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1、My favorite subject is science 教学目标Teaching and Learning Goals:一、功能:Learn how to talk about preferences:Whats your his her favorite subject? My His Her favorite subject is English. Whats Kens favorite subject? Scienc 二、词汇和常用表达: Learn and use the words:free; cool; Tuesday; Thursday;Wednesday ;Sunday;

2、 A.M.; P.M. .三、学习策略:Guide the students to master the listening skills.四、情感态度:学会与他人合作、并且关注他人,树立正确的人生观。重点Lead the students to learn to be grateful to their parents and do something nice for them.难点:Guide the students to master the listening skills.教学用具CAI,a tape player,pictures教学环节Step1:Pre-listening

3、activities1. PreviewAsk the Ss to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.短语: 1.难而有趣 2足球比赛 3.星期一,25号 4.Bill的生日聚会 句子:1.David最喜欢的科目是什么? 2Leading inShow some pictures with days of t

4、he week and get Ss to ask and answer:A: Which day is the first day of a week?B: Sunday.A: Whats your favorite day?B: Friday.A: Why do you like Friday?B: Because the next day is Saturday.And after that, ask students to look back on the description words T: Good morning , boys and girls. Do you know a

5、ny description words? Ss: Yes. I do.Step2:While-listening activities1. Read through the schedule. T: Look at the schedule below. This is Davids schedule. December 25th is Monday, December 26th is Tuesday T: What classes does David have on Monday? S1: He has science, English, Chinese, P.E., geography

6、 and art. Step3:Post-listening activities1d 1. Get Ss to listen to the conversation and repeat. 2. Ask Ss to talk about Davids favorite subject and act it out in pairs.They can do like this:A: Whats Davids favorite subject?B: His favorite subject is Chinese.Step 4 SummaryInquiry into knowledge by tr

7、anslation:一、 Its on Monday 25th. 1. 表示星期、月份的名词都是专有名词,单词的第一个字母必须 ,而且前面不加任何 。2. 在英语中,如果同时出现日期和星期,一般先说 ,后说 。二次备课小结作业布置课时练 单词抄十读十 板书设计New wordsKey sentencesMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday FridaySaturdaySunday Whats your his her favorite subject? My His Her favorite subject is English.课后反思这是一节以听说为主的对话课。在本节课当中,主要让学生学会谈论科目的喜好,以及对星期的表达。在此课中,通过师生讨论引导学生听、说、读、写,同时鼓励孩子进行交流,纠错,提高。当堂交流活跃了课堂气氛,带动了一些不爱交流表达的学生,使学生积极参与, 提高了课堂的趣味性。让学生在完成任务后体会大学习知识的快乐.


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