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1、精品文档八年级英语: if 引导的条件状语从句引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是 if ,常见的 if 条件状语从句表示在某条件下, 某事很可能发生, 条件是可能存在的, 主句中某种情况发生的概率也是很高的。如:If you ask him, he will help you 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。If you fail in the exam , you will let him down 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。If you have finished the homework , you can go home 如果你 作业做完了就可以回家了。另外, if 从句还表示不可实现

2、的条件或根本不可能存在的条件,也就是一种虚拟的条件或假设。 从句多用一般过去时或过去完成时, 表 示对现在或过去的一种假设。如:If I were you , I would invite him to the party 如果我是你, 我会邀请他参加聚会。I would have arrived much earlier if I had not been caught inthe traffic 要不是交通堵塞,我本会来得早一些。另外你还要注意if 条件句的时态搭配1 if 从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时If he runs he ll get there in time. 如果他用跑

3、的,他就会及时赶到那儿。The cat will scratch you if you pull her tail.如果你拉猫的尾巴,它就会抓你。2 if 从句用一般现在时, 主句用 may/might/canIf the fog gets thicker the plane may/might be diverted.如果雾在大一些,飞机可能就会改在别的机场降落。If it stops snowing we can go out. 如果雪停了,我们就可以出 去。3 if 从句用一般现在时, 主句用 must/shouldIf you want to lose weight you must/

4、should eat less bread.如果你想减肥,你必须少吃面包。4 if 从句用一般现在时, 主句用一般现在时If you heat ice it turns to water. (也可用 will turn) 如果把冰加热,它就会化成水。5 if 从句用现在进行时, 主句用一般将来时If you are looking for Peter you ll find him upstairs. 如果 你是在找彼得,上楼就会找到他。6 if 从句用现在完成时, 主句用一般将来时If you have finished dinner Ill ask the waiter for the b

5、ill.如果你吃完了,我就叫服务生来算账 注意 :学习 if 引导的条件状语从句的用法 , 现在总结一下 :if 条件句不一般, 几个要点记心间 ;条件句 , 放在前 , 逗号要放句中间。条件句表可能,主句多用将来时;条件句表事实,主句常用现在时。在 if 引导的条件状语从句中, 如果从句谈论的是一个有可能发生的事实及其产生的相关的结果, 主句用一般将来时态, 从句用一般现在时态。如:We can walk there if we cant find a bus .If it rains tomorrow ,we will not go to the zoo.What will you do

6、if you find a panda in danger.如果 if 条件句谈论的是重复发生和预示要发生的情景和事件, 则主 从句大多用一般现在时态。如:If bears are in danger ,they attack people.在 if 引导的条件状语从句中, if 和条件句位置灵活,可直接放在主句后面, 若 if 条件句放句首, 从句后面要加逗号, 和主句隔开。还要注意前后时态一致原则 一、用所给词的适当形式填空1.If you (feel) tired, you (have) tohave a rest.3. If there (be) fewer trees, there(

7、 be) more pollution.5. If Marcia (live) alone, she( keep) a pet parrot.6. Lana ( buy) a new dress if the old one(be) out of style.2欢迎下载 。精品文档9. Peter ( send) me a beautiful souvenir if he(tour) Spain.10. If Mr Green (say) I amhard- working, myparents( feel) glad.11. I (go) to the beach if it ( notra

8、in) this week.13. He (write) a letter to his grandparents if he (get)his report card this week.14. If she (get) up late, she ( notcatch) the early bus.15. Peter (major) in English if he (pass) the examsin Peking University.16. 如果努力学习,你就会取得好成绩。If you , you good17. 他如果看电视太久了,他的父母会不高兴。If he TV too much

9、, his parents unhappy.18. 如果我们为他组织生日聚会,大家都会来的。Everyone if we a birthday partyhim.19. 如果明天不下雨,我会和你一起去公园的。If it tomorrow, I go tothe park you.21. 如果他有空,他会帮助你的。If he , he you.23. 你如果抄同学的作业就不能学好各门功课。You good at all the subjects if you theother students homework.I .单项选择(15分),1.If you to the party, youll

10、have a great time. A. willgo B. went C. go D. going2. It will be a long time Peter his work.A. since, has finished B. after, finishes C. when, will finish D. before, finishes.3. What will father us from Japan? A. take B. bring C.carry D. make4. Weifang is famous kites. A. for B. to C. on D. with5. I

