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1、精品文档五年级英语(下)教学设计Unit 1 We Love Nature Leason 1 Planting Trees教学目标:1. 能听、会说本课词汇 ,做到发音准确 ,语调自然2. 通过本课的学习 ,能较熟练的运用一般将来时态询问某人打算做什么及其回答方式。3. 通过自然拼读法的学习 ,掌握字母组合“ch”和“tch”的发音规律 ,并能较灵活的将其运用于单词拼读中。 4. 能理解歌曲大意和熟练演唱 ,有一定的情绪体验 ,并能在教师的引导下仿编歌曲。5. 能借助图画理解故事 ,巩固本课所学内容。6. 通过植树活动 ,从小树立学生保护大自然、保护环境的意识。教学重难点:1. 新学短语的正确

2、发音和应用。2. 能较熟练的应用“be going to”句型。3.能用自然拼读法拼读含有字母组合“ch” “tch”的单词 ,做到举一反三。4.能叫自然的表演对话和演唱歌曲。教学过程:The First PeriodTeaching contents:1)work in pairs. 2) listen and practice:play table tennis,play basketball,play football,play volleyball Step 11.师生常规问候。2.引导学生谈论寒假生活及新学期的打算。3.复习相关动词词组 ,为本课句型教学做好准备。Step 2Work

3、 in pairs1.出示单词 ,集中复习Work in pairs中出现的已学过的动词及动词词组。2.创设情景 ,让学生感知新句型“What are you/they going to do?” “Im/Were/Theyre going to”.3.让学生进行双人活动 ,将教材中提供的单词和词套入句型中练习 ,然后检测。4.在以上练习的基础上 ,教学用“We/They are going to”作答。 Step 3Listen and practise:1. 出示图画 ,复习已学过的单词volleyball,football, basketball等。2. 根据所学单词和歌曲引导学生组成新

4、的词组play volleyball等。3. 学生听录音 ,跟读。Step 4Read and say .1. 创设情景 ,让学生感知plant trees .2. 教学有关植树节的宣传用语。3. 总结并教育学生保护环境、保护地球。Step 51. 总结本课所学内容。2. 布置作业。2. 与学生道别。The Second PeriodStep 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学单词。duty report .review the phrases .Step 2Listen and practise.1. 运用自然拼读法。pig-big-dig role-mole-hole2. 用所学单词组

5、成新词组。Water ,flower water flowers3. 创设情景 ,将新词组引入句型中练习。What are they doing ? They are going to 4. 通过游戏巩固所学内容。Step 3Listen and number1. 学生看图将词组读遍。2. 教师纠正发音并领读一遍。3. 听录音排序。4. 教师适当讲解”What is she/he doingto do?” “She/he is going to ”的用法 ,并适当练习。Step 4Listen and sing : The Spring 1. 让学生根据插图熟悉单词shine(shining)

6、 ,move(moving) ,flower(flowing)和sun,breeze,river 。2. 请学生听歌曲 ,回答问题 ,然后讲解歌词大意 。What season is the song about ?What is shining ?What are moving and flowing ?Step 51. 小结本课。2. 布置作业 ,道别。The Third PeriodStep 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学内容。Step 2Lets talk .1. 创设情景 ,教学对话第一部分。出示表示四季的卡片 ,spring ,summer ,autumn 和 winter

7、 。出示两只燕子和学生植树的卡片设计活动 ,帮助学生理解大意。学生听录音并跟读。Step 3Look ,listen and say .1. 辨别单词China , cherry ,peach .2. 出示单词对应的图片 ,讲解词义。3. 用游戏“找陌生人”进行巩固练习。Step 41. 引导学生总结本课所学内容。2. 布置家庭作业:复习词汇、对话和小诗 ,预习故事。3. 道别。The Fourth PeriodStep 11. 师生常规问候。2. 复习上节课所学内容。Step 2Read and match .1.复习look ,listen and say .2.让学生找出有字母“ch”的

