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1、外研版英语七年级上 教学设计Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 1 Does it eat meat?一、教材分析: 、教材的内容分析:七年级上册Module 6 The trip to the zoo,Unit 1 Does it eat meat?以一般现在时第三人称单数做主语的问句极其回答作为本节课的语法重点,从Module7到Module 10一般现在时都是这几个单元学习的重点。通过对动物的介绍展开听说读写活动,通过北京动物园之行以及介绍世界各地的动物,使学生开阔眼界,增长知识,同时也为开展后面的活动做了铺垫。、教材的地位及作用:本节课始终以“动物吃什么,来自

2、哪里”为话题展开对话,帮助学生掌握一般现在时第三人称单数做主语疑问句极其回答这个语法重点的运用;通过对话表演,把所学的知识运用到实际生活中来。这节课是一节听说课,在兼顾听力训练的同时,更侧重说的能力的培养。因为,从素质教育的要求和学习语言的目的看,初中英语教学应更重视培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。根据英语课程标准的要求,听说课应侧重培养学生的口语表达能力,体现英语教学的交际性、得体性、准确性和实践性。因此,本节课更注重培养学生熟练运用所学知识的能力。这节课每一部分的设计都是由简单到复杂,由易到难。 3、教学目标:(知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)知识目标:Key vocabulary-Anim

3、als :elephantgiraffe monkey lion panda tiger bear Places : Europe Asia Africa Key structures- Does the panda eat meat?No, it doesnt. It eats bamboo.Does the tiger come from Europe?No, it doesnt. It comes from Asia.能力目标: 1. To find specific information in the listening 2. To recognize the third perso

4、n singular endings-s 3. To ask and answer questions about animals情感目标:让学生学会关爱和善待动物,去动物园等公共场所,懂得讲文明、讲卫生。4、重点与难点:重点:一般现在时第三人称单数做主语的疑问句极其回答难点:辨别一般现在时第三人称单数做主语时,动词后要加-s5、学生状况分析大部分学生都在小学初步简单地接触过一般现在时,现在是对这个时态的进一步巩固和学习。根据初中学生活泼好动,善于表现自我的特点,我设计了游戏表演等几个课堂活动,以提高学生的学习兴趣。初中一年级的学生充满着好奇心,调用交互式白板活动挂图资源库内一系列精美生动的图



7、成整个学习集体中的一员,不再是远离学生的躲在设备后的软件及设备的操作者,点击白板呈现教学内容,对一些重点进行标注;在电子白板上直接写相关内容,让学生有新鲜感,加深学生的印象。让学生在白板上做练习、写答案,提高了学生的注意力和参与意识,增强了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。交互白板还在本课中实现丰富多样的教育资源的灵活的整合:在交互白板的计算机工作界面播放课件,播放各类多媒体光盘和视频音频材料等,而且还可直接调用交互白板内置的多种资源库,主要有活动挂图资源库、超链接库、动画库等。三、媒体与资源选择:以Powerpoint为主的教学课件制作,利用交互式电子白板进行呈现与教学;运用“ Swfer F

8、lash Player V0.5.12 ”软件,在教材配套的多媒体教学课件中截取课文朗读的Flash动画片段; 运用“MSN视频录像机”以及“屏幕录像专家”软件,在网上下载中央电视台新闻片段,并放入交互式白板内置的挂图资源库、超链接库、动画库多种资源库内,以备随时调用。四、课前准备:电脑、交互式电子白板、导游“装备”、各种动物玩具、学生预先做好的动物海报。五、教学过程:Step I. Greeting &Warming-upGreeting:引入:T: Welcome to Beijing zoo. I am going to show you around this zoo. I am yo

9、ur guide. My name is Rebecca. Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.(设计意图:以老师扮演“导游”带领学生参观动物园为一条主线,把整节课的各个环节串联起来;自然地引入新课,逐步呈现所学内容。)Step II. 看图学习新单词Learn the new words: 引入:T: Five thousand animals are in the zoo. They come from different countries. Before we set off, lets learn the names of the a

10、nimals. (设计意图:教师边带读,边在屏幕上显示相关的动物图片;通过这些精美生动的动物图片来进行单词、词组的教学,把单词和相关内容联系,吸引学生的注意力,加深学生的印象。)Step III. 游戏:在袋子里放一个玩具动物,让台上的学生看一眼后做动作,让台下的学生猜一猜是什么动物。 One student make the gestures and the other students guess: what animal is it? 引入:T: We are waiting for our turn to come into the zoo. Lets play a game to r

