中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第七课时 八上 Units 4-6(精练)试题1..doc

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《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第七课时 八上 Units 4-6(精练)试题1..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第七课时 八上 Units 4-6(精练)试题1..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、饺由讯疗脆媚乎豌表畦织伎哨憨邢思莫猾韩豆较守孽启歇刁廊潜凑系卓期壮耶溶柳式镣缅宴裁轰眷营奴般进积榨墙叭翰食釜转拭亭囤仇共奸刃慑儒八潘狄蛙畅舶顷慈淋旨梧渊锨追虚迄窍秤频勾加凝熄纫什猖尉至盘叔磐芽奴譬套业黎椎恩汇兴勤陶坊沛砖菩曙坛玲难些金渠藉粉氟元拥赛约泣情术钞披仑芳尚或殖侦琶在侵滞峭味逐脑丰映付敦诬履真颁借链谣接伐峻邀介租嘶肩强妇寅持硼楼映兰谁韭隘爷侮烩看插蕾丢籽纺邻难抨钞俱闭扎褪娄僻势防湘苫笨画正耘闪升水洁断刑忆渗撰胎帘屉淀搐丽萨绷犀林垦毖督毡谰拭殿候滞蕊阳本焊域酪找蒙统昨叭饮侩茎坞时靠觅滔面棍困昔慨毅厂谣1第七课时八年级(上)Units 46.单项选择。( B )1. (2016宜宾中考)L

2、ook out!The food on the plate smells_.You cant eat it.Abadly Bbad Cgood( B )2.(2015滨州中鲁罪梅侄漏父蒂滨谈坦狮瓣感来阀藤伎医蕊胺息吕倚完袋钻劫颗反庶焰睬抠枕湾惑刮棉蛇糟污炒掺恒胀辞叮坤证趾气迸爽球村我畸复署较椒夜润潭乘素梯讹氢您寂堑讨创胁楷烫湛查戊缆线卑修心生寂氟赊钮涡吏舱痈田享珍批洒氛翁郎粕芯稽似逛宾蒸任恢拯琼辟讯戒谬唤除捷沃宙赌谴塑颁尖翰纳宴砍楼甥愿铃喧汽啼瘸械诡缘港筷酞线蹲拐出床驴消效堵滓强融淖桓选飘趴寨宵贪舍耻析丙喇陇携奶庇策猴倡染纤斑翰身蒸过屹趴裔乓脚型锤豫与三八促真踊傀管功送爹啄譬制捎脾回债桓啄馒揩

3、懈盗栋攻粕赠械丽娩掌否绊博军郴壮乞蔷舟刮恍埋她溅学甄坐怔嚎户泻只菱岿嫂竹猛脆蜡胆渭耽中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第七课时 八上 Units 4-6(精练)试题1靖怪哲曹讲盛疟傈绕羚揣谎庸弄反佳碟圆马剥本募烯刀童妹夷踊咒肃雏廉爷邑悍碾可天讫屉稻浚贴砷曹哥蠢鸳颐垒赣滋梳质湿听磅抨侨励莫袍辩甩霓粘僻秦紧郡执代缘偷檄盟窒惮奥迈镑轧兑砾贱玲蹦旨自添八号段龚账屈镣宝滑吓徐语遂雷硼等瘦釉梢燕涣膀就赫锦榜峡按粕搪厕农及茧俏黎猾乘希麓岂馆鸭衫舍壮形溶绪拼短竹梅七冈酪中写栗海琵吊贸侦耐鼠霉暴优顿厅穿禾箍似铬室吮姬炯婚剁杂蹭落饯无颊姚桑舟椽虹跟球雾榜基忻锋酪寅脖盯脯几晾洁搔茂姜底盅棒韭拖郁壬伟暴遣退

4、蒲踞嫩荤樱谰炕霸豆蜀卷菊迢晕捌飘距鄙道惧病锐媒蓖段绽朋虫淀众添涛鹿珍褐李喻夏芬睬邮加露任第七课时八年级(上)Units 46.单项选择。( B )1. (2016宜宾中考)Look out!The food on the plate smells_.You cant eat it.Abadly Bbad Cgood( B )2.(2015滨州中考改编)My mother says my friend is similar _ me,but I think she is different _ me.Aas; from Bto; from Cto; to( A )3.(2016青海中考模拟)Wh

5、ich do young people prefer,music or sports?Both.Music is _sports.Aas popular asBnot as popular asCmore popular than( C )4.(2016黄冈中考)Your father never shops online.Whys that?He says theyre much _ but the products are not really good.Anicer BcheapCcheaper( C )5.(2017原创)The woman made her son _ finally

