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1、Unit6 基础训练题Name:_ Mark:_一、根据句子的意思和所给的首字。(1*17=17分)1, People in a_ time used tools made of stones.2, Do you know the d_ between this twins.3, He went into the house from a s_ door.4, I will wait for you on the other s_ of our school.5, He wants to join the a_ when he is 18 years old.6, It is so s_ of

2、 him to do such things.7, Never give up your dream and you will s_ one day.8, I dont u_ the meaning of this new word. Can you lend me your dictionary?9, Jim usually plays a t_ on others on April Fools Day.10, My parents will p_ me if I watch TV too long.11, They walked q_ in order not to make the sl

3、eeping baby awake.12, Its impolite to e_ other peoples rooms without knocking at the door.13, They sang and danced to c_ the coming of New Year.14, Thestoryhappenedinthesecondworldw_.15, Can you tell me the m_ idea of this article ?16. There is a h_ snake in the lake. People are afraid of it.17. C_

4、Ku is smart and brave. He beat many enemies.( 敌人)二、完成句子。(1*38=38分)1, 最后,他通过了所有的考试. _ _ _, he passed all the exams.2, 你们能够把这个故事表演出来吗? Can you _ _ this story ?3, 这篇文章除了一些拼写错误之外其他都很好. This article is very good _ _ some spelling mistakes.4, 这本书里有大量的漂亮的图片. This book _ _ _ beautiful pictures.5, 他们经常拿我的秃头开

5、玩笑. They often _ _ _ my bald head.6, 加油, 同学们!你们会成功的. _ _, boys and girls! You will be successful.7, 他们把船拖进海里离开了。 They _ the boat _ the sea and sailed away.8, 上周,我们成功完成了这个实验。We _ _ _ the experiment last week. 9, 我爸爸去年戒烟了. My father _ _ _ last year.10, 我决定从现在开始努力学好英语.I _ _ work hard at English from no

6、w on. 11, 他刚刚用热水装满了他的瓶子。He _ his bottle _ hot water just now.12, 学生一个接一个地走进实验室。The students went into the lab _ _ _.13, 你买这台手机多久了?How long _ you _ this mobile phone ?14, 我已经住在广州很多年了。 I have lived in Guangzhou _ _ _.15, 自2000年,李先生已经在这所学校教英语了。Mr Li _ _ English in this school _ 2000。三、单项选择。(2*10=20分)1,

7、 Mary _ to see the film tomorrow because she _ it twice.A, wont go; has seen B, wont go; saw C, didnt see; has seen D, didnt see; saw 2, -_ you_ a pen on the desk ? -Yes, but Miss Liu _ it away just now.A, Have; seen; has taken B, Have; seen; took C, Did; see; took D, Do; see; has taken3, His grandf

8、ather _ since 10 years ago. A, died B, was dead C, have been dead D, has died4, My brother _ the school football team two months ago.A, joins B, joined C, has joined D, was joining5, Jackson _ school two years ago and he _ a driver for two years.A, has left; has become B, has left; has been C, left;

9、 has become D, left; has been6, My father _ Shanghai many times, so he knows it well.A, went B, has been in C, has gone to D, has been to 7, We have been good friends _. A, for 10 years before B, since 10 years ago C, last year D, when we were 5 years old8, -You speak very good French ! -Thanks. I _

10、 French in Sichuan University for four years.A, have studied B, studied C, was studying D, study9, I know a little bit about Italy as my father and I _ there several years ago.A, are going B, have gone C, went D, have been10, - Have you finished your homework ? - Yes, I have. I _ it this morning. A,

11、 finish B, finishes C, finished D, have finished四、语法选择。 (1.5*10=15分)Tom grows the nicest vegetables and fruits and the most beautiful flowers in the village. Plants grow in Toms garden all through the _1_ and they are much _2_.Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, eats some fruits and ve

12、getables, but he _3_ most of them in the market. His vegetables, fruit and flowers are so _4_ and beautiful that they sold much more _5_ in the market than those of other villagers.How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so _6_ that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio. He _7_ t

13、he music all day.That is quite true. Tom _8_ things in spring, summer, autumn and winter. After that he sits with his radio. And everything _9_. It is the music that does the work. Tom knows more clearly that music makes the biggest vegetables and the most beautiful flowers. Plants love _10_ as much

14、 as people.( )1. A. week B. monthC. seasonD. year( )2. A. better B. worseC. lessD. later( )3. A. buys B. sellsC. borrowsD. lends( )4. A. dearB. badC. bigD. small( )5. A. politelyB. quicklyC. slowlyD. carefully( )6. A. angry B. busyC. tiredD. lazy( )7. A. listens toB. hearsC. watchesD. speaks( )8. A.

15、 fillsB. plantsC. throwsD. makes( )9. A. doesB. moves C. growsD. plays( )10.A. workB. rainC. storiesD. music五、阅读理解。(2*5=10分)CHESS CLUBThe Chess Club meets in the Watson Trail ParkActivity Center on Tuesday mornings from10:00 a.m NoonBeginners or not,ages 8 through 98,all are invited to join the funT

16、elephone:Call 314-914-2385BURN BOOT CAMPBurn Boot Camps give you the most excitement!5 weeks-each class is different!Tuesday and Thursday 8:15 am 10:45 am.Weekends 9:00 am. 11:30 am.Price:$12000 for 5 weeksTelephone:Call 314-941-8523Location:Watson Trails ParkINDOOR TENNIS LESSONWe offer indoor tenn

17、is lessons at the Days Inn MotelFive 1-hour lessons for $6000Ages:7 to 11 years old 5:00 p.m 6:00 p.m 12 to 15 years old 6:00 p.m 7:00 p.m Telephone:Call 314-842-7265Location:Watson Trail ParkPUPPET THEATER CLASSLooking for a fun class? Kids make puppets ofsimple materials hereIf your child enjoys p

18、layingwith puppets,arts or stories,he or she will have agreat time in this class!Time:4:15 p.m 5:30 p.m,April 4May 9Fee:8500 for one and 16500 for twoLocation:Watson Trail Park1. When does the Chess Club end ?A5:00 pm B10:00 pm C10:00 am D12:00 am.2. You can call_ to have indoor tennis lessonsA314-9

19、14-2385 B314-842-7265 C314-246-5263 D314-941-85233. Kids can make puppets _Ain the Chess Club Bat Burn Boot Camp Cat the Days Inn Motel Din Puppet Theatre Class4. Youll pay _ if you and your two brothers want to join the Puppet Theatre Class A$ 8500 B$16500 C$25000 D$25500 5. Burn Boot Camp isnt open _Aat 8:15 amon Saturday Bat 10:00 amon TuesdayCat 9:00 amon Sunday Dat 10:30 amon Thursday


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