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1、英语作业评语三要一、作业评语要“丰富多彩”作业评语使用的语言要尽量与学生的语言水平相当。教师可以利用学生已学单词、短语、句型、时态等, 也可以用即将接触的语言。这不仅可以评价作业, 而且能够帮助学生巩固和运用语言。例如: 1. 单词Good! Best! Great! Wonderful! Careless! 等。2. 短语Quite correct! Well done! So careless! 等。3. 句型What good work youve done! How carefully youve worked! Try to do better next time! Correct

2、your mistakes! Dont do that again! 4. 时态Your English will become better if you work harder! Youre doing nicely! Now you can do better than you did before! 作业评语的内容不仅包括有关学生学习方面, 而且还可以包括有关学生生活方面, 语言形式更可以千变万化, 它们可以是: 一个词: Great! Perfect! Wonderful!. 一句话: , what a good girl you are! Youve done so well!.

3、一则格言: Practice makes perfect. Where there is a will, theres a way. Time and tide wait for no man. 还可以是三言两语的描述或随感, 或是提出几个启发性的问题。只要能帮助学生提高运用英语的能力, 掌握英语知识, 激发他们的学习兴趣和积极性, 无所不可涉及, 各种句式都可运用。二、作业批语要“因人而宜”有的作业不太适合评分, 只有评语才能给学生以恰如其分的评价, 使他们真正看到自己已取得的成绩、存在的缺点和努力的方向。对“差生”的作业要批评, 但更要多鼓励: , youve made so many m

4、istakes but do better next time. , I think you can do better if you work a little harder. , be a careful girl and youll make greater progress. 对优等生的作业表扬中要有指正。教师可通过评语向他们提出更高的要求, 如增强创造力等: Its good to be correct. Its also important to be creative. Excellent, ! You havent made any mistakes, but try to m

5、ake your handwriting nicer. 对中等生的作业, 应该慎重评价。在他们的评语中要多督促, 因为这一类学生往往就缺少那么一点“推动力”, 推一把则可上去, 松一把便下来了。例如: Youd better be more careful! Pay more attention to verbs and their uses! Work harder and then youll make much progress! 现在的中学生大多为独生子女, 过多的要求甚至批评难以奏效, 对于那些缺乏良好学习习惯, 或学习成绩有下降趋势的学生, 要经常在作业评语中委婉地指出它们的缺点和

6、不足, 并表达对他们的希望。只要这些希望是真诚的、适时的和有内容的, 学生就会从中理解教师对他们的信任、关心和爱心, 从而转化为学习的动力。三、作业评语要“因时而宜”评语是教师向学生们表达的关注和爱护, 犹如一封短信, 或赞扬或劝诫, 学生们都能心领神会。教师针对成绩不同的学生及其作业, 在不同的场合所作的评语可激发学生的斗志, 让优等生更上一层楼, 使中等生改正缺点、发扬成绩。更重要的是能实事求是地评价“差生”及其作业, 以便他们克服对学习的畏惧心理, 树立信心, 努力从后进变为先进。学期开始, 对于“差生”的作业评语中应多几分激励: , new term begins now. I wan

7、t you to work harder than last term just from the beginning. Cheer up! A good beginning makes a good ending. 给中等生的作业评语中最好有一些督促。, you made much progress last term. However, you should work still harder this term. Do you think so? 再如, 有些学生在某个语言点上一再犯错误, 如“It isnt belong to her.采用一再划叉的处理方法, 可能会无济于事, 给以适

8、当的批评和指正效果可能好些: , its wrong to say“It isnt belong to her.We say“It doesnt belong to her.“Belong”is a verb, like“go, look, talk.We say“He doesnt go to school”. Can we say“He isnt go to school”? No, never! 考试之前, 在优、中、差学生的作业上可以给予不同的评语, 以鼓舞斗志: A. I wish you great success in the coming exam. B. Go over le

9、ssons again and pay more attention to the verbs weve learned this term. Avoid making silly mistakes in your paper. C. Make up the homework youve missed. Come to me if you find anything you cant understand. 如某个学生有次考试不及格, 可用下述话语激励其争取进步: A. Im sorry to know youve failed in the last exam. I hope you won

10、t be too sad. Your classmates and I all want to help you. Remember: Failure is the mother of success. I think you can do better next time. 如一个学生因病假缺课, 作业做得不好, 教师要说些安慰的话: , youve made some mistakes in your work. Dont lose heart. Were all ready to help you catch up. 甚至某个学生在课堂上不注意听讲, 教师也可以在作业评语中提出劝告: ,

11、 you dont know how to do these exercises. In fact, they arent so difficult. The reason is that you didnt listen carefully in class! 又如, 在节假日前, 教师可给学生写一些祝愿语: Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Have a good time during the Spring Festival! Enjoy yourselves in the coming holidays! 作业评语一般写在学生的作业后边, 也可写在中间的

12、某个位置。比如, 某个句型很难掌握, 可有个“差生”竟然做对了, 教师应及时加以表扬, 在那个句子旁边写上: Very good, . You see, youve done so well! 如果发现一个精彩的句子, 可在该句下写道: Excellent! (Wonderful! Perfect! Beautiful! Clever! )Oh, its so nice a sentence! 如遇到一处屡改屡犯的语法错误, 只有明确的批语才能产生较深的印象: Wrong again! (Oh, so bad! Such a careless boy girl. )Youve made such a mistake again. 等。


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