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1、 一 套 英 语 单 词 记 忆 的 革 命 性 教 程谷雨单词王彻 底 摆 脱 记 单 词 的 苦 恼,比 普 通 人 快10倍、20倍 记 牢 英 语 单 词 http:/ QQ: 285517323仁爱英语八年级下册导学案Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 1 Why all the smiling faces? 同步作业SectionA一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】1.掌握表达个人情感的词汇,并能正确表达个人情感;2.掌握“系动词+形容词”的系表结构及用法。二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】. 读译1a,回答问题1. Why does Kangkang look e

2、xcited? _2. When are they going to see the movie? _3. Where are Kangkang, Michael and Jane going to spend the evening?_.读译3a,回答问题1. Did Mr. Lee get a ticket to the movie? _2. How did he feel? _. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 1.看上去很激动_ 2.邀请做 _3.去看电影_ 4.音乐之声_ 5.我最喜爱的电影之一_6.为准备 _7.向致谢_ 8.笑脸_ 9.去电影院看电影_ 10.感到失望_ 11.

3、尝着很香_12.听着很美_13.帮助别人_14.受到穷人们的欢迎_ 15.对穷人们很残暴_ 16.不受人们的欢迎_17.本周六_ 18.真遗憾!_ 19.感到开心_ 20.在电视上播出_. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.How are you doing? Very well. 译:_ 思考:well可以换成good吗? 链接:我们学过的见面问候的方式有很多:第一次见面问候(正式的)_对应答语_第一次见面问候(非正式的)_对应答语_熟悉的人见面问候_对应答语_熟悉的人见面问候_对应答语_ 2.My father and mother want to invite your parents to

4、 go to the movie. 1 2 31 一 套 英 语 单 词 记 忆 的 革 命 性 教 程谷雨单词王彻 底 摆 脱 记 单 词 的 苦 恼,比 普 通 人 快10倍、20倍 记 牢 英 语 单 词 http:/ QQ: 285517323译:_点拨:to的用法有两种: 一、不定式符号 to ; 二、介词to分析: 句子中的三个to: (1)_ (2)_ (3)_练习: 妈妈让我早睡早起。Mum_me_ _ _bed and_ _ early.3.I went to buy a ticket, but there was none left. 译:_对比:I went to loo

5、k for the children, but there was none left. 译:_点拨:none = no one-既可以指人也可以指物 left是leave(留下)的过去分词形式,不是过去式4.He often helps others. He is popular with the poor.译:_点拨:others相当于other+_数_词; 这里others = _ _the poor指_, the + 形容词=一类人 如:the young _ , the rich _ ,老人们_5.He is cruel to the poor, so he is unpopular

6、 with the people.译:_点拨:be cruel to sb.-对某人很残酷 链接:对某人很友好_ be unpopular with sb.-不受某人的欢迎 链接:受某人的欢迎_三、当堂达标【要点追踪,各个击破】.根据词的首字母填空:1).Please say t to your mother.2).There was n left.3).I feel d .4).You look very h this morning.5).It tastes d .用所给词的适当形式填空:1).How could you do that (silly) thing?2).I want to

7、 (invite) you to my birthday part.Thank you.3).We dont like him, because he is (cruel) to the animals.4).This song is (popular),so none of us likes it.1 一 套 英 语 单 词 记 忆 的 革 命 性 教 程谷雨单词王彻 底 摆 脱 记 单 词 的 苦 恼,比 普 通 人 快10倍、20倍 记 牢 英 语 单 词 http:/ QQ: 285517323.汉译英:1).李老师受到同学们的喜爱,因为他总是那么的善良和友好。 Miss Li is

8、students because she is always kind and friendly.2).“你们为什么笑啊?”她面带微笑问道。“Why do you ?” asked she with a .3).星期五的票?对不起,一张也没有了。Tickets for Friday? Sorry , we have .4)星期日我们要在吉姆家过夜。We will at Jims house this Sunday. 5)、你猜怎么着! 我刚才在超市碰见老师了。 ! I met our teacher in the supermarket just now.四、课后提升【拓展思维,提升能力】.总

9、结表示状态的连系动词有哪9个(常用): .总结表示转变或结果的连系动词有哪6个(常用): .总结本课学习的表达个人情感的形容词有哪些? . 选择填空:( )1.How are you ? , thank you. A. going, GoodB. getting, BetterC. doing, FineD. feeling, Nice( )2.Your father helps me a lot. Please say your father.I will. Thank you. A. say hello toB. say thanks toC. say sorry toD. say goo

