MU I'm going to do the long jump(课件分享).pptx

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《MU I'm going to do the long jump(课件分享).pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《MU I'm going to do the long jump(课件分享).pptx(44页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,作者:Dr.Feng,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Lets sing a song!,2,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Game Time,Say it as quickly as you can, and do the actions.(快速说出单词,并做动作。),Are you ready?,3,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),play basketball,4,MU Im g

2、oing to do the long jump(课件分享),play football,5,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),swim,6,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),fly a kite,7,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),run fast,8,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),skip,9,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),ride a bike,10,MU Im goin

3、g to do the long jump(课件分享),Learning Aims,1.学习一些有关运动的词汇:sports day, long jump, high jump, race, run a race,star. 2.学习运用be going to 句型表达将来的计划。 3.热爱运动,并初步学会做事情之前做好计划。,11,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Im from the _. Im going to _.,12,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),He is from the _. He is

4、 going to _.,moon,make new friends,make friends,13,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Its going to be _ on Friday. A.Chilrens Day B. sports day,14,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),sports day,15,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),On sports day,what are they going to do?,Listen, repeat and

5、underline “going to ”. 听音,跟读,红笔划出“going to”,然后回答问题.,be going to 表示计划、打算干某事 be动词包括am, is, are,16,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Ask and Answer.,1.What is Sam going to do on sports day? He is going to. 2. What is Amy going to do on sports day? She is going to. 3.What is Daming going to do on sp

6、orts day? He is going to.,17,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),1.What is Sam going to do on sports day?,He is going to,do the long jump,.,跳远,18,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),2. What is Amy going to do on sports day?,She is going to,do the high jump,.,跳高,19,MU Im going to do the long jump

7、(课件分享),3.What is Daming going to do on sports day?,He is going to,run a race .,参加赛跑,Im going to run a race.,20,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Who is the winner?,Daming.,21,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),He is a star.,22,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),star,星星,明星,Hes a star.,Shes

8、a star.,23,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),do the long jump,do the high jump,run a race,sports day,star,Which is missing?,24,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),sports day, sports day, on sports day. long jump,long jump,do the long jump. high jump,high jump,do the high jump. race, race, race

9、, run a race. star, star, star, Youre our star.,Chant:,25,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the intonations. 跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调。 要求:坐姿端正,手指课文, 张大嘴巴、声音洪亮, 注意模仿语音语调。,Reading Time!,26,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the intona

10、tions. 跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调。 要求:坐姿端正,手指课文, 张大嘴巴、声音洪亮, 注意模仿语音语调。 Read in groups. 小组内读课文,分角色表演。 要求:尽量地做到 正确、流利 有感情、有动作,Reading Time!,27,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Hours,Minutes,Seconds,倒计时,28,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Show Time,29,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Fill in the blank

11、s.(根据课文选词填空),run a race,do the long jump,do the high jump,Daming is going to .,Amy is going to .,Sam is going to .,30,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),do the long jump,do the high jump,run a race,A:What are you going to do on sports day? B:Im going to_ on sports day.,play basketball,play footba

12、ll,play pingpong,31,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),wrestling,摔跤,Weigh lifting,sports,32,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Life lies in sports! 生命在于运动!,33,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),At the weekend(周末), we can .,buy some fruit,listen to music,ride a bike,fly a kite,go shopping,pl

13、ay basketball,watch TV,make a cake,read books,water the flowers,see animals,row a boat,eat nice food,swim,34,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),At the weekend, Im going to buy some fruit.,35,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),A:What are you going to do? B:Im going to.,周末计划小调查。,当堂训练,buy some fr

14、uit,listen to music,ride a bike,fly a kite,go shopping,play basketball,watch TV,make a cake,read books,water the flowers,see animals,row a boat,eat nice food,swim,36,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),buy some fruit,listen to music,ride a bike,fly a kite,go shopping,play basketball,watch TV,make

15、a cake,read books,water the flowers,see animals,row a boat,eat nice food,swim,Weekend plan(周末计划) Hello, my name is. I am going to _. .is going to _. .is going to _. .is going to _. We will have a good time!(过得愉快),37,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),总结反思,A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一

16、半。,做任何事情,想要成功,都必须早做准备。,38,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Summary,请对照学习目标来总结一下本节课的收获。,1.学习一些有关运动的词汇:sports day, long jump, high jump, race, run a race,star. 2.学习运用be going to 句型表达将来的计划。 3.热爱运动,并初步学会做事情之前做好计划。,39,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),单词: make friends, sports day, long jump, hig

17、h jump, run a race, star,句型: Im going to do the long jump. Amy is going to do the high jump.,40,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),Homework,必做:1.Listen and follow the tape for 3 times. 2.Try to recite the text. ( 背诵课文) 选做: Talk about your plans with “Im going to 圣诞节要来了,你打算做些什么来迎接这个节日? 用Im going to 这个句型和朋友们谈论一下吧!,41,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),42,MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),感谢您的阅览,(此课件下载后可以自行编辑修改 关注我 每天分享干货),MU Im going to do the long jump(课件分享),


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