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1、大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟112大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟112大学三级(B)分类模拟112Part Vocabulary and StructureSection A问题:1. The students collected money by _ second-hand books.A.saleB.sellC.sellingD.sold答案:C介词宾语本句的意思是“学生们通过出售旧书募集资金”。介词by后面的动词应该变成动名词。问题:2. Smith bought a new car, which runs_that old one.A.two times fa

2、ster asB.as two times fast asC.two times fast asD.more faster than答案:C比较级修饰as.as引导的比较状语从句的成分应位于副词as前面。比较级 faster不能接as。修饰或加强比较级要用much。问题:3. Reading is an excellent way of _ your experience.A.enrichB.enrichingC.enrichedD.to enrich答案:B本题考查动词的用法。固定搭配为:a way of doing sth.,意为“做的一种方法”。该句意为:读书是一种很棒的增加你的经验的方

3、法。问题:4. India is a big Asian country with a _ population.A.muchB.richC.broadD.large答案:D问题:5. He tried his best to _ some excuse for being late.A.inviteB.discoverC.find outD.invent答案:D他千方百计捏造迟到的借口。invent为动词,意为“捏造”。问题:6. The neighbor had a party and the noise kept me _ all night.A.wokeB.awakeC.awakenD

4、.awaked答案:B本题测试固定结构的用法。全句意思是:邻居聚会吵得我整晚没睡着。keep someone+形容词,表示状态,其他3个词都是动词不合适。问题:7. _ last year, traffic accidents have decreased by 10% this year.A.Related toB.Compared withC.Concerned aboutD.Dealt with答案:B本题考查动词词组的辨析。四个选项都用了过去分词形式,与句子主语traffic accidents之间是被动关系,这里是将今年的交通事故情况与去年的作比较,compare with意为“与相

5、比”,符合句义。 A项relate to“与有关”,C项concern about“担心”以及D项deal with“处理”填入此处均语义不通。 问题:8. I know Mrs. Casey; we _ to each other at a party.A.are introducedB.are being introducedC.were introducedD.were being introduced答案:C我认识凯西夫人,我们是在一场聚会上由别人介绍认识的。该题考的是被动语态,表示我们是在一次聚会上被别人介绍认识的。问题:9. We have_rainfall this year t

6、han last yearA.lessB.littleC.fewerD.few答案:A本题有两个考点:(1)形容词与名词的搭配。fewer用来修饰可数名词,little用来修饰不可数名词;(2)形容词的比较级。句中出现than,所以应用形容词的比较级rainfall为不可数名词,意为“降雨量”,因此选项A为正确答案。译文:今年的降雨量少于去年。问题:10. Twenty dollars _ obviously too much to pay for such a small item.A.wereB.areC.isD.have been答案:C本题考查的是主谓一致的用法。复数名词或短语表示时间

7、、价格、数字、度量衡等,它们作为一个单一的概念时,其谓语动词要用单数形式。如: (1) 15 miles is a good distance. (2) Six times four makes 24. 译文:买这样一个小物件,20美元明显太多了。问题:11. I was delighted to hear you _ that.A.to sayB.saidC.to have saidD.say答案:D听你这么说,我很高兴。hear为感官动词,you后的补语应用省略to的不定式形式。问题:12. You can fly to London this evening _ you dont min

8、d changing the flight in Paris.A.untilB.ifC.whereD.before答案:B关联词本句的意思是:如果你不介意在巴黎转机,你今晚可以飞伦敦。根据句意,需要用if引导一个条件状语从句,所以答案是B. if。问题:13. There are few places in this country _ wheat cant grow.A.whereB.whichC.whenD.if答案:A在这个国家,很少有地方不能种植小麦定语从句填关系副词where。问题:14. They are faced with the same kinds of challenge

9、s and problems after graduation _ we are.A.as ifB.even ifC.asD.when答案:C固定搭配句意:毕业以后他们也会面临和我们同样的挑战和问题。本题是考查固定搭配。the same.as.意为与同样地,本题the same和as之前有很长的间隔,做题时注意不要受其干扰。as后可接句子也可接名词或代词,如He has the same book as mine问题:15. Id almost given up hope of finding a house I liked, and then suddenly this one _.A.tu

