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1、Unit 20,What a surprise!,1,学校教课,surprisespraiz 名词 n. 1. 惊奇,诧异 2. 使人惊讶的事,意外的事 3. 突然袭击 What a surprise!好一个意外呀! What a +名词 惯用感叹句,表示吃惊。(What a speed!),2,学校教课,What a (cute) baby!,3,学校教课,What a (cute) dog!,4,学校教课,热身活动(复习),复习时间表达法 7:30 8:15 8:45 9:00 直接法: 间接法: past .点过分 (o分钟30) to 差分到点 (30分钟60),5,学校教课,past

2、 分钟数不超过30分,half past,to 分钟数超过30分,oclock,6,学校教课,oclock 用基数词 + oclock来表示整点可以省略。,8:00,10:00,eight oclock,ten (oclock),2:00,11:00,8:00,7,学校教课,. 如果分钟数少于30分钟,可用分钟 + past + 钟点表示,其中past意思是“过”。 4:20 twenty past four 8:01 one past eight,8,学校教课,half past,当分钟数是30分钟时,可用名词half past(一半)表示。,3:30,9:30,half past nine

3、,half past three,6:30,10:30,12:30,9,学校教课,如果分钟数多于30分钟,可用to,意思是“差分到点”。 8:35 twenty-five to nine 7:55 five to eight 10:50 11:59 1:52,10,学校教课,a quarter to/past .点三刻/一刻当分钟数是15分钟时,可用名词quarter (一刻钟)表示。其中past意思是“过”;to意思是“差”。,a quarter to five,7:15,5:15,4:45,a quarter past five,12:15,a quarter past seven,a q

4、uarter to seven,6:45,11:45,11,学校教课,也可以 直接按顺序说 (直接法) 11:05 eleven-o-five 6:40 six forty Now, Whats the time?,12,学校教课,上午,可在时间后加上am或a.m.。 thirteen past six a.m. 下午,可 在时间后加上pm或p.m.。 four oclock p.m. (下午四点),13,学校教课,14,学校教课,15,学校教课,16,学校教课,17,学校教课,Time,18,学校教课,6. look for v.寻找,7. next adj.下一个,2. talk v.谈话

5、,1. lesson n.课,3. find v. 找到,发现,4. bye int.,5. When adv.什么时候,Goodbye,8. surprise n. 惊奇,意外,9. a quarter n. 一刻钟,19,学校教课,grammar,1. 你好吗? How are you? 2. 很高兴和你说话。 Nice to speak to you. 3.路西的音乐课在六点半. Its Lucys music lesson at half past six. 4. 很抱歉我现在不能说了。 Im sorry, but I cant talk now.,20,学校教课,look for,n

6、ext,when,bye,find,quarter,talk,half pase,lesson,spurise,看谁读得快!,21,学校教课,listen to the dialogue,Questions: Whats the matter with Lucy? What is the time now?,22,学校教课,What time is it now?,Whos that? Whats the problem?,23,学校教课,Hello, Linda! Nice to _ to you! How are you ? And _ is Ken?,Karen:,speak,How,2

7、4,学校教课,speak :说话 Jay is speaking at school. 演讲 I can speak English. 说某种语言 和某人说话 speak to sb.,Nice to speak to you -在电话里问候某人的习惯用语,25,学校教课,How + be动词+ 主语 某人怎么样了? How _ you? How _ she? How _ he ?,26,学校教课,How are you? How is Ken?-朋友和熟人之间开始谈话前的惯用语。(Nice to meet you),询问某人的身体情况用疑问副词“How” 回答: Im fine. Im OK

8、. Im very well. Im sad. Im happy. Im busy. Im hot. Im cold.,How are you? How are they? How are Lucy and Lily?,How is he? How is she? How is Ken?,27,学校教课,Yes, Im very busy, too. Its Lucys music lesson at half past six. Im sorry, but I cant talk now.,Karen:,28,学校教课,busy 忙的,忙碌的 at half past six 在某一时刻用a

9、t At a quarter to eleven talk 谈话;说话;交谈,29,学校教课,Come on, Lucy! Your music lesson is at half past six, and its a quarter to six now! Whats the problem? I cant find my music book.,Karen:,Lucy:,30,学校教课,Whats the problem?怎么了?出什么事了?,1. Whats the problem? =Whats the matter? = Whats wrong? 你怎么了?出什么事了?问题是什么?

