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1、新目标七年级上寒假单元复习My names Gina Topic (单元主题):Greeting people and making new friends Functions (功能) 1. To introduce onesel 2. To Greet people . 3. To ask for and give personal information , especially telephone numbers . Key structures :(重点句型) 1. Whats your /his /her name ? My / His /Her names 2. Whats yo

2、ur first name /last name ? My first name / last name is 3. Hi /Hello . Im / My names Hi . Im . Nice to meet you . 4. Whats your /his /her phone number ? Its 二. 重点、难点: 1. To introduce oneself and ask for names . (1)My names Jenny . (2)Im Gina . Nice to meet you . (3)Hi , / Hello , Im Mary . (4)Hi , M

3、ary . Im Jim . (5)Whats your name ? 这里My names My name is Im I am 2. Learn some English words for the things in the pictures . book 书 textbook 课本 notebook 笔记本 clock 钟表 lock锁 door门window 窗户 fish鱼 paper 纸a piece of paper 一张纸 ruler 尺子basketball 篮球baseball 棒球 schoolbag 书包 handbag 手提包 key 钥匙 sweater 毛衣 3

4、. To get other peoples names . 问他人姓名。 Whats his / her name ? His / Her names ? e. g. Whats his name ? His names Tony . Whats her name ? Her names Gina . 4. First name & last name名字My name is Liu xiaohong . Xiaohong is my first name . Liu is my family name . This isdifferent from Chinese . First name

5、 is also called given name . Last name is also called family name , or surname .In English , the family name is written after ones given name . For example , Henry Smith isa persons name . Henry 是first name . Smith 是last name .译:我的名字是刘小红。小红是父母给我起的名字,在英文中被称作first name 或given name 。 刘是我的姓。在英文中称作family

6、 name 或last name 。 在英语中,姓氏通常放在起的名字之后。例如,Henry Smith 是一个名字。 Henry 是given name (或称first name )Smith 是姓氏(family / last name ) 5. Learn numbers 09 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 zero one two three four five six seven eight nine One and one is two . 1+1=2 One minus one is zero . 1-1=0 6. Learn to read phone numbers

7、 . 电话号码 2568943 is read two five six eight nine four three . 3845679 is read three eight four five six seven nine 62975190 is read six two nine seven five one nine zero 7. To get the information about the phone numbers . 问电话 (1)Whats your phone numbers , Li Nan ? Its 5567864. (2)Whats her telephone

8、number ? Its 2898675.Is this your pencil ?Topic (单元主题) Things in the classroomFunctions(功能) 1. Identify ownership 2. Review the alphabetKey structures :(重点句型) 1. Is this your pencil ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt . 2. Whats this / that in English ? Its a pencil . 3. How do you spell pencil ? Its p - e

9、 - n - c - i - l .重点内容讲解: 1. To inquire who is the owner of the objects . 通过询问物品,所有人复习my , your , her , his的用法。主要学会“归谁所有”的意思表达。 句型:A / Its my pencil . B/ Is this your ruler ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt .这是一般疑问句的简略答语。如果作肯定回答“Yes ,”时,“it is”不能缩写。否定回答“No”时 ,通常缩写成“it isnt”. isnt = is not C/ Is it her /

10、his backpack ? Yes , it is . No , it isnt . 2. Learn the new words by matching the alphabet in the picture . pencil铅笔 pen 钢笔 book书 eraser像皮 ruler尺子 pencil case铅笔盒 backpack背包 pencil sharpener铅笔刀 blackboard黑板 teachers table讲台 flower花 book shelf书架 desk书桌chair椅子 dictionary字典 classroom教室 teacher教师 studen

11、t学生 textbook课本 exercise - book练习本 ball pen 圆珠笔 compass圆规 ring戒指 computer game电子游戏key钥匙 baseball棒球 alphabet字母表等。希望同学们更多地扩展自己的词汇量。 3. Review the alphabet : A.D.公元 B.C.公元前 CAAC.中国民航 P.L.A.中国人民解放军 P.R.C中华人民共和国 CCTV中国中央电视台 BBC英国广播公司 RMB人民币 EUR欧元 USA美国 A.M.上午 P.M.下午 等等 4.To know how to express something i

