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1、Module 1 Deep South Period. Grammar: & Cultural Corner编写人:吕桂絮 吴风军 审核人:吴王芳 时间:2014.4.28Learning aims: 1. 2. Read the passage to get the main idea and the detailed information.问题导学(一)GrammarTask 1.Subject:1._is my dream.(不定式) 到国外学习是我的梦想。2. _remains unknown.(名词性从句) 谁将去那里还不知道。3._added to our difficulty.

2、(v-ing 形式)他们的离开增加了我们的困难。4._for the spilt milk. 为打翻的牛奶哭泣是没有用的。5.-Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview.-_ (have)the answer ready will be of great help.6._(learn) a language requires time and effort.7. What made you so upset? _(lose) three tickets to the pop music concert.8. _ the earth tur

3、ns around the sun is known to all.9._is an inspiration to all of us.(他们赢得了比赛) 10.It is a pity _she has made such a foolish mistake.11.My family as well as I _(be) glad to see you.12.More than 70% of the surface of our planet _(cover) with water.13.Twenty miles _(be) a long way to cover.14.Please don

4、t make so much noise. The baby _(sleep) in the next room.15.The elderly _(take) good care of in the village now.16.Each boy and each girl _(wear) a school uniform on the first day of the term.17. Many a student _the film. 许多学生已看过这部电影。翻译:1. 眼见为实。_2. 抱怨是没有用的。_3. 你所需要的是耐心。(主语从句)_4. 有钱人未必总是快乐的。_5. 要学好英语

5、是不容易的。(it 形式主语) _ 6.我们班50%的学生是女生。_Task2.Verbs:1. The plane _(leave) at 7:00 p.m, so I have to be at the airport by 6:40 at the latest.2. This kind of cake _(taste) delicious.3. Please remain _(seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop.4. With the rapid growth of population, the city _(spread

6、 ) in all directions in the past five years.5. Its said that another new car factory _(build) now.6. Did he notice you enter the room? I dont think so. He _(listen) to the radio with his eyes shut.7. This place is worth_.(visit)8. Ive finally finished my paper and it _(take) me an entire month.9. Th

7、ey wont buy new clothes because they _(save) money to buy a color TV set.10. I know Mr. Brown; We _(introduce) to each other at an international conference. 11. It _(rain) last night, for the road was quite muddy.Task3. Best choice1. They produced two reports, _of which contained any useful suggesti

8、ons.A. either B. all C. none D. neither2.One-third of the country_ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _black people. A. is; are B. is ; is C. are; are D. are; is 3._how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.A. Hearing B. Hear C. Having heard D. To be

9、heard4.I will go to the library as soon as I finish what I _.A. was doing B. am doing C. have done D. had been doing5.It was never clear _the man hadnt reported the accident sooner.A. that B. how C. when D. why6.Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what _nice.A. looks B. smells C. f

10、eels D. tastes7.You _park here! Its an emergency exit.A. wouldnt B. neednt C. couldnt D. mustnt8.It suddenly occurred to him _he had left his keys in the office.A. whether B. where C. which D. that9._makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.A. That B.What C.Who D.Whi

11、ch10.I stopped the car _a short break as I was feeling tired.A. take B. taking C. to take D.taken问题导学(二)cultural cornerTask 1. Read the text and answer the following questions.1. Why did people think Marco Polo was not telling the truth about his voyage?2. What influence did his book have?Task 2. Ph

12、rases and sentences1.出发,动身 2.听说 3.因而著名4.讲故事 5.非常详尽的 6.遗留,留下7.在去的旅行途中Sentences:1. He _ _ with his father and uncle on a 25-year journey to mysterious, distant lands that most people in Europe have never _ _.他跟随父亲和叔叔进行了一次长达25年的旅行,游历了大多数欧洲人闻所未闻的神秘而遥远的地方。2. He _ _ about the towns, cities and populations

13、 _ _ _. 他详尽地讲述了关于那些乡镇,城市和居民的故事。3. With very little _ between China and the West, it is not _ that people in a rich powerful place like Venice could not believe his stories, nor in the idea of huge, rich city states _by millions people.因为中国与西方之间的联系很少,也难怪那些住在像威尼斯这样富足强大地方的人根本不相信他的经历,更无法想象数以百万计的人居住在庞大富饶

14、的城邦。4.A general myth has _ _ around Marco Polo that he _such things as spaghetti and ice cream from China to the West.关于马可波罗最为大家熟知的一个传说是他将意大利通心粉和冰淇淋的等东西从中国传入西方。4. Christopher Columbus _ _ a _copy that he read as _on his own _to America.克里斯托弗. 哥伦布留下了一本翻破了的书,在去美洲途中他通过阅读这本书获取了精神上的鼓舞。Task 3.Language poi

15、nts (优化方案P16&19)inspiration while on their journey buying and selling spices, silks and jewels, they befriend one of the most powerful men on Earth, Kubla Khan. Task 4. exercises1. 为了避开交通高峰他们很早就动身了。2. 老师详细地跟我们说明了我们在访问期间应该做的事情。Our teacher told us _ _ what we would be expected to do during the visit.3

16、. 她丈夫死了,除了债务什么也没留下。Her husband died, _ _ nothing but debts.4. 她不知去向了,再未听到她的消息。She disappeared and was never _ _ again.5. 美国人以思想开放而闻名。 Americans are _ _ _ their openness of mind.6. Shortly after my arrival at the school, I was _(对待如朋友) by an older girl.7. The _(可靠性) of these results has been questioned.8. Huckleberry Finn is a fantastic _ (故事)of adventure9. Odysseus was a _(传说中的) Greek hero.10. His _songs make us think that he was _.(inspire)11. I wont go there unless _.(invite)语法填空1.


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