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1、安徽省巢湖市春晖中学高考英语考前冲刺精品讲义完形填空类主旨匹配法主旨匹配法。完形填空题的设空很多是与文章的主旨相关的,这就要求考生要先通读文章,理解其大意,把握其主旨。在实行选项的判断和确认时,务必要紧扣文章的主题。凡是与主旨不匹配的选项通常是不准确的。Most people give little thought to the pens they write with,especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very _36_打印机的使用让人们很少手写东西了。things are handwrit

2、ten.All too often,people buy a pen based only on _37_,通常人们只根据钢笔的外观来决定买是不买。and wonder why they are not satisfied _38_一旦买了又不太满意。 they begin to use it.However,buying a pen that youll enjoy is not _39_按照下列方法就不难买到满意的钢笔。 if you keep the following in mind.First of all,a pen should fit comfortably in your h

3、and and be _40_要好用,用起来方便。 to use.The thickness of the pen is the most important characteristic(特征) _41_决定舒适度。 comfort.Having a small hand and thick fingers,you may be comfortable with a thin pen.If you have a _42_手比较大。 hand and thicker fingers,you may _43_你可能喜欢粗一些的笔。 a fatter pen.The length of a pen

4、 can _44_长度也会影响舒适度。 influence comfort.A pen that is too _45_太长的笔会让人感觉头部太沉,握不稳。 can easily feel topheavy and unstable.Then,the writing point of the pen should _46_让墨水均匀流淌。 the ink to flow evenly (均匀的) while the pen remains in touch with the paper._47_这使你有可能写出。 will make it possible for you to create

5、a _48_一行流畅的字。line of writing.The point should also be sensitive enough to _49_笔尖还要很敏感,当抬起笔时,不能有墨水流出。 ink from running when the pen is lifted.A point that does not block the _50_不能阻止墨水流出的笔尖会留下滴滴墨水。 may leave drops of ink,_51_当拿起笔再放下时。 you pick the pen up and put it down again._52_,最后。the pen should m

6、ake a thick,dark line.Fineline pens may _53_写出细线条的笔可能会补充差的书法。 bad handwriting,but fine,delicate lines do not command _54_但纤细线条的字却不能引起注意。 next to printed text,as,_55_,例如,在打印的信上的签名。a signature on a printed letter.A broader line,on the other hand,gives an impression of confidence and authority (权威)(201

7、0安徽卷)文章概述怎样才能买到自己喜欢的钢笔呢?钢笔握在手中要让人感觉舒服,其粗细、长短就显得很重要。钢笔写起字来要均匀流畅,抬起笔时不能有墨水漏出,笔尖的质量就很重要了。钢笔写出来的字的线条要粗一点、黑一点,这样能给人自信、权威的印象。难点剖析the writing point of the pen“笔尖”。remain in touch with“与保持接触”。make a thick,dark line“写出来的字线条又粗又黑”。command“博得;得到;值得”。长句注解Most people give little thought to the pens they write wit

8、h,especially since the printers in modern homes and offices mean that very few things are handwritten.绝大部分人很少考虑他们写字用的钢笔,特别是因为现代家庭和办公室都拥有了打印机,这意味着手写的东西几乎很少了。36A.many Bfew Cpleasant Dimportant37A.looks Breason Cvalue Dadvantages38A.once Bif Cbecause Dthough39A.convenient Bpractical Cstrange Ddifficult

9、 40A.heavy Beasy Chard Dsafe41A.taking Bfinding Cdetermining Dseeking 42A.strong Bweaker Csmaller Dlarger43A.prefer Brecommend Cprepare Ddemand 44A.hardly Balso Cnever Dstill45A.thick Blight Clong Dsoft46A.change Ballow Creduce Dpress47A.they Bone Cthis Dsome48A.from Brough Cblack Dsmooth49A.prevent

10、 Bfree Cprotect Dremove50A.way Bsight Cflow Dstream51A.so Bas Cand Dyet52A.Meanwhile BGenerally CAfterwards DFinally53A.show up Bdiffer from Cbreak down Dcompensate for54A.attention Bsupport Crespect Dadmission55A.at most Bfor example Cin brief Don purpose答案:36.B 37.A 38.A 39.D 40.B 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.B 45.C 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.C 51.B 52.D 53.D 54A 55.B错因分析:41,44,46,49,54题较容易做错,这几个题都与文章的主旨紧密相关。全文的主旨就是“怎样挑选出令人满意的、好用的钢笔”:钢笔的长短粗细,笔尖的质量,写出来的线条粗细等是判断钢笔优劣的标准。


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