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1、Listening and speaking Part C Retelling a story,ABOUT PART 3,要求考生先听一段结构完整,线索清晰,字数在230-260个词之间,录音时间两分钟左右的听力材料,录音听两遍。考生准备一分钟后要求复述所听的内容。要求尽可能使用自己的语言,且复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。选取的独白体裁主要以记叙文和议论文为主。,Story retelling,计算机辅助“英语听说”考试最终计入英语科总成绩的分值=卷面成绩(满分60分)0.25,四舍五入取整数计分。,广东省普通高考“英语听说”考试,1. 预测,2. 听大意,3. 速记,4. 串连及复述,

2、Procedures of retelling a story:,利用播放听力材料前20秒,利用故事梗概和关键词预测故事大意。,第一遍录音: 不要急于做笔记, 先听懂情节, 捕捉故事的基本线索。,第二遍录音: 速记,补充细节。,How can we take notes efficiently?,Shorthand -,速记,take sb to some place in the middle of agree / disagree in front of and / as well as for example finish money because / so, sb sp e.g. 。

3、 & $ #,Guess!,year = _, report = _ Monday = _, January = _ New York = _, United Nations = _ although = _, before = _,yr,rpt,Mon,Jan,NY,UN,tho,B4,people 人 father 父 mother 母 king 王 grandfather 爷 grandmother 奶 dragon 龙 horse 马,How to take notes?, use key words (关键词). use abbreviations(缩写) use symbol, n

4、umbers(符号,数字),Who, When, Where, How -n. adv.What happen-v. 还有adj.,What to take?,故事梗概: 不会游泳的泰德很 怕水,但是他在奋 不顾身地跳进水里 救了一只雏鸟之 后,再也不怕水了。,Key words:,fishing (钓鱼) baby bird (雏鸟) nest (巢) kick (踢) drop (落下),can swi,_,X,T,怕, ,jum, ,sav,bb bir,怕 anymo,X,fis,ne,ki,dr,_,_,_,_,_,T,怕 swi,fris,tho he wou X lea to s

5、wi,T,fis,& sat,tre,。,he,saw bi & bbs,ne,but help.out,Sud,a bb, ,Mo b,qui,T,mov arm kick leg,sur.ly,one day,cau, took out, put bac ne,tho mus sav,drwo, lea swi,no 怕 swi,anymo,mad,T,fris,tho he wou X lea to swi,T,fis,& sat,tre,。,he,saw bi & bbs,ne,but help.out,Sud,a bb, ,Mo b,qui,T,mov arm kick leg,su

6、r.ly,one day,cau, took out, put bac ne,tho mus sav,drwo, lea swi,no 怕 swi,anymo,Ted was afraid of water,His friends thought he would never learn to swim.,One day, Ted went fishing and sat under a tree.,He saw a bird and her babies in the nest.,Suddenly a baby bird dropped/fell into the water from th

7、e nest.,Mother bird quickly fell/flew down to save it, but she couldnt / failed to help it out.,Ted thought he must save it.,He jumped into the water,moved his arms and kicked his legs madly.,He wasnt drown and supprisingly learned to swim.,He caught the bird, took it out and put it back to the nest

8、.,From then on , he was not afraid of water anymore.,and,So,However,Ted was afraid of_,and his friends thought he would never learn to _ .One day Ted went _and sat under a _. He saw a _and her babies in a nest.Suddenly one of the baby birds _into the river, but its _could not help it out of the wate

9、r. Just then, Ted_into the river to save it. He moved his_and kicked his_madly. Surprisingly,he learnt to swim and managed to save the baby bird.And Ted was _water anymore.,water,swim,fishing,tree,bird,drop,mother,jumped,arms,legs,not afraid of,Possible version,应试技巧 1.在听故事前,考生应阅读故事梗概和关键词,并据此发挥想象,预测故

10、事内容。 2.这部分重点是听力。在听的过程中要注意快速记录关键词,听记叙文时应听清并记录故事中的人物和人物之间的关系,记录故事发生的时间、地点、起因、经过、结果,以及故事给我们的启示等。,3.若有标题,要听清标题,这对理解故事内容很重要,因为它对故事情节起着概括作用。 4.首尾句对理解全文起着关键作用,要特别注意听。 5.对个别词句没听懂,不要慌,只要听懂大意,抓住关键信息就行了。 6.考纲要求考生复述时尽可能使用自己的语言,复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。,7.在记叙文中常用等表示时间顺序的连词或连接性词语来叙述故事发展的先后或做某事的过程。 one day, on his way to

