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1、六年级英语上册单词拼写课间练习译林版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写单词。1. 公里_ 2. 明信片_3. 一千_ 4. 百万_5. 加拿大_2. 看图写单词。 f_w_p_o_f_b_p_3. 按要求写单词。1. win(过去分词)_2. second(缩写)_3.swim(现在分词)_e(过去分词)_5.Sun.(完全形式)_6.schoolsportsday(英译汉)_7.run(过去分词)_8.did(否定形式)_4. 根据汉语提示写单词。(1)Youarea_(伟大的)teacher.(2)Iwill_(思念)you.(3)Wearegoingtosay_(再见)tomymother.(4

2、)Illkeepit_(永远).(5)Iwantto_(记住)you.(6)CometotheUKto_(观看)footballgameswithme.5. 翻译下列词组。1看电视_ 2一些喝的东西_3踢足球_ 4十瓶牛奶_5捉蝴蝶_6. 根据提示写出单词或词组。1看电视_2读故事_3练功夫_4爬山_5唱歌跳舞_6放风筝_7爱好_8笔友_7. 根据图片填写短语或单词。 1._ 2._ 3._ 8. 根据首字母提示填入合适的单词使短文通顺、完整,每空一词。Thirty years ago,I was a 1s_.I went to school by bike. There was no 2s_

3、in our city. Our school was small,but it gave me a lot of fun. At that time,I liked sports very much. I often played 3f_on the playground. And I liked 4r_5b_,too. I wanted to be a 6d_. Now everything is different. What a big change!9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I_(see)hisnameinthenewspaperyesterday.2.Where_he_(l

4、ive)?3.Iwouldlike_(be)yourpenfriend.4.Myfather_(like)_(play)basketball.5.We_(visit)thefarmnextweek.10. 按要求写出单词。(1)did(否定形式)_ (2)watch (三单)_(3)family(复数)._ (4)have(过去式)_(5)write(过去式)_11. 写出下列动词的过去式。do_ can_fly_ get_see_12. 根据首字母提示填词,完成短文。Chinese New Year is the most important festival in China. We al

5、so c_it the “Spring Festival”, It is usually in J_or F_. Before Chinese New Year, we always clean our houses and buy lots of food. On Chinese New Years Eve, we usually have dinner with our family. At twelve oclock in the evening, we say “ happy Chinese New Year!” to each other. We usually l_a lot of

6、 fireworks and firecrackers at Chinese New Year. This year, we dont do that, because that makes the air d_. We should keep the air clean and p_our Earth.13. 根据图意,完成单词。(1)prs_nt(2)bke(3)hmb_rger(4)nne(5)f_tball(6)skte(7)fsh(8)clck14. 根据词义写单词。1.Where does the_(雨)come from? 2.I am going to the cinema_(

7、明天). 3.I_(有)many_(语文)books. 4.There is a_(图书馆)in our school. 5.The cat is chasing the mouse. The mouse is_(害怕的). 6.We often play badminton in the_(体育馆)after cass.15. 根据句意及所给首字母写出所丢的单词。1. Whats f_dinner?2. Can I w_my new shirt today?3. We have four c_in the morning.4. 一Where does the cloud come from?Itcomes from the v_.5. W_camera is that? Is it yours?4 / 4


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