8、单词并自己试着读。3.教师纠正发音并让学生跟读。Step 3Lets talk .1.创设情景 ,教学对话第二部分。让学生分组讨论种树的步骤。放录音 ,公布答案。学生跟读。2. 将对话的两部分连起来操练。Step 41. 小结本课。2. 布置作业。3. 与学生道别。Leason 2 Talking about Squirrels教学内容:The first period:1) Work in pairs; 2)Lets talk The second period:1) Listen and practise; 2)Lets talkThe third period:1)Play a game

9、 2) Read and writeThe fourth period:1)Listen and chant 2) Look , say and write 3)Read and write教学目标:1. 掌握本课新词 ,要求发音准确、理解词义。2. 掌握询问别人喜欢什么及回答喜欢的原因所需的句型。3. 培养学生改写故事和编写小诗的能力。教学重点:1. 能询问别人喜欢什么及回答喜欢的原因所需的句型进行日常交流。2. 掌握“ch”与”tch”的发音规律。教学难点: 仿编小诗教具: 单词卡片;录音机等。教学过程:The First PeriodStep 11. 师生常规问候。2. 复习以前所学内容

10、。Step 2Work in pairs 1. 看图说话 ,练习“There be”句型。将学生分为几个小组来相互提问。Step 3Lets talk1. 教师出示书中图画 ,边讲解边应用。2. 听录音 ,学习对话。3. 分组练习 ,表演对话。4. 检测学生的练习情况。Step 4Listen and practise1. 创设情景 ,教学新单词animal,feather,fur,stripe。2. 通过快速认读卡片等形式巩固所学单词。3. 练习句型“Why do you love ?”Step 51. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:调查家人喜欢什么动物。3. 与学生道别。The Second

11、PeriodStep 11. 师生问候。2. 复习上节课所学知识。Step 2Listen and practise1. 复习句型和单词。What animals do you like best ? Why ? Because ?2.教学单词turtle,shell等。Step 3Lets talk1.请学生看图听录音 ,思考问题。2.听音 ,跟读。3.学生表演对话。Step 41. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:复习本课 ,预习Read and write 部分。3. 与学生道别。The third PeriodStep 11. 师生问候。2. 复习单词和对话。Step 2Play a gam

12、e用“Bingo”游戏巩固所学单词。Step 3Read and write .1.将学生分为四人一组 ,让他们根据图片猜测故事大意。2.学生阅读故事 ,检测学生的猜测是否正确。3.学生听录音 ,跟读故事。4.学生表演自己创编的故事。Step 41. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:复习本课 ,预习小诗。3. 与学生道别。The fourth PeriodStep 11. 师生互致问候。2. 复习单词、对话和故事。Step 2Listen and chant1. 通过交流帮助学生理解小诗。2. 学生听录音 ,学习小诗。3. 学生以小组为单位仿编小诗并表演。Step 3Look ,say and wr

13、ite1.复习上节课所学字母组合“ch”和“tch”。2.出示图片 ,让学生认读。3.教师订正。4.全班跟读。Step 41. 小结本课所学内容。2. 布置作业:复习本课 ,查阅书中提及和学生喜欢的动物的相关资料。3. 与学生道别。Leason 3 A Book about Animals 教学内容1. 词汇要点:表示自然界各种事物的单词camel , desert , mountain , forest 等。2. 学习要点:对话, 小诗What Can They Do?和谜语。3. 交际要点:询问别人住在什么地方的表达方式Where do live ?4. 知道人与动物都有各自的生存环境。教

14、学目标1. 能听懂、会说本课单词。2. 掌握句型Where do live ?3. 培养学生获取新知识的能力。4. 培养学生关心大自然。教学重难点1能够熟练地运用Where do live 句型?2. 正确掌握“sh”与“ph”的发音。教学过程The First PeriodStep 1 1.师生常规问候。2.复习学过的表示国家、城市及动物的单词 ,如China , Beijing ,horse 等。Step 21. 创设情景 ,教学新句型。T:Where do you live ?S:I live in 2. 将句型写在黑板上 ,学生跟读。3. 学生练习。Step 3Listen and p