11、elax.(设计意图:通过游戏的方式活跃气氛,增加课堂的趣味性,让学生更好地掌握新单词,为后面的教学做好准备.)Step IV. 学习新课内容,掌握重点句型Presentation引入:T: Every kind of animals has its specific food. Do you know what do they eat? Let me show you. 1. 看图连线:把动物和相应的食物连接起来Match the food with the animals.2. Practice1 对话练习: 同桌两个同学之间一问一答操练对话 A: Does the panda eat b

12、amboo ? B: Yes, it does. It eats bamboo. A: Does the panda eat meat ? B: No, it doesnt. It eats bamboo. monkey-fruit grass giraffe- grass meat lion- meat fruit bear-meat bamboo引入:T: Lets see where the animals come from.3. 显示地图,学习各大洲地名和重点句型.Show the maps and the animals, and tell the students: The po

13、lar bear comes from the arctic, etc. Then learn the new words: Europe, Asia, Africa, the Arctic, etc.Practice 2对话练习:同桌两个同学之间一问一答操练对话 A: Does the tiger come from Europe ? B: No, it doesnt It comes from Asia.bear America the Arcticmonkey Asia Europe panda Europe China(设计意图:呈现-学习-操练,由易到难,逐个击破难点、重点,让学生扎

14、实地掌握本节课的重要内容,为后面各项活动的开展扫清障碍。)Step V 进入课文引入:T: Its our turn to go visit the zoo. Are you ready? Lets go. 听课文对话,根据对话内容填表Listen and fill in the blanks. (设计意图:培养学生听的技能以及整体获取信息的能力)Step V听对话跟读,然后讲解课文知识点:1. welcome to欢迎到a、欢迎到广州动物园。_ Nanning Zoo.b、欢迎你们到我们学校 _ our school.2. thousand 千 一千:_ 两千:_ 一万:_ 十万:_3.Th

15、ere she is.(= She is there.) 她在那里. (设计意图:听录音并跟录音朗读,提高学生的模仿能力;知识点讲解,培养学生精读的能力,符合循序渐进的原理,在精读的同时,鼓励学生将文章分成三部分,写出每一段落的主要意思。)Step VI 根据课文内容,完成练习。1.Check the true sentences:1. There are 7,000 animals in the zoo.2. The bear lives in Europe.3. The bear lives in America4. The bear comes from China .5. The ti

16、ger eats meat.6. The tiger comes from Asia.7. The panda comes from China.8. The panda doesnt eat bamboo.2. Complete the passage.W_ to Beijing Z_! I am your g_. Let me introduce the zoo for you. There are five thousand a_ in this zoo- kangaroos, polar bears, pandas and many more. The kangaroo comes f

17、rom A_, the polar bear from the A_, and the wolf from E_. The tiger comes from Asia, it eats m_. Lingling the panda, she lives in C_ and she eats b_. In the zoo, you can also see the wonderful animal show.(设计意图:通过阅读来培养学生 “获取-整理-运用”信息的能力)Step VII 让学生把课前做好的“我最喜爱的动物”的海报展示给大家,运上刚学过的重点句型. 各组介绍完之后,把海报挂起来,

18、加上玩具动物,布置成一个“动物园”.引入:T: Two days ago, I asked each group to make a poster about the animals you liked best. I know all of you have done a good job. Please show your posters now.Step VI Module task: Making a poster of your favorite animal. Talk about the poster: This is a It comes from It eats Step V

19、II Show Time: A Visit to the Zoo One student to be the guide, three students to be the tourists. Step VIII Do Some written practice.Homework: (设计意图:学生以小组为单位,制作“我最喜爱的动物”的海报并运用所学的句型作介绍,充分体现新课程自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,促使学生互相学习,互相帮助,发展合作精神。)Step VIII 角色表演:以小组为单位,指定一个导游三个游客,参观动物园.Act out the dialogue: The visit to

20、 the zoo引入:T: I know some of the students in our class want to be a guide when they grow up. Today I can make your dreams come true. Each group chooses a student as the guide, take your other members around this zoo. (设计意图:让学生把所学知识运用到实际生活中,把知识转化成能力,进一步提高学生语言交际的层次)Step IX 笔头练习Do the exercises:Step X

21、讨论:看一个中央电视台新闻报道:黄金周游客的不文明现象.让学生讨论,在参观动物园的时候,要怎样做一个文明的游客.Free Talk: Watch the video, and give your opinions. Talk about what we should do and what we should not do when we visit the zoo.(设计意图:通过教师教学方式的转变引导学生学习方式的转变,突出学生主体,让学生:主动思维发展修改拓展视野畅所欲言。)Homework:Recite the dialogue and write a composition: The visit to the zoo


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