10、rned upB.turned outC.turned onD.turned over答案:Aturn up在此翻译成“出现”;turn out在此翻译成“结果是,证明是”;turn on在此翻译成“打开”;turn over在此翻译成“翻转”。所以根据题意应该选A。问题:16. More and more motor trucks are seen _ between these two towns these years.A.to runB.runC.being runD.be running答案:A问题:17. Twenty miles_a long distance.A.areB.we

11、reC.isD.was答案:C本题考查主谓一致。表示距离的复数名词做整体看待时,谓语应该用单数形式,故选C。此外,表示时间、重量、价值、数目等的复数名词做整体看待时,谓语也应该用单数形式。如:Twenty years is only a short time in human historyTwenty pounds is not a light:object for a boy to carryThirty dollars is too high a price for the bookAnother 10 years has passed since he left问题:18. You h

12、ad better_ that fellow. I dont trust him.A.look down uponB.keep an eye onC.get the better ofD.do away with答案:B动词词组词义辨析had better后面跟动词原形,意思是“最好做”。look down upon意为“轻视,看不起”;keep an eye on意为“留心,在意”:get the better of意为“打败,战胜”;do away with意为“废除,弄死”。根据句义,故选B。问题:19. After leaving the nest, a baby bird who s

13、tays _for two or three weeks becomes an adult.A.livingB.livelyC.aliveD.live答案:C本题主要考查与live相关的派生词的辨析。本句中的stays是系动词,表示维持某种状态,由此可知,后面需要跟一个形容词。alive意为“活着的”,符合句意。问题:20. That war _ 2 years.A.stayedB.finishedC.lastedD.completed答案:C战争持续了两年。stay意为“停留”;finish意为“完成”;complete意为“结束”;last意为“持续”,符合题意。Section B问题:1

14、. Work on the new teaching building (begin) _ next year.答案:will begin新教学楼将于明年动工。本题考查时态运用。next year为将来的时间,故要用一般将来时。问题:2. No reader is allowed (take) _ any reference book out of the reading room.答案:to take本题考查动词allow的固定搭配。表示“允许某人做某事”时,allow的用法为allow sb. to do sth.。本题中the reader与allow为被动关系,故应采用“sb. is

15、allowed to do sth.”的形式。问题:3. I would you (come)_yesterday.答案:had comewould rather结构would rather接从句时,这种从句常常是省去that的从句,从句谓语用过去时表示还不是事实,用过去完成时表示与过去相反。问题:4. Tom heard them (play) _ on the ground when he passed by.答案:playing由句意可知表示动作正在进行,hear是感官动词,“hear sb. doing”表示“听见某人正在做某事”。类似的感官动词还有see,observe,watch,

16、feel,look at,listen to等。这些感观动词所接的动词表示完成和过去时,其后动词用动词原形;表示正在进行时用动词的现在分词;表示被动用动词的过去分词。问题:5. The right side of the brain controls our (imagine) _, and our understanding of space and color.答案: imagination问题:6. The committee demands that no members_(be)absent.答案:(should)be该句主句中有demand一词表示要求,其宾语从句用虚拟语气。问题:

17、7. All of them felt very tired, (include) _ that big and strong man.答案:including所有人都感到非常累,包括那个高大强壮的男人。本题考查动名词的使用。including“包含,包括”为固定用法。问题:8. Try your best and you will (success) _ this time.答案:succeed努力去做,这次你会成功的。本题测试的是词性的变化,题中要求的是动词。问题:9. It is his parents wish that he (enter) _Peking University.答案

18、:(should)enter本题考查虚拟语气。wish(期望),后边的从句用(should)do的形式。问题:10. The teacher told us that light (travel) _ faster than sound.答案:travels老师告诉学生光比声音的速度快,本句主句是一般过去时但从句陈述的是一个科学事实,所以还是用一般现在时。Part Translation问题:1. Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.A.任何一方都可以取消合同。B.有特别的理由,双