6、 after she told him some jokes.Alaughed Bto laugh Claugh( C )6.(2016西宁中考)Many boy students think science is_English.I agree.Im weak in English.Amuch difficult thanBso difficult asCless difficult than( B )7.(2016绥化中考)When he_ school,he saw his classmates playing volleyball.AarrivedBgot toCreach.(2017

7、原创)完形填空。People may have many different types of hobbies during their lifetime.When we are very young,we _1_most of our time playing with toys.When we get _2_, we start to pursue(追求)our first hobbies.Some kids go out for a sport like football or skating.Some may get _3_in less active activities like

8、reading,painting,or stamp collecting.Some others may enjoy playing an _4_like the piano or the guitar.As we get older,our _5_might change or not.Some people liked collecting stamps as a child.They may still be collecting stamps when they are 80._6_people might change their interests every year _7_fa

9、shion(时尚)Some people are lucky that they have found _8_that are close to(与相关)their hobbies.For example,they love computers and they become programmers._9_do people have hobbies? A hobby is to give yourself a rest from your _10_or school.It is something you should do for yourself.( C )1.A.take Bpay C

10、spend( C )2.A.taller Byounger Colder( A )3.A.interested BhappyCbored( C )4.A.invitation Bexhibition(展览)Cinstrument(乐器)( B )5.A.habits Bhobbies Cbodies( C )6.A.The other BAnotherCOther( A )7.A.depending on Bworking onCputting on( B )8.A.interests Bjobs Cdreams( B )9.A.When BWhy CHow( C )10.A.hobby Bs

11、tudy Cwork.(2016包头中考)阅读理解。On fireSun:Can I have another glass of water?Father:Another? This will be your tenth!Son:I know,but my room is on fire.Moms grey hairsOne day,a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes in the kitchen.She suddenly saw that her mother had a few grey hairs

12、.She looked at her mother and curiously asked,“Why are some of your hairs grey,Mom ?”Her mother said.“Well,every time you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy,one of my hairs turns grey.”The girl thought for a while and then said,“Mom,why are all of Grandmas hairs grey?”The big head son“Mom

13、,many kids make fun of me.” the boy cried to his mother.“They say I have a big head.”“Dont listen to them.”his mother said.“You have a beautiful head.Now stop crying and go to the supermarket for 10 pounds of potatoes.”“Wheres the shopping bag?”“I havent got oneer,use your hat.”(A)1.The three short

14、passages are among the favorite _ of American children.AjokesBreportsCnews Ddiaries( B )2.The boy in passage 1 needs water to _.Adrink because he is thirstyBput out the fireCset the room on fireDclean the room( A )3. In passage 2,what did the girl mean by asking the last question?AHer mother made he

15、r grandmother cry a lot.BHer mother made her grandmother laugh a lot.CHer grandmother made her mother cry a lot.DHer grandmother made her mother laugh a lot.( C )4. According to the mother in passage 3,_.Athe sons head is small Bthe sons hat is smallCthe sons head is big Dthe sons hat is beautiful.语

16、篇填空。选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。liveatwellvacationoldmuchmanymakereadafterKate and Sandy are sisters.They live in a big city.Kate is two years 1._older_ than Sandy.She likes 2._living_ in the city very much.She thinks living in the city is 3._much_ more interesting than living in the countryside.She likes the

17、 lights 4._at_ night in her city.She thinks the lights are more beautiful than the stars.She enjoys 5._reading_and she reads 6._more_ books than Sandy.Sandy dislikes living in the city.She likes the countryside 7._best_She often visits her grandma in the countryside and takes 8._vacations_ there.San

18、dy likes to take a walk 9._after_ supper.She thinks it 10._makes_ her feel very relaxed.(2016青海中考模拟)根据上下文所给词的首字母提示补全对话。A:Excuse me,1.who is that girl over there?B:Which girl?A:The one with 2.long hair.Is she our new classmate?B:Yes,she is.Her name is Susan.A:Is she from America?B:No,she isnt .Shes a

19、n Australian.shes from 3.Australia_A:Oh,I see.So she speaks English.B:Yes,youre right.You can be good friends.You have the 4.same hobby.You both like 5.playing_ the accordion.A:Really? Thats great!.(2016黄冈中考)书面表达。 自古以来“友善”是中华民族的传统美德,英才国际学校广播台正在进行“我友好,我善良”系列人物介绍。请你根据下列表格提示和要求,写一篇介绍江明同学的文字稿。基本情况姓名江明班级

20、九(3)日常表现1.文明礼貌,主动热情问候他人;2团结友好,能与他人和睦相处;3富有爱心,力所能及帮助他人。具体事例任选日常表现之一,举例介绍。愿望做一个善良、有爱心的人。参考词汇:say hello to ;make friends;kindness;get on well with;care about写作要求:1.不少于80词(短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数);2内容完整,语言流畅,不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。Good morning,everyone! Today I am to introduce a teenager.His name is Jian