15、ractise教学新词。earth , camel,desert , forest 等。Step 41. 小结本课所学内容。2. 布置作业。3. 与学生道别。The Second PeriodStep 11. 学生常规问候。2. 复习上节课所学的单词和句型。Step 2Listen and practise 教学sea , river , lake , grassland .Step 3Lets talk .出示图片 ,复习动物类单词deer , fish等。T:What are they ?S: They are squirrels .T: Where do they live ?S: Th

16、ey lve in the forest .Step 41. 小结本课.2. 布置作业。The third PeriodStep 11.常规问候。2.复习上节课所学内容。Step 2Lets talk .1. 学生听单词ship , fish , shop 发音。2. 教师总结“sh”发音。3. 学生跟读。Step 3Look , listen and say .1. 老师提出问题。2. 师生进行对话练习。3. 分组练习并表演对话。Step 4Read and match .1让学生根据自然拼读法的规律读出短句。2. 理解各句大意。A sheep is on the ship .She tea

17、ches English .A fish is in the dish .Step 51.小结本课。2.布置作业。3.与学生道别。The fourth PeriodStep 11.常规问候。2.复习前面所学内容。Step 2Look , match and say .1. 创设情景 ,引入新知。2. 学生听录音 ,看图 ,连线。3. 在听录音 ,并朗读。Step 3Read ,guess and write .1. 教学谜语中的单词 ,如Africa , country等。2. 学生猜谜语。3. 教师讲解谜语。Step 41. 小结本课。2. 与学生道别。Unit 2 Four Seasons

18、 Lesson 1 Seasons and Clothes教学目标:1.知识与能力知识目标:1)使学生掌握本课sweater, jeans, shirt, T-shirt, coat等服装类的新单词 ,做到发音准确 ,语调自然。2)让学生掌握并运用询问某人穿什么“What do you wear?的句型及答语;理解句型“is here .Its getting.We wear” ,并能较为熟练地交流运用。3)帮助学生借助图片来理解本课四个小短文 ,能较为流畅地朗读。能力目标: 通过“互动型”的教学途径,培养学生的创新精神和将所学的英语运用于日常交际的能力,提高学生的语言能力和学习能力,让学生得

19、到自我发展和个性发展。2.过程与方法1)通过实物、单词卡片学习新单词;2)通过多媒体课件导入 、展示所学内容。3)通过对话互动、练习题巩固所学内容。3情感态度与价值观1)通过创新教学方法,提高学生学习英语的兴趣;结合学习内容,培养学生的表现力,养成学生爱思考的良好习惯。2)通过学习让学生明白应该在适合的季节穿适合的衣服 ,学会爱护身体。教学重难点:1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写sweater,jeans, shirt, T-shirt,coat ,trousers等单词和掌握并运用日常交际用语“What do you wear?的句型和答语及Its getting.We wear.2、能掌握并

20、理解本课四个小短文,能正确表达在什么季节穿什么衣服。教具:单词卡 ,幻灯片教学过程:Step 1.Warming-up and Revisions.1、Lets chant.(热身活动 ,活跃气氛)2、Revisions.(复习所学四季及对应天气单词 )T: How many seasons in a year?What are they?Lets say together.Ss: Spring, summer, autumn, winter. T: OK, you are so clever. Hows the weather in spring?(请学生起来回答后 ,PPT展示)S1: I

21、ts warm.T: Yes. Spring is coming. Its warm. (接着引出summer, autumn, winter三个季节的天气情况。)Step 2. Presentation(学习新单词和句型)1.T:There are four seasons in a year. In different seasons we wear different clothes.(边说边板书:Lesson 4 Seasons and Clothes) First, we will learn some words about our clothes. ( 借助实物和单词卡片教学新单

22、词 )T: The first word is shirt . Read after me, three time, shirt.Ss: shirt(老师举高卡片 ,学生大声朗读单词 ,放低卡片 ,学生轻声朗读单词)T:(指着自己或学生穿着的衬衣).Its a shirt.因此shirt是Ss:衬衫T: Great! The next word is (用以上方法教学和其他活动练习其他新单词)(PPT展示所学衣服类单词)2、导入新句型T: Its spring, now. I wear a shirt.(重读wear,让学生猜测其意思并练习) Ss: I wear a T: Now I ask

