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1、The Spring Festival,Spring-festival-ppt春节,The Chinese zodiac paper-cut,Spring-festival-ppt春节,rat,ox,tiger,rabbit,dragon,snake,The Chinese Zodiac,Spring-festival-ppt春节,cock,horse,sheep,monkey,dog,boar,Spring-festival-ppt春节,The Spring Festival,All family members get together.,Spring-festival-ppt春节,On

2、New Years Eve, people will have a dinner , watch the Spring Festival program, watch fireworks.,Spring-festival-ppt春节,People ,especially children ,will dress up during the Spring Festival.,Spring-festival-ppt春节,People studying or working in other cities and countries will come back home and have fun

3、with their families and friends.,Spring-festival-ppt春节,clean our house,make dumplings,visit our friends,What we usually do in spring festival ?,give children Lucky Money,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Spring Festival couplets,kplt 对联,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Wish you prosperity!,Everyehing goes well!,Pasting Sp

4、ring Couplets,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Paper cuttings,Spring-festival-ppt春节,We usually decorate the doors and windows with Paper cuttings,Spring-festival-ppt春节,New Year paintings,During the Spring Festival , it is traditional to decorate the homes with new year paintings.,Spring-festival-ppt春节,set off

5、firecrakers,Spring-festival-ppt春节,watch fireworks,Spring-festival-ppt春节,On new years day ,we put on our new clothes and visit our family and friends,New years visit,Spring-festival-ppt春节,lucky money/gift money,money given to children as a lunar New Year gift,Spring-festival-ppt春节,How do you spend yo

6、ur gift money?,Children getting money in red envelopes from their parents and relatives,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Traditional Chinese Festival,春节: 农历 正月 除夕: 初一: 初二 元宵节: 春运:,The Spring Festival Lunar calendar Lunar January Lunar New Years Eve The beginning of New Year Lunar year January 2nd The Lantern F

7、estival Spring Festival travel rush,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Family reunion dinner 团圆饭 The dinner on New Years Eve年夜饭,Spring-festival-ppt春节,new year cake,Rice cake,Spring-festival-ppt春节,sweet soup balls,dumplings made of sweet rice,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Candy tray,Spring-festival-ppt春节,年糕 团圆饭 年夜饭 汤圆 糖果

8、盘,Rice cake, new year cake Family reunion dinner The dinner on New Years Eve Dumplings made of sweet rice Candy tray,review,Spring-festival-ppt春节,custom,压岁钱 拜年 守岁 红包 爆竹 烟花 灯笼,Gift money Make New Years call Staying-up lucky money Firecrackers Fireworks lantern,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Lion dance,Spring-

9、festival-ppt春节,Dragon dance,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Exhibit of lanterns,Spring-festival-ppt春节,春联 剪纸 舞狮 舞龙 灯谜 灯会,Spring Festival Paper-cuts Lion dance Dragon dance Riddles written on lanterns Exhibit of lanterns,review,Spring-festival-ppt春节,一帆风顺 万事如意 新年快乐 春节快乐 恭贺新禧 恭喜发财,Wish you every success Hope ever

10、ything goes your way Happy new year Happy spring festival Best wishes for the year to come May you come into a good fortune,Tradional Festival Greetings,Spring-festival-ppt春节,生意兴隆 岁岁平安 和气生财 金玉满堂 心想事成 出入平安 步步高升,Business flourishes Peace All Year Round Harmony Brings Wealth Treasures Fill The Home May All Your Wishes Come Safe Trip Wherever You Go Promoting To A Higher Position,Spring-festival-ppt春节,Thank you !,Spring-festival-ppt春节,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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