ears. A. have B. has C. are 20. My uncle _clothes every evening. A washes B. is washing C. wash 21. I _ a letter in the mail box now A putting B am putting C put 22. I _ a fairy tale now. A read B am reading C reads,29,1).she, the window, open, now.(用现在进行时连词成句.

23、) _ 2).is, who, the window, cleaning?(连词成句) _ 3).She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_ _ 4.)You are doing your homework.(用I作主语改写句子)_ _ 5).they, the tree, sing, now, under.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _ 6).The children are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_,二、按要求写句子,30,三.用词的适当形式填空。 1.What time_ his father_(do) the wor

24、k? 2.He _(get) up at five oclock. 3._ you _(brush) your teeth every morning? 4.What _ ( do ) he usually _( do ) after school? 5.Tom _ ( study ) English, Chinese, and Maths at school. 6. Kitty sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister. 7.At eight at night, she _( watch ) TV with her parents. 8. _ M

25、ike_( read ) English every day? 9.How many lessons_ your classmates_( have ) on Monday? 10.We often_( play ) football in the playground.,31,四.用现在进行时完成下列句子: 1.What_you_(do)? 2.I_(sing) an English song. 3.What_he_(mend)? 4.He_(mend) a car. 5._you_(fly) a kite? Yes, _. 6._she_(sit) in the boat? 7._you_

26、(ask) questions? 8.We_(play) games now,32,一般将来时,定义:表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。常与tomorrow, next week/ weekend/ month/ year, this morning/ afternoon/ evening连用 句子结构:1.主语+be going to+动词原形 2.主语+will+动词原形 3.主语+shall+动词原形,33,否定形式:把be动词或will后面加not 例如:Jim is not going to play football. Jim will not play footbal

27、l. 一般疑问句:把be动词或will调到句首, 例如:Is Jim going to play football? Will Jim play football?,will not=wont,34,填空题,1. We_(visit) the Great Wall next month. 2. My father _(fly) to Beijing tomorrow. 3.Tom_(clean)the room next week. 4. _she_(learn)English soon?Yes,she will. 5. _ you _ (borrow) books from the libr

28、ary tomorrow? 6. I _ (buy) a new one next Saturday. 7. They _ (have) a picnic in the park next Sunday. 8. I _ (write) a letter the day after tomorrow. 9. He _ (make) a kite next Monday. 10. My mother _ (cook) some delicious food this weekend.,will visit,will fly,will clean,Will learn,Will borrow,wil

29、l buy,will have,will write,will make,will cook,35,改写句子,1. Tom is going to visit the zoo.(改否定) 2. Ill go to the shop.(改否定) 3. Im going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.(改一般疑问句作肯否回答) 4. We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(同上) 5. He will fly a kite.(同上) 6.Mary is going to make a cake. (同上) 7.They are goin

30、g to see the tigers.(同上),36,过去式,定义:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。 如:last week, yesterday,in 2000,last Sunday 句子结构:1.主语+was/were+其他 2.主语+动词的过去式+其他,37,动词过去式的规则变化,一般情况,直接加上-ed。如:look-looked。 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,加-d。如:live-lived。 以重读闭音节结尾,先双写辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop-stopped 辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-ed。如:study-s

31、tudied。,38,动词过去式的不规则变化,am,is-was are-were do-did see-saw say-said give-gave get-got go-went come-came have-had eat-ate take-took run-ran sing-sang put-put make-made read-read write-wrote draw-drew drink-drank fly-flew ride-rode speak-spoke sweep-swept swim-swam sit-sat,39,肯定句:I went to the zoo yeste

32、rday. 一般疑问句:Did you go to the zoo yesterday? 肯定回答:Yes, I did. 否定回答: No, I didnt. 否定句:I didnt go to the zoo yesterday. 肯定句:They were good friends then. 一般疑问句:Were they good friends then? 肯定回答:Yes, they were. 否定回答:No, they werent. 否定句:They werent good friends then.,40,句型转换,1. She saw a cat last weeken

33、d. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯、否定回答:_ 2. Tom was on the first floor. 否定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 肯、否定回答:_,She didnt see a cat last weekend.,Did she see a cat last weekend?,Yes,she did. No,she didnt.,Tom wasnt on the first floor.,Was Tom on the first floor?,Yes,he was. No,he wasnt.,41,选择题,1. She made a cake _. A tomorrow B so

34、metimes C yesterday morning 2.What _ Mike do last weekend ? A do B does C did 3. I _ my room last Sunday. A cleaned B clean C am cleaning 4. I often help my mother _ housework. A does B did C do 5. _ you _ TV last night ? A Do, watch B Did, watch C Did, watched,C,C,A,C,B,42,用动词的适当形式填空,1. He _ (live)

35、 in China in 2001. 2. The cat _ (eat) a bird last night. 3. We _ (have) a party last Saturday. 4. Peter _(go)to the park yesday . 5. Did you_(see)your sister? 6. They didnt_(drink)water. 7. My mother _ (cook) a nice food last week. 8. The girls _ (sing) and _ (dance) at the party three days ago.,liv

36、ed,ate,had,went,see,drink,cooked,sang,danced,43,代词用法,主语 宾语形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 I me our ours you you your yours he him his his she her her hers it it its its we us our ours they them their theirs,44,人称代词的宾格在句中作宾语,往往用在动词或介词后面。 例: 1.Listen to me,Dad. 2.Peter is sitting behind me. 3.Let me got here now. 4.

