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1、Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 班级: 姓名: 学号:【学习目标】一、Key words: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown, the, now, see, can, say, my, S/M/L, UFO, CCTV.二、Main sentences: 1.Whats this? -Its V. 2.What color is it? -Its red.三、Letters: S-Z.【自主探究】一、 根据汉语提示,填单词。1.Whats this in (英语)?2.What (颜色)

2、is your jacket?3.The ruler is (绿色的),not (蓝色的).4.The quilt is (黑色的)and (白色的)。5.Its a (黄色的)key.二、情景对话 A: Whats this English? B: Its key. A: Spell it, . B: - - . A: What is it? B: Its yellow.【知识探究】1. What color is it? What color通常用来询问物品的 。其句型结构是: ?当被询问的物品,即句子的主语是单数形式时,be动词用 ,当被询问的物品是两个或两个以上时,be动词用 。翻译:

3、-这双鞋是什么颜色? -他们是黑色的。- ? - .2. color的用法:既可作名词又可作动词,作名词讲时,意为“ ”,作动词讲时,意为“ ”,例如:把这支钢笔涂成蓝色。 3. 定冠词the的用法:the通常放在名词前表示特定的人、物或群体,上文已提到过的人或事,常译作“这(个、些)、那(个、些)”。例如:1) I have an apple and apple is red. 2) 这把尺子是黄色的。 【课堂作业】一、 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。color its is spell black 1. Is this jacket ? 2. What is it?3. an orang

4、e. 4. How you?5. - it, please. M-A-P.二、单选:1. This is pen. A. white B. a white C. an red D. an green2. Whats this in English -Its a jacket. -And ? -Its red. A. is it green B. whats this in English C. what color is it D. how do you spell it3. 肖华想给她妹妹买一件中号的夹克衫,她应该选择 型号的。 A. L B. S C. T D. M4. 中国中央电视台的英

5、文缩写是 。 A. CCTV B. HB C. UFO D. NBA5. - What color is pen? - Its black. A. a B. an C. / D. the三、用a, an, the或/填空1. This is good orange.2. Yao Ming is NBA player.3. Its “A”4. -Whats this in English? -Its English book.5. The ruler is yellow.6. jacket is blue.7. I have big apple.8. Its orange. orange is in the box.9. Its “C”. “C” is red.10. This is book and that is eraser.2


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