23、 : What do you wear? You answer :I l wear aor We wear Ss:I wear a We wear (注意可数名词后加s)T:所以What do you wear?是询问什么呀?Ss:问你穿的什么?T:Yes, you are so clever. 1、 Prctice.(练习所学新单词和句型)三人一组 ,用句型-What do you wear?- I wear a ,We wear 对话练习 ,请学生展示。3、完成PPT上对话练习 ,明确在不同季节穿不同衣服。Step 3.Lets talk.1、T: Please listen to the

24、 tape carefully, and tell us what they are talking about.(播放录音)(请学生说他/她听到了什么。引导学生根据听到的单词和句子 ,推断出短文大意。T:Look at the picture 1. What do we wear in spring? (PPT展示课题以及四个小短文)Ss: We wear(根据图片内容 ,老师引导学生回答)T: Yeah, Spring is here. Its getting warm. We wear shirts and trousers. Read after me.Ss: (用相同的方法引出剩下三

25、幅图片对应内容 ,可让学生试着说出 ,老师补充并教读)2、Open your books and turn to Page24.Point and read together. (示意学生指着书齐读。回归课文 ,让学生再次感知课文 ,熟悉课文。)Step 4.小结本课所学内容。Step 5. Homework1)课后复习今天所学单词和句型 ,小组演练对话。2)制作一张表格如图 ,课后用所学句型询问调查几位同学的穿着并记录好。NamesClothesLesson 2 Seasons and Months一、教学目标 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summ

26、er, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。3.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4.能表达四季的气候特征及人们相应的活动。二、教学重难点1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写season, spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写 In spring, it is warm. We go boating。3.能在老师的指导下有感情地朗读本首诗歌。4.能表达四季的气候特征及人

27、们相应的活动。三、教学工具 PPT、卡片、挂图 四、教学过程 Step 1: Warm up1.Greeting.2.Play a game: Listen and guess.T: Do you like listening to the music? T: Yes, I like it too. Now lets play a game about it. When you listen to the song, if you know the name of the song, please tell me as soon as possible.T: Well done. All of

28、 you did a goo job.3.学习 season T: What can you find among them? T: Yes, they are all about seasons. (学习 season) T: As we all know, therere seven days in a week. How many seasons are there in a year, do you know? T: Yes, therere four. Lets look at the pictures. How beautiful!Step2: Presentation.1. Le

29、arn about the seasons.T: Look at the picture, what can you see in it ?T: Can you guess which season is it? Now its spring.(学习spring) Are you hot? Are you cold?T: So its warm in spring.We can do many interesting things in spring.(学习warm)T: It is warm, I fly kites. What else can we do in spring? Just

30、use this sentence structure. (教授句型 It is ., I .) 学生举例T: In this season, it isnt hot, or cold, either. It is yellow. The farmers like this season.Which season is it?T: Yes, its autumn. (学习 autumn) And its cool. Here “cool” means 凉爽的.We know it has another meaning is 酷的 ,漂亮的。We have learned about it l

31、ast term.Do you remember? What can we do in autumn?学生使用所提供的句型举例。T: Listen! Can you guess which season is it now? Yes ,its summer. ( 学习 autumn)In summer, its very hot. I think. Some girls like summer, because they can wear nice skirts, right?What can we do in summer?学生使用所提供的句型举例。 T: White is the popu

32、lar colour in this season.And its the last season of a year.Its winter.( 学习winter) Sometimes it snows, so the ground turns white.We can make snowmen.( 学习snowmen ,并讲解它的原型)学生使用所提供的句型举例。2. Say a chant3. Story time a).Read and complete the form.T: Just now we talked about the seasons.Our friends are tal

33、king about it too.Who are they? Lets have a look.T: What are they talking about?Lets open your books and turn to P32.Read it by yourselves and try to complete the form on exercise paper.Heres a learning tip for you. Check the answers.T: How is the weather in spring? What do we do in spring?b)Read St

34、ory timeT: Now its your reading time.Read the poem by yourselves.What do you think of the poem?Yes, the poem is beautiful.So we should read it beautifully.Now lets read it after the tape.T: Now Ill give you two minutes to read the poem in a group of four.Lets compete :which group reads best?Step3.Co

35、nsolidation.T: All of the four seasons are very pretty.But I like summer best. Because It is hot. I eat a lot of fruit. I wear nice skirts.I have a summer vacation. How about you? Which season do you like best?Write it down and try to share with us. Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture Goodmorning,everyone.


