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1、五年级英语上册单词拼写竞赛知识深入练习沪教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 读句子,根据首字母或中文提示,完成句子所缺的单词或词组。1. There are twelve m_in a year.2. Dont take any money or candy from s_in the street.3. Cooking can be fun, but you must be c_.4. Im going to the z_to watch an animal show(表演) this Sunday.5. The knife is sharp. You may cut y_.6. They are

2、excited because they will_(去野营) at the weekend.7. Do cross the road at the_(安全的十字路口).8. When you are_(遇到麻烦) at school, tell your teacher.9. The floor is wet. Dont walk there. You may_(跌倒).10. I well get there_(按时).2. 根据句子的意思,完成下列单词。(1)Whendoyouplayspts?(2)Ilikespringbest,Icanflyks.(3)ItsSunday,every

3、bodyisbusy.MyMomisckgdinner,MyDadisansweringtheph.Mybrotherisdrawingptures.Iamdoingthedies.(4)Whatistherabbitdoing?Itsjing.3. 根据汉语提示填入所缺的字母,补全单词。1. s_art(聪明的) 2.f_nny(可笑的) 3. str_ng(强壮的) 4.t_ _ _(高的) 5. _ct_ve(活跃的) 6.qu_et(安静的)4. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1h_dog(热狗)2Its midnight. Dad is_(仍,还) working.3I see_ducks

4、in the water. They can swim.4I usually go shopping with my_nt.5I want to make a m_plane.5. 填空。1. loud (副词) _ 2. noisy (反义词) _3. far (反义词) _ 4. careful (副词) _5. should (否定词) _ 6. good (反义词) _7. health (形容词) _ 8. read (现在分词) _6. 请根据图片在四线三格上写出相应的单词。1 23 45 6 7. 根据首字母提示填空。There are t_pandas. Papa Panda

5、likes s_. He can sing w_. Mama Panda likes dancing. She usually d_in the park. They b_like reading stories. They have a lot of books in their room. But Baby Panda d_like reading. He likes p_football. He is g_at it. How happy they are!8. 单词拼写。1、Do you like _(香肠)?2、These _(小鸟) cant fly.3、Heres a _(节目)

6、 about China.4、This _(消防员) cant find people.5、They are _(有用的)9. 看图写词。1. He likes_. 2. It has two legs and two_. 3. You can see_in Australia. 4. Are there any_rooms? 5. There is a_too. Theyre on the third floor.10. 根据图片写单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. 根据句意和首字母,填上适当的单词完成句子。1. The students like to r_boat

7、s in the park.2. Kitty is going to see a f_with her family.3. This is my p_for the weekend.4. The girl cant find her mother. She is c_.5. It is going to rain this weekend. Were going to s_at home.12. 我会抄写单词。enjoyedEnglishpartyrhymeitembeachwaveswishfirstthirdsecondmadeplayedjoke13. 写出单词。1. Your cous

8、in usually _(finish) his homework before dinner.2. Kitty, the cat is _(sleep) under the chair.3. He _(get) up late and didnt need to go to school.4. My father _( know) me well.5. He does well at school,and he a_ does well at home.14. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. You can go to the park on foot. It is not f_from

9、 here.2. Where can I t_a bus?3. W_along the street. The bookshop is in front of you.4. My mother is a nurse. She works in a big h_.5. Dont turn l_. The metro station is on your right.6. The cinema is over there. Lets go and see a f_.15. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.There is a sofa (沙发)in this room. We chat (聊天)with each other and watch TV in this room. Its a_. 2.We cook our meals in this room. Its a_. 3.They are e_the sunshine on the beach. 4.There are two swans. Look. They are swimming in the l_5.There are some shells on the b_.5 / 5


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