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1、Establishing Business Relations建立业务关系,Group Discussion,Channels of getting potential customers information.,进出口双方可以通过以下渠道来相互了解: (1)网络(online) (2)商会(Chamber of Commerce) (3)商务参赞处(Commercial Counselors Offices) (4)交易会和展览会 (Export Commodities Fairs & Exhibitions) (5)广告(Advertisement) (6)市场调查(market inv

2、estigation) (7)其他渠道:银行、代理商等 (bank, commercial agency),Sample Letter,DearMR.AndyBurns, Wehaveobtainedyournameandaddressfromthewebsite thatyouareinthemarketforchinaware.Wearenowwriting to you hopingtoenterintobusiness relationswithyou. Wewasestablishedin1997.Ourcompanyoffersawiderangeof products.Wehav

3、ehighcreditstatus,andourcompanyhasafixedbusiness relationswithsuppliers.Ourcompanyalso pay attention tothedevelopmentofnewproduct,Ournewproductin2013 series withfirstclassPorcelain,beautifulpackingandhighquality.Our productsare extremelycompetitiveintheworldmarket. Weshallbepleasedtoenterintodirectb

4、usinessrelationswithyouatanearlydate. Looking forward to your early reply. Faithfully yours,Source of information,Purpose of letter,Self introduction,Desire and hope,建立业务关系 一笔具体的交易往往始于出口商主动向潜在客户发函建立业务关系。在书写这种信函时,首先要向对方说明信息来源,即如何取得对方的资料,并言明去函目的。其次需要介绍本公司性质、业务范围、经营商品等基本情况。在较明确对方需求时,应对特定商品进行具体的推荐性介绍;否则

5、,通常只就公司经营产品的整体情况,如质量标准、价格水平等作较为笼统的介绍,或者附上目录、报价单或另寄样品供对方参考。 此外,在结尾部分,可与其他商业信函一样,写上一两句希望对方给与回应或劝服对方立即采取行动的语句。,8,写信要点(Writing Skills),信息来源:告诉对方我方是如何获悉对方的地址和经营范围的。 写信目的:表示我方有与对方建立业务关系和合作的强烈愿望。 本公司概述:介绍本公司的性质、基本业务情况和经营范围。 产品介绍:说明希望推销或购买的产品。 要求寄送有关资料和表达愿望(买方):附寄公司简介、商品目录、价目表和样品等,以便对方全面了解我方信息(卖方)。,Writing

6、Skills(写作技巧),建立业务关系信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:,10,Useful expressions and sentences,1、信息来源:我们从得知;通过我们了解到 (1) Your firm has been kindly recommended to us through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce . 承蒙贵国商会的介绍,我公司得知贵公司的情况。,11,(2) We have obtained your name and address by Indian Embassy in Beijing and understa

7、nd that you would like to establish business relationship with us. 我们从印度驻北京大使馆得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉贵公司愿同我们建立业务关系。,12,(3) We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufacturers in this line. 我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。,14,2、自我介绍(公司经营管理范围等) (1) We have the pleasure of introducin

8、g ourselves to you as one of the leading importers in the chemical line. 我们有幸自荐,我们是经营化学产品的主要进口商之一。 (2) We are a stated-owned corporation, engaged in exportation of following articles. 我们是一家国有企业,经营以下商品的出口业务 (3) We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese Green Tea, which falls

9、 in the scope of our business activities. 据了解,贵公司是中国绿茶的潜在买主,而中国绿茶正属于我们的经营范围。 (4) Our corporation handles/deals/specializes in the import and export business of Chinese Silk Goods. 本公司经营/专营中国丝织品的进出口业务。,16,3、写信的目的:建立业务关系 (1) We are writing to you in the hope of entering into business relations with yo

10、u. 兹写信给贵方希望建立业务关系。 (2) We are writing to you and willing to open up a business relation with you. 兹写信给贵公司以期与贵公司建立业务联系。 (3) We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you. 我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务联系。,17,4:要求寄送/主动寄送有关资料 (1) Please send us your catalogue and quotations. 请给我们寄你公司