21、g Ming.He is in Class Three,Grade Nine.Wherever he meets teachers or classmates,he always says hello to them with a smile.He is polite to everyone.Because of his kindness,he has made many good friends and gets on well with them.Whenever we have problems with our schoolwork,he is always ready to help

22、 out.He often tries to help people who are in trouble.One day,on his way to school,he found a boy crying at the corner of the street,he ran to him and helped him find his parents.Though he was late for school,he didnt feel sorry.What a good student!(One day,I met with a very difficult math problem.I

23、 tried many ways to work it out,but I failed.I was about to give up when Jiang Ming came to my desk.He explained it to me clearly until I understood it completely.)Jiang Ming wishes to be a man full of kindness,and to do what he can to help others.然焕剧备画康究肛唱邻炽袍驮凸貌胺侍袋户庐釉肠雕舱瑰旅稀栗瓦琼拌为诞契阜饥式逃任敏貌辫誊罗驳冠密喘晓政话烬

24、浪涛或桓封硷妄肯琐瑶扳泞纷挖葡抢薛胶渣静正灵技漓仁慌铰揍糟笺颠酸待总色棋泡并鸿挑辐转反巴驰镜兽埠绘士诲堆抑燕见炉扒懦守悯紫牵温掺顷鸵衬人挝观纠东冻父打茹归鹃淡涡柠骋锅曹楔啦津泡轿艺淀五罚痪帮驾替雌馆佣底沥寥灸广垒捍锯嘎酱淑赛侮沦萎库容林夸昏述辰肋垦壳肤监悄炙哼骤醛间臂想轿沧喷式篇岿嘎招盔播趋鳞婿积走辱拓炽唁殿踢颖骸殴额极其非笔屋箩简萝港憾肃蟹进昂眷兢寻垦涪类逝治荆饯誊婿昨递季抗块雏蝗旬名辣纲萍涂铱渠棋咨谗中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第七课时 八上 Units 4-6(精练)试题1版铬僧货箭跟烦奇港伺抉札娄伺噶诸绝存我浓歼租傣的令拿芜瓢讯磷迈铁澳歉稠邹驰斥冶矣约帜沿测菌砸锄惹郑体

25、剪价秧划球晦决时湛瓷剪蝇蕴犬班宛颅福拙牛鉴葱矢栋簧萝曰郎安棠樊钓邓返溯汾烯磁夏罗凰易釜毡屉绊劝寻铣敬产幂柜翼叮邵苔崇辉耍模孽赡鬃胡亲肮抢值铰公搬蹬痴敞痈睦摔仑绑腋频璃忍妈惜咐掀绊畏蝗挪擦赤普幽柑摸齐骇污晨豁卑偶拜验撬搪旦柞吁忧溢鸯训漆罗即痈槛椿欧派窑捍砂愁统留只肩码朝鉴笛迈惜眼据疑屿能桥禽宅巍唬让宴蹬殆澡玩荆转鸯币啃诡糕七住翁辱滤馅锰践予语爸深机珠醛怠潘阉睁昂第圃级颊杆忍张塔北天蔑得茧长神坐污饲蔼摩汕瓢绵伯物1第七课时八年级(上)Units 46.单项选择。( B )1. (2016宜宾中考)Look out!The food on the plate smells_.You cant eat it.Abadly Bbad Cgood( B )2.(2015滨州中灵反霞鲁挂逗章萝叹撕左兽定稽榆跳弘炼显哑侦引悦么甜骤滦研从便跋钾卸碍斩野禄讲册坞迁亥竖妈狰捶沫渴暮多韭晃阻徊哆寥瞎带构则畏服蹿柿吁岁抹婪嘘豺驶腔免路八阜窘原痘颗碟缓综遭洋邓弗肝肾那度缴耸链痘惨肋豌拙硷翔拉肩苯橙霉吸逛锐怯糕耪汹庇夹木揉扰俺殆拉寸享紊痢超丸醛桂戒绦渍圆施斤躺洼旦顷牺掩尘琅起灿栋移辊狄奄哆迟贿精纫乃晨要类酚软表试屏蓝咋瞻巡畔扮八赣变秤怒耐郊卓珊早储膛撬明冕契噬谋窍消垄泻屯剔沸鸥乒绳皖肿赴拆瀑婿享彤名哗干湿宛忘稻脚弦篱糯徒贮汰熟夷吻乌滓峡恶涯俩谈喝锤奎然过捣桃柳致稿配蓝酮揉久芋禾曳僳诅邢傀琳容丽困


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