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1、学科课题知识与能力目标:过程与方法目标:情感态度与价值观目标:英单元Unit6年级八时间主备教师语Lesson 47 Some News 课型新授课副备教师About English1.Words and phrases生词和短语:article, important, program, information, encourage to do,2.Key sentences重点句子:I m learning a lot in English.I encourage other girls and boys to study English.All over the world, studen

2、ts are learning to speak English.It takes time, but the new language gives them new opportunities.English opens the door to the world.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to read the news about English.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn to read news about English.学生通过形式多样、丰富多彩的活动,学习故事的内容,

3、理解其内涵,激发学生自主合作学习、运用英语进行体验学习的兴趣,培养学生学会欣赏他人、热爱他人的情感。教学目让学生通过阅读报纸上一则题为Open the Door to the World的新闻,使同学们认识到英语是打开通往世界之门的钥匙, 从而坚定他们学习英语的信心。的和要求 :教学重Get the students to talk about the importance of English.点 / 难点;教具A tape-recorder, some slides, a multiple-media computer and a projector.准备教学过程修改建议Step I Ho

4、mework checkingCheck students homework.T: Have you found any news about English?S: I find one.(Refer to the articleWhat Is Necessaryto Learn English Well?in Teaching resources)T: Well done! You made a good preparation.As longas youkeep trying, your English will be improved.Step II ListeningAsk the s

5、tudents to listen to the text.T: Listen and answer the T or F questions on the slide. Ask the students to read the questions first and thenlisten to the tape.1. John is from a city in South America.2. English opens the door to the world.3. A few people like to listen to international radiostations a

6、nd watch international television.4. Most programs on international radio and TV are in EnglishAnswers: FTFTStep III ReadingAsk the students to read the text and then explain somelanguage points to help them to understand the text better.T: Read thetext silentlyand underlinethe sentencesyoudon t und

7、erstand.Explains the following language points to the studentsif necessary.1.encourage sb. to do sth.E.g. He encourages me to learn English well.2.learn to do sth.E.g. I learn to cook.5.It takes sb. time to do sth.E.g. It takes me one hour to finish my homework.6.have an opportunityE.g. I have an op

8、portunity to go to America.T: Now let s do some exercises,lookat the slide,thenfillin theblank usingthe wordswe have learnt before.1. If we learn English well, we will have an _ to go abroad.2. My English teacher always _ me to _with the foreigners.3. I will _ to swim this summer.4. It _ a week to f

9、inish that work.Answers:1.opportunity2.encourages/communicate3.learn 4. takes / tookStep IV SpeakingGet the students to talk about the questions in LETDO IT.T: Now let s come to LET S DO IT. SGet the students to do this part in groups of four, andthen ask some of them to give their answers.S: In som

10、e English magazines.S: On the Internet.S: In some newspapers, like China Daily, 21stCentury.T: Good! There are so many resources for us to learnEnglish. I do hope you can make full use of them to improve our English.Step V Homework1. Retell the text.2. Review what have been learned in this unit.3. Do exercises in the activity book.板书设计:1 Key words:4. Grammar exercises:2.Main phrases:5.Summary:3.Language points:6.Homework:


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