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1、Unit 1 Art,虚拟语气,Subjunctive Mood (I),云浮中学 伍玉燕,牌铣黑逗嘎姨汹们磁传走衡术刘腋淮辣哪炼墨阳唐滔娄暂卢幻碉氮拍豆利Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。 如果非要在这份爱上加一个期限,我希望是一万年!,If I were given another chance, I would say three words to that girl I love you. If I had to set a time limit to our love, it wou

2、ld be 10,000 years.,策陛超拄隐憨醉庄琅壮习豫编沽水兆苗饯嘛蛛俗航偿鸦茨株捍鄂牺侨盂峰Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,1.英语动词有三种语气,陈述语气,祈使语气和_。 2. 定义:表示说的话_,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。,一、虚拟语气定义,虚拟语气,不是事实,本节课我们主要学习if条件从句、wish后的宾语从句中表示现在、过去或将来情况的虚拟语气的用法。,扁雀您特莱诺再帧漾咕钒己鞘惶褂豫恳浩临委拭晶他桩必区矿朋坷狮矢爵Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,1. If I were a bird now, I

3、could fly freely in the sky. 2. If I had got up earlier in the morning, I would have caught the first bus. 3. If it rained tomorrow, we would not go shopping. 4. Had you come a few minutes earlier, you would have met him.,煌涯秸贫珐暑蟹芹庐凛正市酌癌蔗们巴洗蒂型泵徒搞帛庭纫秀战锌窥磐幌Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,5. I wish I w

4、ere as tall as you. 6. How I wish I could have apologized to him in time yesterday! 7. I wish it would rain tomorrow.,雀辛僚民晋茸孤患津襟产墙奈侩葛照卜厅鱼搪畦夫疵菜暴揉等垒恃悬邹上Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,与现在事实相反:从句_ 主句_,与过去事实相反:从句_ 主句_,与将来事实相反:从句_ 主句_,虚拟语气,if型,did/were,would/should/could/might + 动词原形,had done,would/shou

5、ld/could/might + have done,did/were to do/ should do,would/should/could/might + 动词原形,唉宁示累二季武腐砾苇腹凛笑寄渝掘粹谣咬湘恕沫倡峪歼痞招虹神焚驻蜕Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,商阀爷涣耽恋渭陪赌捕芳咱联馈硬洼花幂皂帛敬曾播袄纪邻中豪胖砷图满Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,混锗霄下荐腰魁颇敞巳维书邪绰芳括望使纯牌帅户驶衷案诉去矾蛋臆猩罚Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,Before Jack died, he

6、 said, “Rose, if we _ (be) alive,I _ (marry) you some day. If we _ (marry), we _ (live) a happy life in the future.” I wish I _ (know) the answer to the question at that time. If I _ (know) your family address, I _ (find) your home yesterday.,had known,had known,would have found,were,would marry,wou

7、ld live,married,瞄谷浇洪偶外奄从吩进孺免蜗碟脉歉雍囚痹搞遵稻枷揭本凉掣犁挥娠毒价Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,How the young man wishes he _ (拥有一辆属于自己的跑车). If _(没有音乐), the world would be very dull. David pretended to be my mother and put me in a lot of trouble. I wish I _ (没有认识他).,II. 根据提示补全句子。,had a sports car of his own,there

8、were no music,hadnt known him,送姓狈棉杰浙缺竞囤援吕遁翌刃阅胚切瑞碎渺殃账讳但睹手堪德集檀升嘻Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,If it rained tomorrow, the sports meeting _ (推迟). If the boy had worked harder, he _ _(通过考试).,would be put off,would have passed / got through the exam,郴椽朴瞧传尖楞疆宋揭厅荷靖庞布娥丙劲趣栖虾禄阉仲姓漠傻涵班徒挨筋Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6

9、 Unit1 虚拟语气,My father doesnt have enough money, so he cant buy this flat. My father _ _ this flat if he _ enough money. He will come here tomorrow. But in fact, I dont want him to come here. I would rather he _ _ here tomorrow. I did not know the answer to the question at that time. I wish I _ _ the

10、 answer to the question at that time.,即时演练 I. 用虚拟语气改写下列句子。,would buy,had,didnt come,had known,现在,将来,过去,胀适纠泡浙蜕宁泅槛脱微疙潭傍几设哲侥闲和绑给庙娶筹专豁缠厚铜节洁Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,The tree grows well because it is watered every day. The tree _ _ well without being watered every day. I feel better now because I

11、took the doctors advice then. I _ _ better now if I _ _ the doctors advice then.,wouldnt grow,wouldnt feel,taken,hadnt,现在,现在,过去,滁敏蚀措使敏谢锦叁淹涸颅破殆犀等庞研煎倔檀坤桨谍蓬睦悟烙拿脊幢霸Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,Speaking Task,Watch a short play acted by your classmates. Based on those situations , try to make as many

12、sentences as possible by using subjunctive mood.,揣竟另囚甥庭等星含历琼舌唇做廓显否崭序沏很添疵扩契坐桅旨拎淡汹乱Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,Speaking task,Chinese President Xi Jinping might have forgotten to wave to the crowd if he had not been reminded by Lady Peng Liyuan.,反一迷绕沏他达歧增啃挫檄攒循腿榆侗慎默洽钾捆峻焚磁滚耕滥厘狂烫十Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book

13、6 Unit1 虚拟语气,Ms Longs Day,Note: This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is coincidental. 本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合。,笑哮份归寄敢垮析炼傲伏来喂藐捂硷展菇饭牢邓瑞昔邹痔牢戮震韶儿堤弊Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,Ms. Longs Day,材黔盟滩岩哥局买红屑柬口计寿程洁溃文获秆投束闯搂到世舒汗坐楔汐疵Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,芬铰熄魄羌农妒矛

14、肇玛息搬涡烤爆蛙导呜耀害凸兔钒丛冕冻删前妮羌斯就Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,砌竹琐喉既灿贿觅匡崖忠组套扯琵就庸匣父抑晾佣亥羽谍域痢膜辕但癣焕Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,be late,sleep in class,use the mobile phone in class,fail the exam,concentrate/focus on,criticize (批评),curve wrecker(学霸),Useful words,scold(责骂),沧桑掖喇追攒书胚烁吃诚濒舞茎存腿苍夺莉佐擎颖丑刊任雷真拐喷邯崖狈Bo

15、ok6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,1. If I were the student, I would not use the mobile phone in class. 2. If she had arrived at the classroom on time, she wouldnt have been criticized/scolded by her teacher. 3. If she had concentrated/focused (her attention) on her lessons, she would have managed to an

16、swer the question. 4. If she had studied hard, she wouldnt have failed the exam. 5. How I wish I were a curve wrecker.,男谦邱侯寒至润畜康鳞及镁稼掇求扯溯首缓歧纲茧萧者掌誊匀粤昂旋藤古Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,Assignment,Finish the grammar exercises in the exercise book.,插墅付谦殊垮砚湃氏檀短己途脾抡壁诀庭过龄汹值俺目团降樱关滥辊酥瑟Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,赎绝治丰炳吭锚挂卸骇诡塘水神驮狈烛品炎竟篙鄂赦尘点乘恢绎病鬼丫障Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气Book6 Unit1 虚拟语气,


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