11、 her the answer if she me.A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will askC. would tell,3欢迎下载 。精品文档ask D. will tell, asks6. - What are you going to do tomorrow?-We ll go to the library tomorrow if it.A. isn t rainB. rain C. wont rain D. doesn t rain7. Do you know when he will come back tomorrow?-Sorry,

12、I dont know. When he back, Ill tell you.A. comes B. will come C. come D. may come8. What will you do if you to the old folks home visit?A. go B. went C.going D. will go9. If I eat food, I ll be very fat.A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too10. I ll give the book to him if he here next Sund

13、ay.A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came11. There an English film in our school tomorrow.A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to beD. has12. Could you tell us where ?A. will the next Olympic Games heldB. the next Olympic Games will be heldC. would the next Olympic Games be heldD. the ne

14、xt Olympic Games would be held13. When my mother returned last night, Ia book.A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. am going to read 14.What you when it began to rain?A. do, do B. were, doing C. are, doing D. did, do15. I ll wake you up when he back.A. will B. is going to come C. comes D. come 1-5

15、 CDBAD 6-10 DAACB 11-15 CBCBCIf条件状从句例题【2011 陕西】24. If thereno buying and selling of animals,there no killing in nature. A. is; will he B. will be; will be C. is; is D. will be; is 答案:A【解析】考查点:本题 考查if引导的状语从句的时态。if意为如果”。引导条件状语从句, 主将从现。故选Ao【2011 黑龙江绥化市】25. Fm waiting for my friend._, Ill go shopping al

16、one.A. If she comes B. If she wont come C. If she doesnt come 答案:C【解析】考查从句的时态。If引导的条件状语从句,主句用 将来时,从句用一般现在时。根据句意:如果他不来,我就独自去购 物。故选C【2011 雅安】10.The students have a sports meeting thisweekend if it 。 A. wont; rains B. will; rains C. worit;will rain D. are going to; is going to rain答案:A【解析】考查if引导的条件状语从句

17、用法。if意为如果”,引导条件状语从 句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态。句意为如果明天下雨我们就不举行运动会了故选AIf从句如何考?请看这道2006年河北省的中考题: Mike wants to know if a picnic tomorrow.Yes. But if it, we】l visit the museum instead.A. you have; will rainB. you will have; will rainC. you will have; rainsD. will you have; rains正确答案应该是G为什么同样一个if ,后面所接的时态却不相 同

18、呢?这要从if引导的条件状语从句说起。条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件,在初中阶段常由if(如果)引导,表示假如有从句的动作发生就会有主句的动作发生。例如:Please call me if he is at home.假如他在家的话,请给我打电话。条件状语从句和主句还有一个共同的伙伴,有时它可以替代从句 和主句,它就是 祈使句+and / or+简单句”。其中and表示句意顺承; or则表示转折,意为否则”。例如:If you work harder, you 1l pass the exam.=Work harder, and you】l pass the exam.如果你再努力些,你就

19、会通过考试。,If you don t hurry up, you】l miss the train.=Hurry up, or you】l miss the train.如果你不快点儿,你就赶不上火车了。在学习条件状语从句时,同学们要注意以下几点:一、时态呼应一般来讲,复合句都要遵循主、从句时态呼应规律,状语从 句也不例外。即主句用现在时,从句也用现在时;主句用过去时,从 句也用过去的某种时态。具体地讲,主句是一般现在时(包括祈使句和含有情态动词can, may, must等),从句也用一般现在时。例如: Have a good rest if you are tired.如果你累了,就好好

20、休息一会儿吧。You must see the doctor if you are ill.如果你生病了, 就必须去看医生。这里提醒大家特别要注意:如果主句是一般将来时态,这时从句不可以用将港时态,而要用一般现在时。例如:I won t go there with you if it rains tomorrow.如果明天下雨的话,我就不和你一起去那儿了。If we do nothing, there will be only standing room on the earth.假如我们不采取任何措施,地球上将只有站的地方了。二、主从句的位置大多数情况下,从句可以位于主句之前,也可以位于主句

21、之 后。不过从句在前时,主从句之间必须用逗号隔开。例如:Please tell me if he comes back.=If he comes back, please tell me. 如果他回来了,请告诉 我严。三、if的两面性if引导条件状语从句时意为如果”,如果引导宾语从句则意为是否”。请比较:1) We will go out if it is fine tomorrow.2) I don t know if the train has arrived.句1)中if引导的是状语从句。这个从句表示“条件”,修饰主 句。整个句子的意思是“如果明天天气好,我们就出去” 。句2)中 if引

22、导的是宾语从句,充当谓语动词 don t know的宾语,整个句 子的意思是“我不知道火车是否到了” 。通过以上讲解,同学们应该知道本文开头那道中考题的答案为什 么选C了吧?再做几道题巩固一下吧!实战演练句型转换(同义转换),1. A. You must be quick. If not, you ll miss the early bus.B.quick,you ll miss the early bus.2. A: Put on your coat, or you ll catch a cold.B: youput on your coat, you ll catch a cold.3.