37、dstogether.Step3Newwords1.Showthepicturesandthestudentsunderstandthemeaning.2.Teachthenewwordbyusingdifferentway.Forexample ,readthewordsinaloworhighvoice.Readtheworddifferenttimesaccordingtoteachersorder.3.Playagame.Step4SentencePattern1.Makeasituation.Iwanttodrawastraightlineontheblackboard.ButIha


39、shouldknowhowtopaintanEasteregg.Askthemtodescribeitbyusing“Youneed.”Step8Homework1.Makethreenewsentencesbyusingthefollowingsentencepatterns.2.Afterclass,pleaseprepare(准备)anegg ,somepaintstopaintanEasteregg.Unit 3 A Birthday Party一、教材分析 本单元的主题是生日庆祝会.在本单元中,学生将学习如何用电话邀请让他人参加生日庆祝会,如何购买生日礼物,以及生日聚会上的用语.可以

40、让学生在增长英语知识的同时,学习如何与人沟通.Lets talk部分通过电话邀请,购买礼物和参加生日庆祝会这三个场景,教学基本的打电话,购物和生日活动等用语,并通过对话巩固相关句型和单词.Work in pairs部分的主要目的是教学该课的新句型或与该课对话相关的句型,复习旧单词,如月份,基数词,服装等类单词在此可以得到复现.Listen and practise 板块则是教学与本单元各课相关的单词,如序数词,生日礼物名称和庆祝生日活动的用词,教师可将这些新词套入Work in pairs的句型中引导学生进行练习.这两个板块相互依存,较好地体现了新句型套旧单词,旧句型套新单词的原则.Liste

41、n and do,play a game,listen and sing以及listen and tick or write 等活动则是从听,说,读,写,唱等方面对本单元单词,句型和主题进行的综合练习.最后两个板块look,listen and say;listen,make and say;look,say and circle和 read and match/write 则是对自然拼读法中字母组合ieeyigh y的教学和操作.二、教学策略及方法 以活动为课堂教学主要形式,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生在乐中学,学中用.通过听,说,读,写,唱,演,画,作等各种形式,进行大量语言操练和练习.

42、 教学中要采用多种教学手段激发学生学习兴趣,进行比,学,赶,帮 根据各班小组竞赛加分的形式,把每班分成学习小组,让学生自主管理,督促学生自觉完成作业,背单词的任务.Lesson 1 Coming to My PartyThe First PeriodStep1 warm-up Greentings. (组织课堂,师生问候,通过相互问候,拉近距离,营造良好的学习氛围. Step2 Revision 复习星期和月份表达法,完成work in pairs中的内容. a.日期问法:whats the date today 注意date读音 deit b.日期表达法: we write: we read

43、: june 1st june the first (通过观察,让学生自己得出日期的表达法:the写的时候不写出来,但要读出来) listen and practise 设计情况,将教师布置成赛场,跑步比赛引出句型教学: Whos the first Whos the last b将比赛情况在黑板上表达出来,找出一,二,三名,引出序数词学习: The first the second the third 写出对应的基数词. c.黑板:左边为基数词,右边为序数词 d.生观察发言找规律后,师总结. 3.listen to the tape(感受原音) step3 做练习题 listen and t

44、ick or write 学生学法 : 1.分组竞争法. 2两人一组法. 3.自愿参加游戏竞赛 The Second Period1.play games.(复习巩固上节课所学) 2.lets talk. 3.listen and do: make a telephone 教学策略: 1.通过游戏的形式复习月份表达法,日期表达法,通过找不同来提高学生的学习兴趣. 2.组织学生看图,学习语篇.A,分别指着里面的人物问:Who is she What are they doing B,分图学习:What are they talking about C,分组,分角色练习对话.D,Work in pairs and act it out. 学生学法: 1.课文分角色进行朗读(分男女生组


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