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1、决战2011高考英语专题讲义表语一、教学目标通过本章学习, 使学生明白表语的概念及表语的用法。二、教学重点和难点不定式、分词、动名词作表语及表语从句。三、教学方法1在谓语一章中我们已分析过表语, 最常见的是 be动词及 become。2在使用中我们常见到不定式用在be动词后边作表语。由于不定式表明一个具体的动作, 当放在be动词后边时表示即将要去做的事。请将下列句子翻译成汉语并作分析:3AThe news sounds inspiring.BHis absence is disappointing.CWe are interested in the story.DAfter a long wa

2、lk, we all felt tired.EHe has got married.一般来说ing形式作表语表示主语的特征, 具有影响别人的能力;ed形式作表语表示受到影响而呈现的状态。4A句是动名词作表语, 表示主语job的内容。B句是现在分词作表语, 表示主语result 的特征。动名词与现在分词作表语的不同就是前者是表内容, 后者是表特征。5这是一个含有主语从句和表语从句的复合句, 在后边的章节中会作进一步阐述。 1表语表明主语的身份、状态、样子、方位、处所, 除了be, become这两个系动词外, 还有一些本身既是行为动词又是系动词的词。2AI am to go to town.我要

3、进城。BMy work is to clean the classroom.我的工作是打扫教室。3A这消息听起来挺鼓舞人心的。是现在分词作表语, 表示本身具有影响别人的特征。B他的缺席令人失望。与上句一样表示主动。C我们对这故事感兴趣。过去分词作表语, 表示故事有趣, 使得我们对它感兴趣, 因此用过去分词。D走了一大段路, 我们都感到累了。过去分词作表语, 是走路使得我们累, 我们才感到累。E他结婚了。表示一状态, 过去分词作表语。 get married是个词组。4同样都是ing 形式作表语, 遇到这样的句子, 怎样解释?AMy job is running the machine.BThe

4、 result is exciting.5如何理解下面这个句子?Why he hasnt come is that he has something important to do at home.四、精选题1The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult. Anot make Bnot to make Cnot making Ddo not make 2Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour. Apay Bpaying

5、Cpaid Dto pay3Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous, but which do you think _ ? Atastes best Bsmells most Cdrinks mostly Dsounds best 4-Hello, Tom, where were you last night ?- _ . ATo BrownsBTo the BrownsCIn BrownsDIn the Browns5Thank you very much indeed Thats _ of you. Akindest Bm

6、ost kind Cthe kinder Dthe most kind 6The meeting was put off, _ was exactly _ we wanted. Ait;that Bas;that Cwhich; what Dthis ;what7His suit has become loose He seems _ weight. Ato lose Bbeing lost Closing Dto have lost 8-Did you enjoy yourself at the party? -Sorry to say I didnt It was a meeting th

7、an a party. Amore of Brather like Cless of Dmore or less9-Where is George? He said he would meet me here at 3 Oclock. -He seems _ with Mr Brown in the office.Ato talkBto be talkingCto have talkedDtalking10They found there was _ to weigh such an elephant. Abig enough nothingBnothing enough bigCenough nothing bigDnothing big enough答案:15 BCADB 610 CDABD -温馨提示:如不慎侵犯了您的权益,可联系文库删除处理,感谢您的关注!3 / 3


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