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1、Full Metal JacketA Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick & Michael HerrThe following is a replication of the typescript copy; due to the vagaries of HTML, passages in the text which were underscored (representing both voice-over narration and emphasised text) are represented in this instance by italic type;

2、 otherwise, the typographic features, formatting, spacing, and spelling (including typographical errors) have been retained. The copy used for this facsimile is an 8.5x11 photocopy of the original, which was produced on legal-sized paper, using typeface Courier 12pt. with 1.5-line spacing, three-hol

3、e punched, and numbered sequentially as shown. Page breaks in the typescript are represented here by dotted lines. Copyright 1985,1998 Stanley Kubrick & Michael Herr, All Rights Reserved.- = FULL METAL JACKET = A Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Michael Herr Based on the novel THE SHORT-TIMERS by G

4、ustav Hasford- 1 1967 - PARRIS ISLAND IS THAT YOU JOHN WAYNE? IS THIS ME? -1- The Marines are looking for a few good men. Barbershop. A row of barbers with electricclippers work ankle deep in hair as they give the young Marine recruits a 30-second, skin-head haircut. We see Joker, Cowboy and Leonard

5、. A drill instructor shouts at the line of waiting recruits: You are about to receive your first Marine Corps recruit haircut. You will be shaved completely bald. If you have a mole, bump, scar or anything else protruding from your head, and by protruding I mean anything sticking up out of your head

6、, the minute you sit down in that chair place your finger on whatever if is on your head, and let the barber know whatever is there, verbally, by saying, Sir, the Private has a mole on hishead.- 2 -2- Dawn. Green Marines. Two junior drill instructors screaming, GET IN LINE! GET IN LINE! YOU WILL NOT

7、 MOVE! YOU WILL NOT SPEAK! Red brick buildings. Willow trees hung thick with Spanish moss. The shaved recruits standing tall on yellow footprints painted in a pattern on the concretedeck. Parris Island, South Carolina, the United States Marine Corps Recruit Depot, an eight-week college for the phone

8、y-tough and the crazy-brave. I am Gunnery Sergeant Gerheim, your senior drill instructor. And these are your junior drill instructors, Corporal Durrane and Corporal Seaton. From now on, you will speak only when spoken to, and the first word out of your mouth will be, sir! Do you maggots understand t

9、hat? The recruits mumble Yes, sir, but not inunison. I cant hear you! Sound off like you got apair! YES, SIR!Gunnery Sergeant Gerheim spits. Listen up, herd. You maggots had better start looking like United States Marine Corps recruits. Do not think for one second that you are Marines. You just drop

10、ped by to pick up a set of dress blues. Am I right, ladies? YES, SIR!- 3 Joker says in a John Wayne voice: I think Im going to hate this movie. Cowboy laughs. Gunnery Sergeant Gerheim laughs, too. The senior drill instructor is an obscene little ogre in immaculate khaki. Sergeant Gerheim walks slowl

11、y back along the line of recruits. Who said that? Silence. Sergeant Gerheim peers into each face. Whosaid that? I did, sir, Joker says.Sergeant Gerheim aims his index finger between Jokers eyes and says, Private Joker. I like honesty. I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister. He

12、grins. He punches Joker in the stomach. Joker sinks to his knees. You little scumbag. I got your name. I got your ass. You will not laugh. You will not cry. You will learn by the numbers. I will teach you. Get up! Joker gets to his feet and comes to attention. Leonard Pratt grins.Sergeant Gerheim pu

13、ts his fists on his hips. If you ladies leave my island, if you survive recruit training, you will be a weapon, you will be a minister of death, praying for war. And proud. Until that day you are pukes, you are scumbags, you are the lowest term of life on Earth. You are not even human. You people ar

14、e nothing but a lot of little pieces of amphibianshit. Leonard Pratt grins.- 4 You got a name, scumbag? Leonard Pratt, sir, he says with a thick hillbilly accent. Like hell it is! From now on youre Gomer Pyle! Leonard Grins. Private Pyle thinks I am a real funny guy. He thinks that Parris Island is

15、more fun then a sucking chest wound. The hillbillys fact is frozen into a permanent expression of oat-fed innocence. He punches Leonard in the chest. You maggots are not going to have any fun here. You are not going to enjoy standing in straight lines and you are not going to enjoy massaging your ow

16、n wand. My orders are to weed out all nonhackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Because I am hard, you will not like me. But the more you hate me, the more you will learn. I am hard but I am fair. There is no racial bigotry here. We do not look down on niggers, kikes, wop or

17、greasers, because here you are all equally worthless. Do you understand? Some of them mumble, Yes. Yeah. Yes,sir. I cant hear you, ladies! Yes, sir! I still cant hear you, ladies! YES, SIR! You piss me off. Hit the deck. They crumple down onto the parade deck. You got no motivation. Do you hear me,

18、maggots? Listen up. I will give you motivation. You have no esprit de corp. I will give you- 5esprit de corps. You have no traditions. I will give you traditions. And I will show you how to live up to them. Sergeant Gerheim struts, ramrod straight,hands on hips. GET UP! GET UP! They get up, knees So

19、re, hands gritty. Sergeant Gerheim says to his two junior drill instructors: What a humble herd. Then to the recruits: You silly scumbags are too slow. Hit the deck. Down. Up. Down. Up. HIT IT! Down. Sergeant Gerheim steps over their struggling bodies, stomps fingers, kicks ribs with the toe of his

20、boot. Jesus H. Christ. You maggots arehuffing and puffing the way your momma did the first time your old man put the meat to her. Pain. GET UP! GET UP! Up. Muscles aching. Leonard Pratt is slow getting up. Sergeant Gerheim stands over him. Okay, scumbag, on your feet. Leonard gets up on one knee, he

21、sitates, then stands up, inhaling and exhaling. He grins. Why are you grinning at me, Private Pyle? I dont know, sir. You are grinning at me, you ugly ape! I cant help it, sir! You got a crush on me?- 6 No, sir! You want to smoke my pole? No, sir! Then you hate me? You want to kill me? No, sir! Dont

22、 lie to me. Sir, Im not.lying to you. YOU? YOU? Did you say YOU? Do you know what a ewe is? A ewe is a female sheep. A female sheep is for fucking! Sir. Why do you want to fuck your drill instructor? Sergeant Gerheim punches Leonard in the chest hard. Leonard doubles over with pain. LOCK THEM HEELS!