10、dbye to( )3. Lucy looked so when she heard the bad news.A. happyB. sillyC. cruelD. sad( )4.Who cooked the chicken? It so delicious.My mom. A. looksB. feelsC. tastesD. sounds( )5.I want to see the movie, but I have no tickets. A. What a shame!B. what shame!C. How shame!D. How a shame!( )6. One of my

11、friends from Fuzhou.A. isB. areC. comeD. am( )7.Qing Shihuang was a emperor, so he was unpopular with the people.A. happyB. kindC. friendlyD. cruel( )8. We are going to this Saturday traveling around Beijing.A. takeB. spendC. payD. cost( )9.Which book do you like best among these books? . I like wat

12、ching TV. A. NothingB. BothC. No oneD. None( )10.Would you like to invite Mr. Wang sports with you?Yes, Id love to.A. to playB. playsC. playedD. playing. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话(其中有两项是多余的):Susan: Hi! Li Jie. How are you doing?Li Jie: (1) You look so happy. Why?Susan: Guess what! My mother took me to see a m

13、ovie last night in the open air.Li Jie: (2) Susan: Ji Gong. Its one of my favorite movies.Li Jie: I like it, too. (3) Susan: Yeah. Ji Gong is poor, but he is very kind. He often helps the poor.Li Jie: (4) Susan: I think we should learn from Ji Gong. Do you think so?Li Jie: (5) Susan: Agree. Lets try

14、 our best to do that.A. So he is very popular with the poor.B. Whats your favorite movie?C. Sure. We should help each other.D. Not bad, thank you.E. What movie did you see?F. The characters in it are funny and the music sounds beautiful.G. I want to buy a ticket, but there was none left.短文填空:Kangkan

15、g felt e because his parents wanted to i his classmates parents to see a movie. It was Janes f movieThe Sound of Music. They met their teacher Mr. Lee at the gate of the movie t . Mr. Lee said they were l because he went to buy a t but there was none left. So he felt d .The children all went to Kang

16、kangs home. His mother p a lot of food for them. They liked it very much. The children s the evening there. SectionB一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】1.学习一些常用的表示情感的词及短语;2.能就个人的情感话题进行简单的交流。二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】. 读译对话,回答问题1. How does Mr. Lee feel when he cant get the ticket? _2. What does Jane think of The Sound of Music?

17、 _3. Whats Marias favorite? Why? _4. What does Kangkang think of Beijing Opera? _5. Why does Kangkang like Love Me Once More best? _. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.似乎有点儿失望_ 2.感到失望_3.一张的票_ 4.下次_ 5.非常喜欢京剧_ 6.以而自豪_ 7.好像很担心_ 8.为感到高兴_ 9.很难闻_ 10.变绿_11.摆放餐具_12.就摆三个位置_13.发烧_ 14.刚才_15.(声音)听起来很苦恼_16.给打电话_17.为感到难过_ . 在文中划

18、出下面的句子并翻译 1.He seems a little disappointed. 译:_ 思考:你认为seem可以用我们学过哪个词来替换? _, 那么seem也是个_动词 总结: (1)主+seem+形容词 (2)主+seem+to be+名词短语/介词短语 (3)It seems that+从句 练习: 他们今天似乎很自豪。a._ b._c._ Tom好像在家。d._ e_ 她好像是个护士。f._ g._2.He feels disappointed because he cant get a ticket to The Sound of Music.译:_思考:feel在句子中是个_

19、动词, 因为后面直接跟了_词。 disappointed意思是_; disappointing意思是_ a ticket to sth. 的票/入场券 - 有时也可以说: a ticket for sth.模仿:一张音乐会票_一张足球赛票_3.Michael isnt able to come. 同义句:_句型转换: a.将原句变为一般过去时-Michael _同义句_b.将原句变为一般将来时-Michael _-还有同义句吗?总结:1)表示能力时,_和_是可以互换的。 如:No one can do itNo one _ _ _do it. 没人能做这件事。2)can只用在现在时和过去时,表

20、示将来能力时,要用will be able to /shall如:The boy _go to school next year. 这个男孩明年就能上学了。4.I hope everything goes well. 译:_ 5. Ill ring up Michael later. 稍后我会打电话给迈克尔。总结: ring up-打电话给telephone/ call/ ring sb思考:ring up的宾语为代词时,要放在ring up;宾语为名词时,要可放在ring up或练习:我希望他给我打电话。I hope he _ _ _ _. I rang up Lily yesterdayI

