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1、教 学 设 计 单元Unit4课题Accident课时1课型Presentation教学内容Part 6 and Part 7教学目标Review the words of bodyCan read the dialoguesCan make up new dialogues重点难点Can read the dialoguesCan make up new dialogues教学准备PPT, a tape-recorder, a tape教 学 过 程 设 计复 备I. Warm- up1. Greetings2. read the passage on P323.Quick response

2、head-shoulder- knees-toes II. Presentation 1, Simon says first let the teacher be Simon then choose some students and lead the whole classplay the game. 2,Look and guess The teacher show my legs hurt with facial expressions ask the students to learn the new word hurt using the sentence to check pron

3、unciation and understanding my _ hurt. my _ hurts. 3. Show a picture of hospital This is a hospital, is there anybody who wants to be a doctor? First lets learn what the doctor will say. mattermatter- whats the matter? Whats the matter? Whats the matter? Whats the matter with you? 4. Give the pupils

4、 a few minutes to act their own dialogues. show them the key structures Whats the matter with you? My_ hurts. My_ hurt.Consolidation 1. Open your books turn to page 37.2. Check the answers.3. Listen and read 4. Show some posters of safety.5. Ask the students always remember safety in mind.III. Task 1,Design your own poster2, Make up new dialogue which happened in hospital.板书设计Unit 4 Accidentsmatter My legs hurt.Whats the matter? My nose hurts.Whats the matter with you?教学资源教学反思


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