23、 YOURE AT ATTENTION! Leonard comes to attention. Eyes front. But the trace of a grin remains. Wipe that grin off your face. The grin is involuntary and Leonard cannot always control it. Sergeant Gerheim backhands Leonard across the face. Blood. Leonard locks his heels. Leonards lips are busted, pink

24、 and purple, and his mouth is bloody, but Leonard only shrugs and grins as though Gunnery Sergeant Gerheim had just given him a birthday present. Why did you join the Marines Cops? To become a man, Sir! Private Pyle, you may just be the dumbest United States Marine recruit in Marine Corpshistory.- 7

25、 -3- Close order drill, Leonard makes a mistake. Private Pyle, what are you trying to do tomy beloved Corps? Im sorry, sir, Leonard says. You are dumb Private Pile but do you expect me to believe you dont know right from left? No, sir. Then you did it on purpose. You want to bedifferent. No, sir. Th

26、e trace of a grin appears atthe corners of his mouth. You think Im stupid. No, sir. Then why are you grinning at me? Im not grinning, sir! Gerheim hits Leonard on the right side of his face, a hard stunning clap. Pain takes the grin away. What side was that? Right ride, sir! Are you sure? Yes, sir!

27、He slaps him just as hard on the left side.And what side was that? Left, sir, Leonard says blinking withpain. Dont fuck with me again, scumbag. Yes, sir! The close order drill continues.- 8 Beatings, we learn, are a routine element of life on Parris Island. And not that Im-only-rough-on-um-because-I

28、-love-um crap in Mr. John Waynes The Sands of Iwo Jima. -4- Mess hall. The recruits move sideways at theposition of attention, trays held flat against their chests, pressed close to the man in front of them, the DIs shouting, Assholes to belly-button! Assholes to belly-button! Mounds of scrambled eg

29、gs are piled high oneach tray, with sausages, bacon, hashed brown potatoes, cereal, toast and grapefruit. The recruits follow the man in front of themfrom the food counter to tables which hold twelve. They stand at attention while one recruit says grace, reading from a printed plastic card which loo

30、ks like a menu and which has its own little stand on each table. On the command the recruits sit. Sergeant Gerheim suddenly appears at Leonards place and bellows, Private Pyle! Leonard leaps to his feet. Yes sir! Sergeant Gerheim sweeps Leonards tray to the floor with a loud crash of dishes and cutl

31、ery. Private Pyle, the doctors have certifiedyou as a fatbody. With those tits on you you belong in Playboy. You will receive half-portions at all meals and no deserts, potatoes, bread, jam or butter! Is that clear? Aye, aye, sir!- 9 -5- Various training shots. Leonard beingshouted at and beaten. Fo

32、r the first four weeks of recruit training Leonard continues to grin, even though he receives more then his share of the beatings. Even having the shit beat out of him with calculated regularity fails to educate Leonard the way it educates the other recruits in Platoon 30-92. Leonard tries harder th

33、an any of us. He cant do anything right. -6- At night, as the platoon sleeps in double-tiered metal bunks, Leonard cries. Joker whispers to him to be quiet. He stops crying. -7- Barracks. On the first day of our fifth week, Sergeant Gerheim beats the hell out of me. Private Joker! Yes, sir! I want y

34、ou and Private Cowboy to clean thehead!- 10 Yes, sir! I want it so sanitary and spotless and sparkling that the Virgin Mary herself would he proud to go in there and take a dump. Yes, sir! Joker and Cowboy start for the head. Private Joker! Yes, sir! Do you believe in the Virgin Mary? NO SIR! I say.

35、 Its a trick question. Any answer will be wrong, and Sergeant Gerheim will heat me harder if I reverse myself. Sergeant Gerheim punches Joker in the solar plexus with his elbow. You little maggot, he says, and his fist punctuates the sentence. Are you a Jew? No, sir! An atheist? No, sir! A communist

36、? Joker stands to attention, heels locked, eyes front, swallowing groans, trying not to flinch. You make me want to vomit, scumbag. You goddamn heathen. You better sound off that you love the Virgin Mary or Im going to stomp your guts out. Sergeant Gerheims face is about an inch from Jokers left ear

37、. EYES FRONT! Spit sprinkleshis face.- 11 Are you winking at me? More spit. Joker blinks. No, sir. Are you eye-fucking me? He punches Joker in the stomach. Negative, sir. You want to fuck your drill instructor? Youwant to smoke his pole? More spit.No, sir! Joker manages not to blink. If I catch you

38、winking at ms again, Im going to gouge your eyes out and skullfuck you! Yes, sir! Now, sound off, you do love the Virgin Mary, dont you? SIR, NEGATIVE! SIR! What did you say, prive? SIR, THE PRIVATE SAID, NO, SIR! SIR! Sergeant Gerheims beefy red face floats by like a cobra being charmed by music. His eyes drill into Jokers, they invite him to look at him; they dare him to move his eyes one fraction of an inch. Have you seen the light? The white light?


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