23、A. If you don t help me, I can t finish mywork on time.B .help, I can t finish my work on time.4. A. If you play basketball here, you may break the windows.B.play basketball here , you may break the windows.条件状语从句中考题【2011 陕西】24. If there no buying and sellingof animals, thereno killing in nature.A.

24、is; will heB. will be; will beC. is;isD. will be; is【解析】考查点:本题考查if引导的状语从句的时态。if意为“如 果”。引导条件状语从句,主将从现。故选 A。【2011 黑龙江绥化市】25. I mwaiting for myfriend._, Ill go shopping alone.A. If she comesB. If she wont comeC. If she doesnt come【解析】考查从句的时态。If引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时, 从句用一般现在时。根据句意:如果他不来,我就独自去购物。故选 C【2011 雅安】

25、10.The students have a sports meeting thisweekend if it.A. won t; rainsB. will; rainsC. won t; will rainD. are going to; is goingto rain 答案:【解析】考查if引导的条件状语从句用法。if意为“如果”,引导 条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时态。句意为“如 果明天下雨我们就不举行运动会了 。故选A。【2011 湖南湘西】23. Don t talk loudly at the meeting. If you , you will have to

26、leave.A.doB.areC. did【解析】考查状语从句的时态当主句为将来时态是,if引导的状语从句中用一般时态代替将来时,而这里需要助动词,不是系动词,所 以选择答案A【2011 湖南益阳】29. I dont know if she to my birthday party tomorrow. If she, Ill be very happy.A. comes; comesB. will come; comesC.comes; will come【解析】宾语从句和条件状语从句的考查。由 if引导的条件状语从 句,用一般现在时态,主句用一般将来时。当 if做是否讲时,所引 导的宾语从

27、句通常是一般将来时。【2011黑龙江齐齐哈尔】35. I m waiting for myfriend. , I ll go shopping alone.A. If she comes B. If she doesn t come C. If she won t come 答案:【2011 重庆江津】36.If she here tomorrow, I will tell you.7欢迎下载精品文档A. comesB. willcomeC. comeD. came答案:【 2011 山东滨州】 30. Mary, could you tell me if your mother our sc

28、hool sports meeting tomorrow? I think she will come to school if she free.A. will take part in; will beB. takes part in;isC. will take part in; isD. takespart in; will be 答案:【解析】考查if 引导的宾语从句及条件状语从句的用法。问句是由if 引导的宾语从句,时间状语为 tomorrow ,故用一般将来时;答语是由 if 引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时,故选 C。【 2011 山东泰安】 36. Tom

29、wants to know if you will have a picnic tomorrow. Yes. But if it , we ll play chess instead.A. will rainB.rainedC. israiningD. rains答案:【解析】连词的用法。 If 引导的条件状语从句,主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时。故选D。【2011 山东潍坊】 6. If Tom the game, well give him asurprise.A. winB. winsC. wonD.miming 答案:【解析】 考查 if 引导的条件状语从句。 在 if 引导的条件状语

30、从句中,如果主句和从句发生的动作都在将来时间,从句用一般现在时表将来。故选B。【 2011 浙江宁波】 31. I hear the famous singer Xu Song may come to Ningbo next month. Really? he comes, my younger sister will be veryexcited.A. IfB. UntilC.UnlessD. Before答案:【解析】状语从句考查。if如果;until到为止;unless除非;before在之前。根据句意,如果他来,我的妹妹将会很激动的。【 2011 广东】43. Let s go fishing if it this weekend. But nobody knows if it .A. is fine, will rainB. will be fine, rainsC. will be fine, willrainD. is fine;rains答案:【解析】 本题考查 if 的用法。 第 1 空 if 引导的是条件状语从句, 因此用一般现在时表示将来;第 2 空 if 引导的是宾语从句,时态时间状语 this weekend 决定用将来时。故选A。8欢迎下载 。


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