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1、1We _ dinner at six oclock when JSTV _ to show the film If You Are Not the One.Aare having;will start Bwill be having;startsChave;will start Dwill have had;starts解析句意:当六点钟江苏电视台开始播放电影如果你不是我的挚爱时,我们将正在吃晚饭。根据语境可知,主句为将来时,时间状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来。因主句中含状语at six oclock,所以第一个空应用将来进行时。答案B2Months ago we sailed ten th

2、ousand miles across the open sea, which _ the Pacific, and we met no storm.Awas called Bis calledChad been called Dhas been called解析虽然航海发生在过去,但是,海洋的名称不会因此而变化,所以要用一般现在时,故选B项。句意:几个月前我们航行数万里穿过公海,也被称为太平洋,我们没有遇到暴风。答案B3May I remind you that a Mr Zhang is waiting downstairs, sir?Oh, dear.I _ about it.Aforg

3、et BforgotChave forgotten Dhad forgotten解析句意:先生,我能提醒你楼下有个张先生正在等你吗?喔,天哪。我忘记了。根据语境可知,“忘记”已成为过去的事了,现在才想起,所以应用一般过去时。答案B4The old man who _ in the deserted house alone for ten years has been settled in a nursing home now.Alived Bhas livedChas been living Dhad lived解析由has been settled in a nursing home now

4、可知,现在那位老人已经不住在那座空寂无人的房子里了,也就是说那位老人在那座废弃的房子里住了十年的动作并没有持续到现在,与现在没有关系,不能用完成时,故排除B、C、D。这里只表示过去曾经发生过某事,应该用一般过去时,故选A。答案A5The sky is clouding over;we can see there _ a rainstorm.Ais going to be Bis going to haveCwill be Dwill have解析句意:天空乌云密布,看来要有暴风雨来临。根据某种迹象表明将要发生某事,用be going to do sth,且有there be结构,故选A项。答案

5、A6Tom, lets go and see if the football match has started.Started?It has nearly got to the end.It must be clear who _ by now.Ais winning BwinsChas won Dwould win解析句意:汤姆,让我们去看看足球赛是不是已经开始了。开始?都已经快结束了。现在谁将要赢肯定已经很清楚了。根据语境可知,应用现在进行时表示将来,故选A项。答案A7_ Mr Brown _ this week?No.He is on holiday.AHas;worked BDoes

6、;workCDid;work DIs;working解析句意:布朗先生这星期在上班吗?不,他正在度假。根据语境可知,表示现阶段正在进行的动作,所以用现在进行时,故选D项。答案D8Hi, Susan, where were you at lunch time?I _ a seat for you in the coffee shop.Oh, sorry to miss you.My political science class ran longer than usual.Aam saving Bwas savingChad saved Dhave saved解析考查时态。根据语境判断,吃饭是过

7、去发生的事情,强调在吃饭的过程中“一直为对方留着位子”,所以应该用过去进行时。答案B9Years ago we didnt know this, but recent science _ that women who drink more than two cups of coffee every day are more likely to have heart disease than those who dont.Ashowed Bhas shownCwill show Dis showing解析根据语境可知,用现在完成时表示已经得出了该结论。句意:许多年前我们不知道这点,但是最近的科学

8、研究已经表明每天喝两杯以上咖啡的妇女比那些不喝咖啡的妇女更有可能患心脏病。答案B10John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent $3,000 more than he _ for the wedding.Awill plan Bhas plannedCwould plan Dhad planned解析plan表示的动作发生在spend这一过去动作之前,故应用过去完成时。句意:我的朋友约翰上周结婚了,婚礼比计划多花了3 000美元。答案D11The young girl sitting next to me on t

9、he plane was very nervous.She _ before.Ahasnt flown Bdidnt flyChadnt flown Dwasnt flying解析句意:在飞机上坐在我旁边的那个年轻女孩很紧张,她以前没坐过飞机。根据关键词before可知,hadnt flown这个动作发生在was nervous之前,所以用过去完成时。答案C12I wonder if John has forgotten my number.I _ him to call me for the past two hours.Awas expecting Bhave expectedChave

10、been expecting Dexpected解析根据前面的I wonder和后面的for the past two hours可知这里用现在完成进行时。句意:我想知道约翰是否已经忘了我的号码。在过去的两小时里我一直在等他给我打电话。答案C13I havent seen Mary these past few days.Im afraid she _ herself for some time.Aisnt feeling Bhasnt been feelingChadnt been feeling Dwasnt feeling解析从题干中的for some time可知,选项部分的时态应用完

11、成时;从后面的一句话可推知Mary到现在状态还是不佳,故用现在完成进行时表示从过去到现在一直持续的动作。feel oneself意为“觉得身体正常”。答案B14Where can we get your new science fiction?Im sorry.It _ and will come out next week.Ahas been printed Bwill be printedCis printed Dis being printed解析根据后面的will come out next week可知,用现在进行时的被动语态表示“(小说)正在(被)印刷中”。答案D15How did you like his speech?Oh, it was very good.What he said _ like poetry.Asounded BsoundCwas sounded Dis sounded解析句意:你觉得他的讲话怎么样?哦,很棒,他讲的话听起来像诗歌。题干中did, was, said都用了过去时,决定了sound要用过去时,又因sound在此为表示状态特征的连系动词,用主动形式表被动含义,故选A。答案A


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