12、n English . Here we will learn the way of saying as follow : Whats this / that in English ? Its a / an E.g. Whats this in English ? Its a pen . 其中“this”指距说话人距离近。而“that”指距说话人不能触及的位置。“in English”中“in” 是介词,意思是“用表达”如:“in Chinese”用汉语。这是一个由what引导的特殊疑问句,回答时,直接回答。 5.How do you spell pencil ?你怎样拼写铅笔这个词? P -

13、E - N - C - I - L . 这里“how”是“怎样”的意思。这也是特殊问句,直接回答不用Yes和No . 6.lost & found : 本课出现“found & lost”其中“found”是“找到,发现”的意思;“&”是“和”的意思。“lost”是“丢失”的意思,它们分别是动词“find”和“lose”的过去分词。这里用做形容词表示失物招领This is my sister .单元主题: 介绍家庭成员(Introduce family members )。学习目标: 1. 能够记住家庭成员的英文名称。 2. 可以用英语介绍家庭成员和亲朋好友。 3. 复习、巩固前两个单元所学过

14、的句型和交际用语。日常交际用语: This is my sister . These are my grandparents . That is my father . Those are my brothers . Is he your brother ? Yes , he is . / No , he isnt .词汇: sister , mother , father , parent , son , daughter , brother , cousin , grandfather ,grandmother , these , grandparent , those , she , h

15、e , uncle , aunt , dear , great , photo , here , love , very , much , see , soon , pen friend , they , thank for重点、难点分析: 1. To introduce people .介绍人物 In Unit One , we learned how to introduce oneself . When we introduce ourselves , we say as follows . 在第一单元,我们学习了如何介绍某人自己 , 当我们介绍我们自己时,我们如下说。 My names

16、 Mary . / Im Mary . But when we introduce people , we should say as follows . 但当我们在介绍其他人时,我们应当如下说: This is Peter . He is my friend . 这位是Peter。他是我的朋友。 This is my sister . 这位是我妹妹。 That is my mother . 那位是我妈妈。 These are my brothers . 这些是我的兄弟们。 Those are my grandparents . 那俩位是我的爷爷和奶奶。 2. To identify peop

17、le . 确认人物关系。 Is this your father ?这位是你爸爸吗? Yes , it is . / No , it isnt .是的。/ 不是。 Is that your teacher ?那位是你的老师吗? Yes , it is . / No , it isnt .是的。/不是。 Is he your cousin ?他是你的表弟吗? Yes , he is . / No , he isnt .是的。/ 不是。 Is she your friend ?她是你的朋友吗? Yes , she is . / No , she isnt . 是的。/ 不是。 3. Add mor

18、e words in your vocab - builder .husband 丈夫wife 妻子granddaughter 孙女;外孙女 grandson 外孙子;孙子father - in - law 公公,岳父 mother - in - law 婆婆;岳母brother - in - law 姐夫;妹夫 sister - in - law 嫂子,弟媳 daughter - in - law 儿媳 son - in - law 女婿niece 侄女;外甥女 nephew 侄子;外甥cute 逗人喜爱的 4. Thanks for the great photo of your fami

19、ly . thanks for “因为而感谢” 例如: Thanks for your help . 谢谢你的帮助。 Thanks for your dictionary . 谢谢你借我用字典。 5. Here is my family photo . 这是我的一张全家福。 Here is + 名词。这是一种倒装句。当名词是复数时,我们说Here are eg. (例如) Here is the money . 钱在这儿。 Here is a desk . 这儿有一个课桌。 Here are some apples . 这有一些苹果。 6. See you soon . 再见。根据不同情况,我

20、们可以有多种表达“再见”的说法。See you . See you tomorrow . 明天见。See you next time . 下次再见。Goodbye . Bye - bye . 7. 写信的格式。 在第一行左上方要写上Dear Peter , / Dear mum , / Dear Mary , 然后另起一行写信的内容。最后在正文的右下方写上Your friend , / Yours , Your pen friend , / ,然后再另起一行写上你的名字。举例说明:Dear Emma , Thanks for your letter . I like your family p

21、hoto very much . Iwill go to New York next week . I will go to see you . See you next week . Your friend , Maria 8. Task Prepare one of your family photos . Write an introduction about the people . 准备一张你们家的全家福。在全家福上写一个有关照片上人物的介绍。Wheres my backpack ?单元主题: Ask and answer questions about where things a

