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1、 1 website, $1,180 autopilot1 1 Website, $1,180 Autopilot by copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot2 Introduction The introduction to this guide will be short and sweet. The reason is simple, this blueprint only works with extreme focused ac

2、tion. I get emails every single day from people asking me if you indeed can make a full time income online. The answer, quite simply, is yes. The next question I inevitably get is those asking why they are not making much or anything at all. My response back is usually some version of Show me what y

3、ou have. They then proceed to show me scattered, unfocused websites if they even have a website at all. There is a common thread with almost all of their failures. They have virtually no web presence, are picking poor niche products or getting caught up in meaningless details instead of getting offe

4、rs in front of potential buyers. By the way I am by no means saying failures arent inevitable in this business. They will happen and the important thing is to learn from them. This approach takes hard work but once you get it going then its like a boulder rolling down a hill that you cant stop. In o

5、ther words it becomes hands off, autopilot income. If the idea of work turns you off then this guide is not for you. It should not scare you though because you are building a lasting asset. Now lets make you some money. copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website,

6、 $1,180 autopilot3 Chapter I Quick Case Study First of all if you arent familiar with me let me prove to you that I know what I am talking about. The website in question has produced solid profits for me for over two years now. More importantly than that it is doing so consistently. As you can see t

7、he website average $1,188.56 a month. Over the course of a year this simple 7 page website has amassed $14,262.73! copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot4 How many of these would you make with that kind of return per website? Admittedly this

8、 is one of my better performing sites but that by no means suggests this was a flash in the pan marketing effort. Heck even if you only created 10 websites making half what this one makes per month youd still be pulling in nearly $600 per site, per month which would add up to nearly $72,000 dollars

9、per year when all combined. Do I have your attention now? Good. copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot5 Chapter II Picking a product Far and away the most important part of affiliate marketing is picking the right products. I have seen some

10、of the crappiest marketing ever produced still generate great sales simply because of choosing the right products. So what is the right product? Be careful what you read on forums where crowds of people will tell you to stay away from saturated markets. I can tell you from personal experience this i

11、s where the real money is made. The product I promote is very popular in a niche that people have routinely told me to stay out of. Dont let busy markets scare you. I repeat, dont let busy markets scare you. People are spending money on these items, thats why they are so crowded! Sell what lots of p

12、eople buy. For the website I am profiling in this guide (as well as all my other websites) I looked through a lot of affiliate marketplaces to find something that was very obviously selling. Depending on the affiliate marketplace there are a few ways to determine this. Most people are familiar with

13、Clickbank and its use of the gravity metric. Pretty much anything over 15 gravity gets my attention and Ill even go for ones in the 200s. The most simple and copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot6 straightforward way to determine if a produ

14、ct is wanted is checking to see its number of searches. Once you find some potentials after browsing different affiliate marketplaces head on over to the google keyword tool and start typing some in. The google keyword tool isnt exactly precise but it gives a pretty good rough estimate. Pretty much

15、anything getting over 1,000 searches a month is worth considering. The higher number of searches, the better and no market scares me to get into. Once you find a product that is getting substantial searches (over 1,000 a month but preferably a lot more) head on over to Google. Lets say for example y

16、ou used the Google Keyword Tool and found the product Blue Widgets was getting over 1,000 searches a month. You would then type the following in Googles search bar one at a time: Blue Widget review Blue Widget reviews Blue Widget results Blue Widget feedback buy Blue Widget Blue Widget information c

17、opyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot7 As you type those in take note of the total number of search results for each keyphrase. In my opinion solid rankings are fairly easily attainable with anything under 100,000 results. Shoot for phrases

18、that are under 60,000 and if you can find keyword phrases under 30,000 you are really in business. Lets say I typed in all those keyword phrases I listed above and Blue Widget results came back with the least amount of results at 30,000. We would now make this our top priority for our domain name. F

19、ollowing this example Id head on over to a domain registrar and try and land that domain name, preferably with a .com, .org or .net. Id register . If the domain name you seek is already taken try some of the other extensions (.org, .net, .info, etc) or try getting the domain with hypens in it. For i

20、nstance blue-widget- copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot8 Chapter III Building your website We now have our domain registered and are ready to build the website. Building a high converting site isnt nearly as complicated as people make it

21、. There are 3 things that your affiliate site must have. 1. You have a top fold offer on every page of your website. (Top fold suggests that the top portion of your website prominently displays what you are selling) 2. Your site has excellent navigation and is user friendly. 3. You take care of the

22、loose ends like a disclaimer page and privacy policy with full disclosure of compensation to abide by the FTC regulations. Your website should have at least 7 pages. If it starts to become profitable start adding more content to it to grow its stature. Only do this once you have gotten results so as

23、 not to waste time, money and resources into something that isnt proven. The reason this is effective is because it allows you to fail quickly. Not every website will strike gold but building such small sites initially allows you to put one up and move on quickly. Once you start copyright2010 thecol

24、 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot9 to see results go back and nurture it by adding more content so it has a wider presence on the web. So whats on the 7 pages? Your home page, which in our example is , will have a neutral review of the product of 450-500 w

25、ords divided into 5 paragraphs. Weave in your affiliate links once per paragraph. The review will be a light endorsement of the product. What I mean by light endorsement is that it needs to sound neutral and professional, NOT sales-like. I highly recommend you buy the product yourself so you can acc