11、的商品目录和价目单. (2) We have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference under separate cover. 我们另航空邮寄新品种的样品供你方参考。 (3) We would appreciate it if you could send us a latest price list for your electric products. 你们若能寄来一份电子产品的最新价目表,我们将非常感谢。 (4) We shall appreciate your catalogues and quotations

12、. 如能寄你公司的商品目录和价目单当十分感谢。,18,enclose v. 把封上,随函附寄 We enclose a copy of our quotation. Enclosed please find our Sales Confirmation . enclosure: n. 附件,装入物 The envelope contains a check for USD300 as an enclosure.,19,Dear Sirs,We obtained your name and address from the website of and note with pleasure th

13、e items of your demand just fall within the our business line. We take the opportunity to introduce our company in order to be acquainted with you.Our firm is an Chinese exporter of various Canned Foodstuffs. We highly hope to establish business relations with your company on the basis of mutual ben

14、efit in an early date. we are sending a catalogue and a pricelist under separate cover for your reference. We will quote our best price to you upon receipt of your enquiry.We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.Yours faithfully,Sample Letter,2013年9月下旬在广交会上,有位荷兰客户对宁商国际贸易公司展位上的长毛绒玩具很感兴趣。

15、由于当时他好象有急事,没来得及详谈,只留下一张名片就走了。 为了开拓欧洲新市场,公司要求玩具部能够尽快与荷兰客户联络,把公司经销的长毛绒玩具打入荷兰市场。,Practical Training,TIVOLIPRODUCTS PLC PURCHASING MANAGER CHILA TROOBORG BERSTOFSGADE 48,ROTTERDAM,THE NETHERLANDS TEL:+(31)74 12 37 21 FAX:+(31)74 12 37 37 E-MALL: .ntl,TIVOLIPRODUCTS PLC PURCHASING MANAGER SAM WINCESTER B

16、ERSTOFSGADE 48,ROTTERDAM,THE NETHERLANDS TEL:+(31)74 12 37 21 FAX:+(31)74 12 37 37 E-MALL: ,携手合作共创明天 A hand-in-hand Cooperation For A Prosperous Future 我公司是宁波的一家外贸企业。主要经营各类轻工业产品的进出口业务。近年来,随着公司内部的改革及业务量的迅速增加,公司在增强经济势力和改革管理体制方面已经取得了巨大的成绩。 我公司竭诚寻求与国内外客户的合作机会。我们将提供最佳服务,按照互利互惠、共同发展的原则同全世界的经销商建立长期稳固的联系。 总

17、经理: 陈磊 地址:宁波北仑经济技术开发区新大路1069号明德楼109室 邮编:315080 电话:0574-86891523 传真:0574-86891305 电子信箱: 公司网站:http:/www.nb-,宁商国际贸易公司简介,玩具部介绍,玩具部作为公司的主要业务部门之一,专营各类儿童玩具的出口,包括塑料、木制、陶瓷和毛绒玩具。产品主要销往中国香港、欧州、美国及亚洲市场。公司拥有诸多富有经验的玩具开发人员及商务人员,并与宁波及周边地区的十余家工厂建立了密切的联系,公司可按客户的要求大批量定做各类玩具。,根据上述背景资料,以宁波宁商贸易有限公司玩具部业务员的身份拟写信函发送给荷兰客户,表达

18、与其建立业务关系的愿望,并随附公司部分新产品插页。,Dear Sirs We have obtained your name and address from Canton Fair. We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you. We are a foreign trade company in Ningbo. We specialize in the export of various toys, including plastic, wood, ceramic and pl

19、ush toys. The items you need happen to fall into our business scope. Our products enjoy a high reputation and sell well both at home and abroad. We enclosed our latest catalogue for your reference. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. Yours faithfully Liming Sales representative Ningshang International Trading Corporation,


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