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1、陕飞二中九年级(上)英语导学案 班级 姓名 科目English课题Lesson 44 Popular Sayings课型New lesson主备人Ms. Yu审核人Ms. Li授课人授课时间2015-1-学 习 目 标知识与能力:1.掌握词汇:society, pound, whether, human2.接触词汇:generation, wealthy, penny, foolish3.掌握keep away (from), whether作连词引导让步状语从句, be similar to, other than的相关用法。 过程与方法:通过自主学习完成相应任务,提出质疑并在课堂上大胆探究

2、、积极交流,巩固当堂知识,反馈学情。情感态度和价值观:了解英语谚语,了解中西方文化。重点掌握keep away (from), whether作连词引导让步状语从句, be similar to, other than的相关用法。难点 通过学习一些英语谚语,进而了解中西方文化的异同。学 习 流 程预习指导:1.根据单词表上所给音标,拼读本课新单词。2.完成THINK ABOUT IT!部分两个思考题。3.阅读课文,把握课文信息,回答问题。(Student Book, Ex.1 on Page 117)4.再读课文,在文中勾画出重点单词、短语和句子,并结合语境猜测其含义。(1)短语从课文中找到下

3、列短语: 充满了 看一看 以开始,开始于 养成好习惯 鼓励某人做某事 和相似 人类 放弃 (2)句子结合上下文翻译下列句子:1. Sayings are an important part of the language and culture of every society. 2. sayings are usually simple and easy to remember, they deep meaning. 3. Early to bed and early to rise a man , and . 4. These sayings help people the world a

4、nd good habits, or people to work hard and as a team. 自主/合作探究:1. Seeing is believing. 本句的主语和表语都由 词充当。该句还可以表达为To see is to believe. 注意主语和表语的形式要保持一致,要么都用动名词,要么都用不定式。2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. keep away意为 ,若要指明远离某人/物,则与介词 连用,即“使某人/物远离某人/物”表达为 keep away from意为 。e.g.) We tried to keep the c

5、hildren away from the pool.e.g.) Youd better the dog.3. They come from the experience of generations of people, and from different walks of life. walks of life意为“行业,阶层,各行各业”。本句话的意思是: e.g.) These people come from all walks of life. 4. Whether the sayings are in Chinese, English, or any other language

6、, they share something in common. whether此处作连词,意为“无论;不管”,引导让步状语从句,常与or连用。e.g.) Whether it rains or not, Ill start tomorrow.whether表示“是否”,通常用来引导宾语从句、主语从句、表语从句或同位语从句。e.g.) I dont know whether I will go or stay. = I dont know whether to go or stay.e.g.) It is not clear it will be good bad for us.5. And

7、 “Every dog has his day” is similar to the Chinese saying “shi nian he dong, shi nian he xi”. similar adj. “相似的,相像的,类似的”。be similar to意为“与相似”。e.g.) Cats and tigers have similar features.e.g.) My problems yours.我的问题和你的相似。辨析:similar与samesimilar表示“相似的,相像的”,与介词to连用;same表示“相同的,一样的” ,与as连用,并且same之前要加定冠词th

8、e。e.g.) All eggs look one another, but not two eggs are each other.所有的鸡蛋看上去都相似,但没有两个鸡蛋是完全一样的。完成句子:Their house (与相似) ours, but ours is bigger.6. Although Chinese sayings use images of animals or things other than dogs, the meanings are almost the same. other than介词,“不同于;除了”e.g.) I borrowed some books other than novels.我借了几本书,都不是小说。e.g.) There is nobody here me.e.g.) We cant go there other than by swimming. 当堂达标: Finish Ex.2 and 3 on Page 117. 课后反思: 家长签字: 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记) 备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)备注(教师复备栏及学生笔记)


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