22、re . (询问和回答物品在哪里。)单元目标: 1. 学习并掌握家居用品的名称。 2. 学习一些表示方位的介词如:in , at , on , under , behind 等的用法。 3. 学习名词的复数。 4. 学习如何询问和回答物品所在位置。 5. 总结归纳be动词的一般现在时用法。主要句型和交际用语: 1. Wheres the baseball ? Its in the backpack . 2. Where are your books ? Theyre on the chair . 3. How about my pencil case and my baseball ? The

23、yre in your backpack . 4. Where are my book ? I dont know . Are they on the bed ? 单元词汇: Where , table , bed , dresser , bookcase , sofa , chair , drawer , plant , under , on , behind , next , next to , know , bag , match , alarm clock , CD, video cassette , hat , take ,thing , soccer , ball , can ,

24、bring, some , need , floor , ideal , room , TV , desk ,picture ,between , too , wall重点、难点: 1. 名词的复数。 英语中有可数名词和不可数名词,不可数名词一般包括物质名词和抽象名词,如milk (牛奶),water(水),bread(面包),paper(纸),love(爱),都是不可数名词。不可数名词没有复数形式。 在英语中,可数名词在应用中有单数和复数的区别,表示一个用单数表示,两个以上用复数。规则变化的名词的复数形式如下: a. 一般情况下加s bookbooks penpens keykeys cha

25、irchairs bagbags gamegames b. 以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的加es busbusesboxboxes watchwatchesbrushbrushes特殊 tomatotomatoes potatopotatoes heroheroes c. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词把y变成i加es. famliyfamilies strawberrystrawberries d. 以f或fe结尾的单词,去掉f或fe,变v加es leafleaves(树叶)knifeknives (小刀)另外,有少数名词的复数是不规则变化,这些名词的不规则变化大家要常记常背。 如manmen,to

26、othteeth等。 2. be动词的一般现在时: be动词是系动词的一种,表示“是”“在”的意思,现在式有am, is , are 三种形式。 be动词的句型如下: (1)主语与be动词,be动词的现在时有am, is , are 三种,分别接在不同人称的主语之后。用法如下图表。人称主语be动词中文意思第一单数Iam我是人称复数Weare我们是第二单数Youare你是人称复数Youare你们是第三人称单数(男性)(女性)(其它)HeSheItisisis他是她是它是复数Theyare他们是e.g. Tom is a boy . This is a backpack . I am a teac

27、her . She is beautiful . They are very cheap . 他们很便宜。(2)am , is , are 的否定句 You are not a teacher . You arent a teacher . (这里arent 是are not 的缩写式) I am not a bus driver . 我不是一名公交司机。 It isnt a pencil . (这里isnt 是is not 的缩写式) (3)be动词的一般疑问句。 Are you a student ? 你是一名学生吗? Is that your father ? 那是你爸爸吗? Is sh

28、e your English teacher ? 她是你的英语老师吗? Are they your parents ? 他们是你的父母吗? (4)be动词的特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词be动词主语? e. g. a. What is this ? 这是什么? It is a table . b. Where is your backpack ? 你的背包在哪里? Its on the bed . 它在床上。 3. 学习几个表示位置的介词:(1)in “在里面” in the backpack 在背包里in the pencil case 在文具盒里 in the classroom 在教室里in

29、my pocket 在我的口袋中 (2)on “在上面”,有接触面 on the table 在桌子上on the sofa 在沙发上 on the bed 在床上on the chair 在椅子上 (3)under“在下面” under the table 桌子下面under the bed 床下 under the chair 椅子下 (4)behind “在后面” behind the door 在门后 behind the tree 在大树后 (5)between 在两者之间 between Mary and Tom 在Mary 和Tom 之间 between the sofa and

30、 the table 在沙发和桌子之间 4. Ask and answer questions about where things are . (询问和回答物品位置) (1)Wheres the baseball ? 棒球在哪里? Its in the backpack . 它在双肩包里。 (2)Wheres my shoes ? 我的电子游戏在哪里? Theyre under the bed . 它在床下。 (3)Where are your books ? 你的书在哪里? Theyre on the dresser . 它们在梳妆台上。 (4)Where are her keys ? 她

31、的钥匙在哪里? Theyre on the table . 它们在桌子上。 (5)Where are my books ? I dont know . Are they on the bed ? 我不知道。它们在床上吗? (注意:Theyre 是They are 的缩写式。Wheres 是Where is 的缩写式。) 5. Learn more words : tea table 茶几cupboard 衣柜 carpet 地毯 lamp灯kitchen 厨房 living room 客厅 bedroom 卧室 need 需要 6. Please take these things to yo