19、方都可以取消约定。C.没有哪一个党派可以解除合同。D.双方均不得无故解除合同。答案:D问题:2. But for the fog, we should have reached our destination.A.要不是有雾,我们应该已经到达目的地了。B.但是因为雾,我们应该到达目的地。C.如果不是有雾,我们应该到达目的地。D.但因为有雾,我们早该到达目的地了。答案:A本题的考点是but for“要不是”,和should have reached“应该已经到达”。这是一个由but for引导的非真实条件句,全句是虚拟语气。A项翻译正确,汉语表达得体,是正确答案。B项将虚拟条件句翻译成了表示转折

20、的句子,虚拟语气没有表达出来,是错句,不得分。C项的翻译基本正确,但虚拟语气表达的不清楚。D项条件句翻译错误,但虚拟语气表达较好。问题:3. It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.A.很明显,青年人的教育对一个国家的未来是至关重要的。B.不言而喻,青年人的教育对一个国家的未来是至关重要的。C.很自信的是,教育青年人是国家未来的事。D.很明显,青年人的教育是国家的未来。答案:BA 接近最佳答案,但意思不够准确。 B 最佳答案。关键词语翻译准确。 C 译文与原文严

21、重不符,self-evident意为“明显的”。 D 译文基本正确,但意思表达不够完整重要程度没有突出出来。 问题:4. Trading companies need to ensure their ability to handle orders efficiently, making an online system an essential sales channel.A.贸易公司需要保证他们有能力来处理订单,才能使网上销售渠道变得重要。B.贸易公司需确保拥有高效处理订单的能力,使在线系统成为重要销售渠道。C.贸易公司需要有办法来执行公司的指令,以便建立起基本的网络销售系统。答案:B本句

22、中,ensure their ability to handle orders efficiently是“确保高效处理订单的能力”的意思,an essential sales channel意为“重要销售渠道”。B项译出了句子的全部意思。A项漏译efficiently,后半部分与原文意义有出入。C项的译文与原文完全不符。问题:5. Welcome to our gliding club. We often arrange flying for groups of friends, work parties, school parties, and others. These flying ar

23、e usually held on a Tuesday or Thursday evening in the summer. Weekends are generally not available for groups because our club is only open to members. Visitors may use our barbecue and our bar after flying has finished.答案:欢迎来到我们的滑翔俱乐部。我们经常承接朋友聚会、工作聚会、校园聚会等集体滑行活动。这些集体滑行一般在夏天的周二或周四晚间进行。周末本俱乐部一般只对会员开

24、放,故无法承办集体聚会。滑行后我方还提供烧烤和酒吧设施。本题是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一家滑翔俱乐部的基本信息。翻译时注意not available for应结合语境翻译成“无法承办”,barbecue是“烧烤”的意思。Part Writing问题:1. 我家急聘一位保姆(housemaid),看家守屋,并照顾80岁的老母。 工作内容:打扫房间卫生,洗衣洗被,并帮忙做饭。 工作条件:有空气流通、光线充足、居住适宜的小房间可供住宿。有全自动洗衣机供洗衣 用,彩色电视可供休闲娱乐。 工资:可面谈。 有意者可通过电话64392012联系刘丽。 地址:广州市天河区白云路392号。 答案:Wanted I

25、 am in urgent need of a housemaid to look after my house and my 80-year-old mother. We want her to do cleaning and washing, and help do the cooking. There is a small, airy, bright and cozy room for her to sleep and rest in. We have an automatic washing machine and a color TV set with which she can-a

26、muse herself in leisurely hour. Wages will be decided on through mutual consultations. If interested, please contact Liu Li by phone at64392012. My address is: 392 Baiyun Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City.应用文写作要非常注意写作发生的语境,即写给谁?目的是什么?做到简洁、礼貌和完整(concise,courteous,complete)。首先,格式必须正确,本文的要求是写一则招聘广告,那就要按照广告的要求来写。一般来说,广告语言都比较简明、形象、生动,且口语化。因为它不仅仅要充分地宣传、介绍该广告的内容,还要想方设法地节省篇幅和时间。另外,题目当中给出的要点不能够遗漏,要全部包含进去。除了要点之外,不能作过多自由发挥。用简明的英语句子把提纲要求的内容表达清楚,结构要合理。 15 / 15


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