21、 _ yesterday.三、当堂达标【要点追踪,各个击破】、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空: 1. It rained heavily yesterday. But this morning it became (sun). 2. This story is so (fun) and (interest) that I read it again and again. 3. Lucy seemed (worry). Whats wrong with her? 4. Michael felt (surprise) and happy when he knew he got full score

22、 in the exam. 5. Lily is (set) the table for her classmates. 6. We are (pride) of Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian.、用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空:smell move interest seem surprise set the table go proud 1. It to be the best way to do with the matter. 2. She feels very to be a part of the team. 3. The flower very sweet

23、. 4. Mom is cooking in the kitchen and I am for my friends. 5. The movie moved all of us to tears(眼泪). 6. Im sure Lucy will be when she opens my present. 7. I hope everything well. 8. The story is very funny. Im very in it.、翻译填空: 1、你父母一定为你感到骄傲。 Your parents must be you. 2、我正在帮妈妈布置餐具。 Im helping my m

24、other . 3、他没有尽力,所以我并不为他惋惜。 He didnt do his best, so I didnt . 4、从她脸上的笑容可以看出她对那部电影很满意。 The smile on her face showed that she very the movie. 5、他们似乎知道自己在干什么。 They what theyre doing. 6、春天来了,树变绿了。 When spring comes, trees . 7、康康为什么失望?因为他最好的朋友不能来。Why is Kangkang ? Because his best friend is come.四、课后提升【拓

25、展思维,提升能力】. 选择填空:( )1. I cant get a ticket the film, so I will see next time. A. ofB. atC. toD. with( )2. The girl felt because she lost a good chance. A. movingB. upsetC. surprisedD. worried( )3. Ill later today. A. ring him upB. ring up himC. call him toD. call up him( )4. She was at the news. A. s

26、urprising, surprisedB. surprised, surprise C. surprised, surprisingD. surprising, surprise( )5. Michael fell off his bike and broke his leg. A. Really? B. Im so sorry to hear that. C. I hope everything goes well.D. Thats all right.( )6. The news report about Wenchuan Earthquake is so that we are dee

27、ply .A. moving, movedB. moving, moving C. moved, moving D. moved, moved( )7. This kind of apple tastes and sells .A. well, wellB. good, goodC. well, goodD. good, well( )8. Do you like the music in The Sound of Music?Yes, it really wonderful.A. feelsB. soundsC. listensD. hears( )9. Maria is not able

28、to school today because she is ill.A. to comeB. comeC. comesD. coming( )10. The boy cant speak at the age of three. A lot of people think he is .A. smartB. sillyC. madD. happy( )11. does Lucy feel? She is upset.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Where( )12.What is mom cooking in the kitchen? Fish, I guess. How

29、nice it !A. looksB. soundsC. tastesD. smells( )13.Why do all of you have the faces? Because we all passed the English exam.A. smileB. smilesC. smilingD. a smile( )14.Im sorry I cant eat out with you. There will be a test tomorrow.Oh, . Well, are you free tomorrow evening?A. shame on youB. sounds gre

30、atC. I get itD. thats too bad、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话(其中有两项是多余的):A: Hi, Alice. I have two tickets to the film tonight. (1) A. About animals.B. Would you like to go with me?C. Its about love.D. Where shall we meet?E. When shall we meet?F. What time will it begin?G. Do you like watching movies?B: Sure. Id lov

31、e to. (2) A: It will begin at 7:00.B. What is it about?A: (3) It shows people how to care for animals in danger.B: Sounds wonderful. (4) A: Lets make it 6:30.B: (5) A: At the school gate.SectionC一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】1.了解著名电影音乐之声,泰坦尼克号和妈妈再爱我一次的剧情;2.能简单描述并评论喜欢的影视作品。二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】. 读1a,回答课本上的问题. 在文中找到,划

32、出并背诵下面的短语1.(电影,电视)上映_ 2.最受欢迎的美国影片_ 3.一个住在奥地利的年轻女子_ 4.Von Trapp一家_ 5.照顾_ 6.变得发怒_7.因为吵闹的孩子们_ 8.教做_ 9.唱欢快的歌曲_ 10.表演幽默的短剧_11.使他们振作_12.开始_13.他的孩子们的笑脸_14.让他高兴_ 15.讲述了一个爱情故事_16.彼此在一起_17.在一艘叫做泰坦尼克号的船上_ 18.在四月十五日夜里_ 19.发生了一个严重的事故_20.在去美国的途中_ 21.落入海中_ 22.害怕彼此失散_23.最后_24.感到那么地孤独_ 25.如此焦急以至于_ 26.到处寻找他_ 27.精神失常_. 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译 1.When and where will the movie be shown? 译:_


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