32、ur brother . 请把这些物品带给你弟弟。 take to sb . “把带给某人。” My father will take me to Beijing zoo this Sunday . 我爸爸将于这周日带我去动物园。 take sb. to “带某人去.” Please take the umbrella to your father . 请把雨伞带给你爸爸。 7. Can you bring some things to school ? 你可以把一些物品带到学校来吗? bring “带来” Bring your homework tomorrow . 明天把作业带来。 Har

33、d work can bring happiness . 努力工作会带来快乐。 8. next to 在旁边 The notebook is next to the baseball . 笔记本就在棒球旁边。 The kitchen is next to the living room . 厨房和客厅挨着。 The dresser is next to the bed . 梳妆台在床旁边。 9. How about ? “怎么样?” (1)Is my pen on the table ? No , it isnt . Its on the bookcase . Oh , OK. How abo

34、ut my books ? Are they on the bookcase , too ? No , they arent . Theyre on the chair . 这里How about my books ? 意思是“我的书在哪里?” (2)Whats this ? Its a pencil . How about that one ? Its a pencil , too . 这里How about that one ? 意思是“那个是什么. ” 从这两个例子可以看出要确认How about ? 的意思,需要从上下文来理解。 10. Task Design your ideal r

35、oom . Then write a letter to me to tell me about it . 设计你理想的房间。然后写信告诉我房间的布置。(注意用上这个单元我们学过的一些物品的名词和表示位置的介词。) 11. There be 句型 表示“某处有某物” There is / are There is a desk in this room . 这房间里有一张课桌。There are some books on the desk . 在课桌上有一些书。Do you have a soccer ball ?你有一只足球吗?一. 单元主题: Learn to ask and answe

36、r questions about ownership .二. 学习目标:1. Learn names of some sports .学习一些体育项目及体育器材的名称。2. Learn some descriptive adjectives .学习一些描述性的形容词。3. Learn to express likes and dislikes .学习表达对事物的好恶。4. Learn to ask and answer questions about ownership .学习询问和回答物品拥有情况。三. 日常交际用语: 1.Do you have a TV ? Yes , I do . /

37、 No , I dont . 2.Do they have a computer ? Yes , they do . / No , they dont . 3.Does he have a tennis racket ? Yes , he does . / No , he doesnt . 4.Does she have a soccer ball ? Yes , she does . / No , she doesnt . 5.Lets play basketball . 6.That sounds interesting / boring / good / fun . 7.I have a

38、 basketball . He has a baseball . Maria has a volleyball . 8.Welcome to our Sports Center .四. 词汇: have , tennis , racket , bat , volleyball , basketball , television , let , us , lets, play , well , sound , good , welcome , our , sport , center , like , we , many , club , ping - pang , more , join ,

39、 class , interesting , boring , fun , difficult , relaxing , watch TV , has , collection , but , play sports , only , them , small , every , day , every day五. 重点、难点分析、讲解: 1. have“有,吃,喝”(第三人称单数时用has。) (1)有 I have a sister . 我有一个妹妹。 Jack has an apple . Jack 有一个苹果。(这里has是have的第三人称单数形式。) They have no co

40、mputers . 他们没有计算机。 (2)吃、喝 Id like to have a cup of tea . 我想要喝一杯茶。 We usually have lunch at 12:00 . 我们通常12点吃午餐。 She doesnt have bread in the morning .她早上不吃面包。 2. Ask and answer questions about ownership.询问和回答物品拥有情况。 (1)Do you have a TV ? Yes , I do . / No , I dont . (2)Does she have a baseball ? Yes

41、, she does . / No , she doesnt . (3)Does he have a soccer ball ? Yes , he does . / No , he doesnt . (4)Do they have computer games ? Yes , they do . / No , they dont .注意I.这里的do, does是助动词,帮助构成疑问句和否定句。当主语是第三人称单数时,用does。II. Do (Does) ?的回答方式肯定:Yes , +主语+ do (does) .否定:No , +主语+ do not (does not ) . 3.I dont have a soccer ball . 我没有一个足球。 这里do是助动词,帮助构成否定句。 They dont go to school every day .他们没有每天都去上学。 I dont watch TV after school .放学后我不看电视。 My parents and I dont go out in the evening .我和我父母晚上不外出。 当主语是第三人称单数时,变否定借助于助动词does,例如: He doesnt study hard . 他不用功。 Mary doesnt go to the park eve


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