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1、教学内容Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left 【Section A 3c ,3b ,3a】课时The Second Period教学对象九年级设计者但堂芳一、教材内容分析本课时以一个“hurried morning”的故事展开训练,训练形式为阅读排序(3a)和回答问题(3b)以及口语练习(3c)。前一节课已经引导学生学习了过去完成时的构成:用had动词过去分词来表达。学生已经掌握了一般过去时和过去完成时的用法。在此基础上,本节课继续就“迟到”这一话题开展谈论,使学生在掌握语言知识、形成语言能力的同时,能够运用目标

2、语言谈论自己过去的一次尴尬经历,懂得合理的安排自己的学习和生活,做到守时守信、乐于助人。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)1 Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary close ,alarm clock , go off, wake up ,wait for , rush, run off, unfortunately , start doing Sth. ,on time, luckily , give sb a ride, final bell , ring ,locked ,appointment ,break down .(2) Target

3、 Language By the time I got there, the bus had already left By the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom 2 Ability Objects Train the students reading skill with target language Train the students speaking skill with target language 三、重点、难点1.Teaching important points:1) Guide t

4、he students to read the article in activity 3a 2)Help the students describe what has happened to them with the target language2 .Teaching difficult points:Help the students describe what has happened to them with the target language 四、教法选择与学法指导针对本节课内容,利用多媒体课件及任务型阅读法,小组合作交际来完成教学任务,重视对学生听、说、读、写技能以及口语表

5、达能力的培养。五、资源准备A recorder ,a projector。六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备Step1.Revision 5minutes1.greeting the class. And Revise the three forms of the verbs in Grammar Focus by asking four students to write them out on the blackboard2. Check homework1 Revise what happened to Tina and tell the story 2.Check

6、each others homework in pairs, pointing out all the mistakes they might have made 3 Revise the Past Perfect Tense by talking about when to use it and what its verb structure is 既对作业检查又给出例子,以复习让学生迅速回忆起前一节课所学知识,为新课学习做铺垫。Step2.Group-work 8minutes1.Explain that describe the circumstances means to tell w

7、hen, where and how the things happened 2. Help him or her use the Past Perfect Tense to describe the circumstance1.read the instructions to the class 2. use the Past Perfect Tense to describe the circumstance 3.Check the answers in pairs(让学生能够用流利的语言表达一件事情的经过。)Step3Reading 15minutes1.Ask the whole cl

8、ass to read the instructions together2. Move around the classroom while they are reading, offering help as needed 3. Write the events on the blackboard as they report, putting the events in the correct order 1. Read the story , find out the words or sentences which you cant understand this time,and

9、talk about them with others.2. Read the article again more carefully,Pick out the sentences with the Past Perfect Tense and underline them and come up with the reason to use the tense 3.write the events in the correct order4. Have a look at the sample answer on the right of the article before you st

10、art and complete the work After a while, report the answers to the class(加深印象,以便他们能更灵活运用到各种场合)Step4. Consolidation and Extension15minutes1.Dear classmates,1 want you to make a report about your bad day,we will choose the worst one2.Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class 1.read the in

11、structions together2.Please ask your partner the questions in Activity 3b Ask more questions if he or she says Yes and work in pairs (既复习第一课时所学的语言目标和巩固了本课所学的语言目标。)Step5.Summary andHomework 2minutes1.引导学生回忆归纳本科所学知识要点,并提醒学生做好笔记。2.提出作业要求,展示作业题。1Write the answers to the questions in Activity 3b2. Homewo

12、rk A组:翻译词组。起床 出去 迟到 闹响 到什么时候 开始做某事 出来 搭便车B组:描述一件令你难忘的经历。培养学生在实际生活中运用本课所学内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力。七、板书设计Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left The second PeriodWords and phrases : close ,alarm clock , go off, wake up ,wait for , rush, run off, unfortunately , start doing Sth. ,on time, luckily , give sb a ride, final bell , ring ,locked ,appointment ,break down .Sentences : By the time had already When was 八、总结和帮助(反思及改进)


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