11、, at first, then, later, afterwards, soon, before, after, when, while, as soon as, since, during, eventually, at last, finally, in the end, immediately, on arrival,Have a try,故事梗概:一个双目失明的小男孩送我 一枝凋谢的花,却让我感受到生活的美! 关键词:park(公园) a dead flower(枯死的花朵) smile (微笑) blind(失明的) beauty in life(生活中的美),A bli/- -

12、boy,sen me,P,de- fl-,_,美 in li-,But the little boy sat next to me and told me it sure smelt pretty and was beautiful, too. And he said the flower was for me. I knew I must take it, or he might never leave.,I sat on a park bench reading under an old tree when a young boy stood right before me and sho

13、wed me a dead flower. Wanting him to take his dead flower away and go off to play, I smiled at him.,Then I noticed that he was blind. I thanked him and decided to see the beauty in life, and appreciate every second in my life.,1. 用到所给关键词,尽量用自己的话复述 2. 注意语音,语调,时态和人称。 3. 直接引语在复述时尽量换成间接引语。 4. 复述要连贯,可用以下

14、表顺序的词来连接故事,使之连贯流畅,如:First, Then, After that, Later, Finally,复述时注意事项:,PK,游戏规则: 两组进行PK,组长代表抽签挑战哪一组。 听完故事后,4人小组一起复述故事,互相补充。 3.推举一位代表复述,和另外一组PK,看谁复述得最好。winners有奖,losers 要罚。,2012年高考真题C套 梗概: Tom乘坐的公交车与货车发生了碰撞,警察帮助Tom及时到达考场。 关键词: exam(考试),bus(公交车), lorry(货车),crash into(撞上),police officer(警官),One day, a stu

15、dent named Tom was taking a bus to his middle school. He was going to write an exam that day, which was very important. His parents hoped hed do well on the exam and then be accepted into a top university. But suddenly a large lorry stopped in the road and the bus crashed into it. Nobody was hurt, b

16、ut Tom wondered what to do when he got off the bus. He told a police officer at the scene that he was,supposed to write a very important exam and that he was worried hed be late. The police officer understood, and called a police car to come to the scene. When it arrived, Tom got in and the police o

17、fficer drove as fast as possible. He managed to get Tom to the school ten minutes before the exam started. So Tom was able to write the exam, after all.,2011年高考真题A套 梗概: Uncle John 独居,某日侄子Tom 得知叔叔 晕倒,请来医生救了他。 关键词: alone (独自) nephew (侄子) call (打电话) neighbour (邻居) save (救活),Uncle John Was Saved When Un

18、cle John was 85 years old, most of his families and relatives were already dead. He lived by himself in a big house. The only person who often talked to him was his nephew Tom. Tom called several times a week just for few minutes to say hello and see if everything was OK. One morning Tom phoned Uncl

19、e John again. Again no answer. Two hours later he called the 3rd time. Still no answer, he got very anxious. So he called Uncle Johns next door neighbor. Tom told her that he was worried,Uncle John Was Saved about Uncle John and asked her to see what was wrong. A while later, the neighbor phoned Tom

20、. She said nervously, “Tom, Im sorry it took so long. Uncle John didnt answer the door, so I used his spare key. I found him lying on the bathroom floor. I could not wake him up.” Tom called the doctor immediately, and then rushed to Uncle Johns house. When he got there, the doctor had already been

21、there. The doctor said that he was just in time to save him.,Sum up,What we have learned in this period?,故事复述的步骤-4步 2. 如何速记? 记哪些词?,Thank you !,A Mistake Caused by Difference 故事概要: 身在伦敦的法国人由于误解了“look out”这一短语,才有如此尴尬的经历。 关键词: Frenchman(法国人) look out(小心) window(窗户) water(水) foreigner(外国人),Lets try,Fren

22、ch man pour window homework before See what happened as soon as possible water,asap Po hw win b4 F m c w hap, ,Retell the story in your own words. 2. Cover as much information as possible but no extra information. (尽量多说,忠实原文,不编造内容,但多说不扣分。) 3. The person and the tense should be in accordance with the original story. 4. Pay attention to your tone to make your story attractive.(注意语音、语调),(人称与时态与原文一致),用自己的话(口语)复述,5. 直接引语在复述时尽量换成间接引语。,复述时注意事项:,


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