Unit 1 My name’s Gina( Section B 1a-2c)教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 1 My names Gina( Section B 1a-2c)教学设计I. Teaching aims(教学目标)1) 能掌握以下单词:zero one two three four five six seven eight nine telephone number phone 2)能掌握以下句型:Whats your telephone number? Its 3)能熟练使用所学数字(zero.nine)解决生活中的实际问题。4)通过对电话号码、车牌号码、幸运数字等常识的学习,学生加深对生活的认知和热爱。II. Key points and Difficulties( 重点和

2、难点):a.重点:学习并掌握词汇zero one two three four five six seven eight nine telephone number b.难点:询问电话号码的句型及回答: Whats your telephone number? Its /My telephone number is III. Teaching procedures(教学过程)Step1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Greetings(日常问候):T: Good morning, everyone. My name is Song Min. Whats

3、 your name, please?S1: My name.T: Hello, . Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: And whats your name?S2: My name is(2)Revision(复习):T: S1, whats his name?S1: His name is T: S2, whats her name?S2: Her name is Step2. Presentation(表现)1. 引出数字并说明本节课的学习目标(教师能够通过提问题引出,如同学们一星期有几天呀?7天。用英语,7就是seven.)2.

4、 Learn the pronunciation and spelling of the numbers from zero to nine.1) Write the words and the phonetic symbols on the blackboard.2) Let Ss read the words according to the phonetic symbols by themselves.3) Listen to the recording and repeat the numbers.3. Check the numbers. (教师用汉语读出数字要求学生一起用英语读出来

5、并拼读出来,看那一组又快又准确)4. 理解生活中常用的一些电话号码(如,110匪警、114查询台、119火警、120急救、12121(天气预报)、122路警等)的实际意义。5. 通过简单的数学加减法计算题,巩固数字的记忆和使用(教师问,学生齐答,并找学生将结果拼读出来)。T:Whats zero and three? . Whats nine minus seven? . Step3. Listening 1. Work on 1bT: Now lets listen to the tape.T: (ask the Ss to write the phone numbers in the bl

6、ank.)T: (check the answers:2-7-8-6-9-2-6)2. Work on 2a,2bT: Point to the numbered names. Read each one aloud along with the number that comes before it. Then say each number and ask a student to read the name after that number.Point to the blanks in the four telephone numbers. Tell the Ss that the l

7、ast two numbers of each telephone number are missing. Listen to the tape and then fill in these numbers.Play the tape then check the answers.(1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a)(278-7928, 555-8042, 398-6149, 929-3160)Step4. Make conversations(询问对方或他/她的电话号码并回答)Step5. 随堂练习设计在画线处填上适当数词1Sixthree_ . 2._一fiveone.3Three十two=

8、 _. 4.Ten一ten= _.5. Two_ = nine 6. Whats nine minus(减)zero? Its _.7_ minus four is three 8. Six and two is _.9Seven minus one is _ . 10One and one is _. Homework1. Copy new words three times and write numbers from zero to nine from memory .(抄写新单词五遍,会默写zero到nine十个数字)。2. Make a dialogue with “ Whats your telephone number? Its .” as long as you can. (用“Whats your telephone number? Its .”使用所学的英语编尽可能长的对话。)IV.教学反思: 本课时的教学内容是大家最为熟悉和常用的数字和电话号码的相关问题,所以学生们对这类话题很感兴趣,他们能够积极地参与课堂活动中来并主动地去完成活动任务,同时通过本节课的语言教学,也培养了同学们热爱生活的情感、态度和价值观。如,通过对110、119、114、120、122等一些电话号码的了解和个人的幸运数字的探讨提升了他们对生活的热爱和解决生活中实际问题的水平。


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