37、Give me an orange,please. 汉语中经常会出现我妈妈,你们老师等这样的语言现象,虽然代词用的是我、你们,但实际意义仍是我的、你们的,所以在英译时,注意要用形容词性物主代词my,your。例如: 你妈妈在家吗? Is your mother at home?,45,I dont know her.我不认识她。(动词宾语) Whats wrong with it?它怎么了?(介词宾语) -Open the door,please. Its me.请开门,是我。(表语),46,反身代词,myself(我自己) yourself(你自己) himself(他自己) herself

38、(她自己) itself(它自己) ourselves(我们自己) yourselves(你们自己) themselves(他们/她们/它们自己),47,不定代词,复合不定代词有12个: something(某事), someone(某人), somebody(某人), anything (任何事), anyone(任何人), anybody(任何人), nothing(没事), no one(没有人), nobody(没有人), everything(一切), everyone(每个人), everybody(每个人).,48,(1)some和 any 的用法:,some-肯定句-“几个”、

39、“一些”、“某个”-修饰可数名词 或不可数名词。如: I have some work to do today. (今天我有些事情要做) They will go there some day.(他们有朝一日会去那儿) some -疑问句时,表建议、请求或希望得到肯定回答。如:Would you like some coffee with sugar?(你要加糖的咖啡吗? any -疑问句或否定句,-“任何一些”、“任何一个”,-可修饰 可数或不可数名词。 如:They didnt have any friends here. (他们在这里没有朋友 Have you got any quest

40、ions to ask?(你有问题要问吗?) any 用于肯定句时,意思是“任何的”。 Come here with any friend.(随便带什么朋友来 吧。),49,小学语法综合练习题,50,写出下列单词的复数形式。(5) 1.book_2.mango_3.sheep_ 4.radio_5.yo-yo_6.knife _ 7.children_8.man _9.Walkman_ 10. tooth _ 二、写出下列数词的基数词或序数词。(5) 1.one _2. two _3.three _ 4.five _5. nine _6.twenty _ 7.eighty-eight_8.tw

41、enty-first_ 9.tenth _ 10.ninety-sixth _,51,三、写下列单词的宾格或主格。(3) 1. I _2.she _3.we _ 4. us _5.him _6.them _ 四、写出下列单词的形容词物主代词和名词性物主代词(7 1. I_ 2. you_ 3. he_ 4.she_ 5.it_ 6. we_ 7. they_,52,六、 翻译下列词组。(16) 1. 下午三点一刻 _2.第四节课 _ 3. 在第二十层楼 _4. 三个星期前 _ 5. 35个学生 _6.新学期的第一天 _ 7. 她的手表 _8.我们的学校 _ 9. 你的新自行车 _10. 我最喜

42、欢的食物_ 11. 他的明信片 _12.一封电子邮件 _ 13. 一位老人 _ 14. 一块英国手表 _ 15. 一个小时 _ 1 6. 一百 _,53,用a或an填空。(5) 1. _ “U” 2._“F” 3._ “K” 4. _goalkeeper 5._ teapot 6._ apple 7._ ice-cream 8._ umbrella 9. _post office10._ airport,54,八选择适当的人称代词填空。(8) 1._ (He/I) is my father. 2._ (She/They) are Toms grandparents. 3._ (We/I) am

43、 Jims new friend. 4Look at that white dog. _ (They/It) is my brothers. 5.Where are _ (you/he from? 6.Do you like collecting stamps?Yes, _(you/we) do. 7._(He/I) am a student at Heyang Primary School. 8_ (You/They) are my brothers English teacher.,55,九、用人称代词的主格和宾格填空。(8%) 1.Dont pass it to _ (他). 2._ (

44、她) is watching a running race. 3.Would you like to go with _(我们). 4.Do you want to join _(我). 5.Tomorrow is my fathers birthday. This present is for _. 6.The ball is Su Hais. Please give _ to _. 7.What are Toms sisters doing? _ are seeing a Beijing opera show.,56,十、填入适当的物主代词。(10) 1._ (他的) coat is black, but _(她的) is red. 2.Whose walle


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