26、urately review it. The way I avoid sounding sales-like or overly promotional while still placing it in a positive light is by approaching it as if I were a doctor and was simply stating the facts. Ive seen it all before and Im just presenting the information to the reader. To do this you can highlig

27、ht a few positives of the product and maybe 1 negative as well. Make sure the negative isnt something too awful because we still want people to be interested in it. After you have completed your home page you will write 4 articles of 450-500 words utilizing the product name in the title and 3-4 time

28、s in the article itself. Remember those keywords we came up with a few pages back? I would use those as the copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot10 keywords in my 4 articles. I target one keyword per article. Now we have 5 pages done. The 6

29、th page will be your disclaimer. Do a search on Google to find examples of disclaimer pages. The most important aspect is to disclose that you are compensated for sales as a result of visitors clicking your links. If you are wondering if this makes people not buy I have never had any issues with it.

30、 The 7th and final page will be your privacy policy. You can also find some good examples of those with a quick search. Here is the layout of all seven pages of your website. copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot11 copyright2010 thecolleged

31、 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot12 And last but not least. copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot13 There you have it. Your simple 7 page website. Not too shabby eh? If you arent skilled at creating we

32、bsites or simply want a shortcut one of the best affiliate marketers in my opinion has released a breakthrough software to help you. The software is called Affiliate Genie. This is by far the simplest way to start creating professional affiliate sites that sell very well and can easily be designed t

33、o fit the format that I just explained above. It allows you to build pages that are conducive to maximum search engine visibility. Anybody with any skill level can get started with this because its even easier than installing a wordpress blog. Even advanced copyright2010 All R

34、ights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot14 marketers such as myself benefit from this because it speeds up the site building process exponentially. Time is money. You can access it here: The Affiliate Genie Chapter IV Promote/Traffic This seems to be the point where a lot of marketers

35、 get tripped up. Everything I outline below can be done yourself but I hate building links and promoting so I outsource all of it. This is how I promoted my website that averages $1,180+ a month. Directory Submission: The first thing I always do is submit my site for directory links. There is a guy

36、from the Warrior Forum who has a service I use constantly. You can find it here: Article Submission: The next thing you will do is write or outsource 30 articles about your product. You can do extensive research if you wish to target long tail keywords however I have noticed that for as simple a web

37、site as these are, simple terms are copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot15 still very effective. What I mean by simple terms is I almost always include the product name somewhere in the title of all my articles. Just like we researched bef

38、ore, Id write articles such as “Golden secrets revealed from Blue Widget reviews” or “Blue Widget results that have everyone talking!” For these examples I was using the keywords blue widget reviews and blue widget results. Do not overcomplicate this process. While extensive research for long tail k

39、eywords is highly effective remember that we are testing the market first. We are seeing if our product is going to sell. Once we have a keeper and are getting sales is when I start to fine tune my campaigns and find better keywords. It is completely useless to find long tail keywords for a product

40、that no one wants. Remember we are testing first, scaling up later (if its a success). You will submit the 30 articles to EzineA because they provide the best traffic. Make sure your resource boxes have a strong call to action and if you are building a list in your niche, which I will touch on later

41、, be certain to point out the free report they can obtain by opting in. If 30 articles makes you groan and seems like a lot of work I assure you we are doing the hard part now so we can relax later. Building autopilot websites can be very front heavy meaning the bulk of the work is done at the begin

42、ning but tapers off with time. Dont whine, take action. copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website, $1,180 autopilot16 Social Bookmarking: The next thing we are going to do is social bookmark our website with our most desired keyphrase as our anchor text. In our

43、example that would be blue widget results. When using the same anchor text for links as we have for our domain (remember how we registered in our example) it is very powerful. Either by yourself or through outsourcing, create 100 social bookmarks to the homepage of your site. Make sure you include a

44、 lot of the high page rank bookmarking sites in your campaign of 100 such as propeller (very powerful), digg, oyax, mister wong, delicious, etc. 100 social bookmarks can be outsourced on the cheap even for those with a tight internet marketing budget. Go to places like , , , or . Tons of people will

45、 offer their services for this job. It is one of the easiest things to outsource. Make sure you mention in your job listing that you will need a spreadsheet with all your active links upon completion so you can be sure it was done correctly. Backlinks: The last thing I do for my 7 page website is us

46、e a backling service called High Quality Backlinks. Their web address is (not an affiliate link). I do not know the webmaster, I just find it to be a very convenient service. I usually get the 150 backlink package. Not copyright2010 All Rights Reserved Worldwide. . 1 website,

47、$1,180 autopilot17 everyone likes to put link building into someone elses hands so if youd like to build your own by all means do so. Even if you choose not to go with the backlinking services, if you have done the other promotion/link building your website will still perform better than the vast ma

48、jority of sites out there. Chapter V Build a List The vast majority of niches are conducive to list building. I know you are tired of hearing how lucrative list building can be but there is a reason it pops up in so many discussions and forum works. For every 7 page website you create you

49、 should be putting an opt in on there to compile a list of subscribers to market to. Visitor retention is vital. It is a proven fact that the vast majority of people do not purchase a product upon first viewing. By having them on your list you can market to them in the future to turn them into a potential buyer. I cannot stress enough how valuable this step is and how much I wish I wouldve started list building right when I started affiliate ma


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