10、 find 找到,发现,31,学校教课,Oh dear! Im sorry, Linda. I must go! Can I call you at half past nine? Mum! I must find my book!,Karen:,Lucy:,32,学校教课,Can I call you at half past nine? 我九点半再打给你可以吗? call 给某人打电话 call sb. 给某人打电话 give sb. a call 给某人打电话,33,学校教课,must 必须(情态动词)后接动词原形 must do sth.,用法: 一、表“必须”。 You must t

11、alk to them about their study. 你必须同他们谈关于他们学习的事。 二.在否定结构中表不许。 You mustnt leave here.你不能离开这儿。 三.表坚定的建议。 You must come and see us as soon as you get To Shanghai.一到上海你得马上来看我们。,34,学校教课,四.表推测,暗含有很大的可能性,用在肯定句。 He must be ill. He looks so pale.他肯定是病了。他的脸色那么苍白。 否定形式 mustnt 一定不要,不能 e.g. You mustnt leave here.

12、你不能离开这儿。 一般疑问句:将must提到句首 Must I clean the classroom now? 我必须现在打扫教室吗? 肯定回答: Yes, you must. 是的。 否定回答:No, you neednt.不必现在打扫。(No, you dont have to.),35,学校教课,Karen:,Thanks ,Linda.Bye!,Now, Lucy, look in your schoolbag.,Lucy:,It isnt there.,Karen:,Are you sure?,Lucy:,Yes, Mum.Look!,36,学校教课,Lucy:,Oh! Here

13、it is!,Karen:,What a surprise!,Please hurry up, Lucy! Its six oclock.,Lucy:,Its OK, Mum. Im ready.Can we go now, please?,37,学校教课,at与具体的时刻连用: at a quarter to,at 7 oclock on+具体的某一天 on Sunday, on Monday morning in+月份/季节/年份。 in june, in summer, in 2005,38,学校教课,Hello, Linda! Nice to _ to you! How are you

14、 ? And _ is Ken?,Karen:,speak,How,Nice to speak to you-在电话里问候某人的习惯用语,39,学校教课,Yes, Im very busy, too. Its Lucys music lesson at half past six. Im sorry, but I cant talk now.,Karen:,40,学校教课,Karen:,Come on, Lcuy! Your music lesson is at half past six, and its a quarter to six now! whats the problem?,Lu

15、cy:,I cant find my music book.,41,学校教课,Karen:,Oh dear! Im sorry, Linda. I must go! Can I call you at half past nine?,Lucy:,Mum! I must find my book!,42,学校教课,Karen:,Thanks ,Linda.Bye!,Now, Lucy, look in your schoolbag.,Lucy:,It isnt there.,Karen:,Are you sure?,Lucy:,Yes, Mum.Look!,43,学校教课,Lucy:,Oh! H

16、ere it is!,Karen:,What a surprise!,Please hurry up, Lucy! Its six oclock.,Lucy:,Its OK, Mum. Im ready.Can we go now, please?,44,学校教课,根据课文回答下列问题,1. When is Lucys music lesson? 2. Is Lucys music lesson at a quarter to six? 3. Whats the matter with Lucy? 4. What time is Lucys music lesson? 5. What time

17、 is it now? 6. Must Lucy find her book?,45,学校教课,改错,1. There are any books on the shelf. 2. Her music lesson is in half past six. 3. Its half to six now. Hurry up. 4. I must finding my book.,some,at,past,find,46,学校教课,汉译英,我现在很忙。 Im very busy now. 2.你现在忙吗? Are you busy now? 3. 我十一点半再打给你好吗? Can I call you at half past eleven?,47,学校教课,用间接法表达下列时间,12:15 12:30 12:45 12:00,half past eleven ten to two five past three eight oclock,48,学校教课,Homework,1. lesson39课文1+1 2. 背诵课文 3. 用间接法写出下列时间 9:00 ,9:15, 9:30 ,10:00 8:45,,49,学校教课,Thank you!,50,学校教课,


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