PEP四年级上册《Unit3 My friends》第五课时教学设计.doc

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1、PEP四年级上册Unit3 My friends第五课时教学设计 教材内容: PEP教材四年级上册Unit3 My friends第五课时 Lets talk. 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说“Whats her name? Her name is .”并能在情境中使用。 2.能听懂“Boy or girl?” 3.能用简单的语言描述人物。 教学重点: 学会使用句型“Whats her name? Her name is .” 教学难点: 区分Whats her name? Whats his name? 教学准备: 1.教师准备本课时多媒体课件。 2.本课时录音带、录音机。 3.教师准备复习用

2、的图片。教学过程: Step1:Warm-up 1. Sing a song “Friends” Friends are big, friends are small. Friends play sports like basketball .Friends are cute, friends are tall. We are friends one and all. 2. Greeting3.分组、建立激励评价体制4.Lets do5.认图片,复习所学单词。图片1.Chen Jie 图片2. Mike图片3.Sarah 图片4.Bai Ling 图片5 John 图片6Zhang Peng

3、图片7AmyT: Boy or girl? He/She likes6.Guessing gameStep2:Presentation 1. 教师说:I have many friends ,you are my friends too .Yes or no? 生回答:Yes. 教师接着说:“Yes, I have a friend in our class. She is a girl. She is thin .She has long hair. She has small nose . She likes English. She is quiet . Guess: Whos she

4、? Whats her name? Her name is . 教师可重复说Whats her name? Her name is .引导学生用Her name is . 回答,引出今天的新句型,Whats her name? Her name is .,老师将此句型出示在黑板上,并领读。分小组操练句型Whats her name? Her name is .”S1向S2询问S3的名字。3PPT 出示卡通或明星图像,提问:Whats her/his name?学生抢答。Step3:Practice 1.教师播放录音T:Chen Jie has a friend, Whats her

5、 name? John has a friend ,too. Whats his name? Lets listen to the tape. Then answer the questions听第一遍整体感知,回答预习提示中的问题。2.听录音,给对话标序号(Open the book.Listen and number) 3.跟录音读两遍,跟老师读一遍(Read after the tape ,read after the teacher) 4.齐读、男女生分角色读、分组读。5.同桌两人练习,并扮演。6.编创对话。 Step4:Consolidation/Extention. 1. 课件出示教师照片,请学生描述。2. 学生四人一小组选择一位同学来描述,每人可说一至两句,说得越多越好。 3. 评价总结。Step5 Homework 向自己的好朋友描述班里一位同学,让他猜猜你描述的是谁。


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