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1、修改前:Module 4 Unit1 Chinese people invented paper.教案设计郭 晓 一、学习目标:1.知识目标:a.学生能理解并运用单词invent, paper, important, printing, print,right, between.b.学生能理解并运用目标语句Chinese people invented paper. Chinese people invented.介绍发明。2.能力目标:a,全体学生能听,说,读,用单词invent, paper, printing, print,important,between.b,全体学生能听懂,会说Ch

2、inese people invented paper.并用所学句型Chinese people invented .介绍发明。3.情感态度目标:a,学生乐于参与课堂活动,培养小组合作能力。b,使学生了解我国的古代发明,增强民族自豪感,热爱祖国:乐于了解外国文化,培养跨国意识。二,教学重、难点:重点:1.能灵活运用单词invent, paper, important, printing, print,between。 2,能运用句型 Chinese people invented 来描述发明。难点:1,能准确说出invent和print的过去式invented,printed的发音。2.能读出

3、长句子Chinese people invented many important things.和I printed our class newspaper yesterday.三、学情分析学生已经接触了用一般过去式谈论过去的事与行为。本课要求学生学会用英语谈论人类过去的发明,是对前一课语法项目的巩固与扩展。四年级的学生,对我国及人类的过去发明已经有了初步的了解。四、教学方法:游戏教学法,任务教学法,情景教学法,多媒体教学法等。五、设计理念强调教学应紧密联系学生的生活实际,创设尽量真实的语言情境,组织具有交际意义的语言实践活动。注重游戏教学,游戏贯穿整节课堂,使学生在玩中学。本课以我国的四大

4、发明中的两项发明为主线从而使学生联系谈论人类过去的发明。六、教具准备CAI,单词卡片,人物头像 ,实物道具(麦克风、记者证)、小红花七、教学过程I. Warm-upa. Greeting.教师和学生热情地打招呼,增进师生感情,减少距离感。b. Divide Ss into 2 teams.(激发兴趣,培养竞争意识。)c. Lead-in : There is a new friend ,the little cat .He is very clever .He invented a thing.(由课本中活动一的动画来吸引学生,并由聪明小猫的发明来引出今天谈论的主题发明。学习新单词invent

5、及过去式。)II. PresentationT:Chinese people are very clever too .they invented many important things.(介绍蔡伦和毕昇就是中国人。) 1. Listen and answer: What did Chinese people invent?S1: PaperS2: Printing(整体感知课文,捕捉课文信息,检测学生是否注意倾听。并学习新单词paper,printing。)2.T:Paper and printing are very important things .So we can print

6、books and newspapers.(学习新单词print及过去式printed)T: Sam printed a newspaper yesterday .But he cant find it .Do you know where it is?3. Listen and answer:-Where is our class newspaper?-A. Its between the chairs. B. Its under the chair.(带着问题听录音,培养学生倾听习惯,通过做题检测学生对文章的理解,并学习新单词between。)4. Lets chant ! Paper ,

7、paper ,invented paper;Chinese people invented paper.Printing ,printing ,invented printing;Chinese people invented printing.Print, print, printed;I printed newspapers.(课间休息,放松心情能体会诗歌韵律感,总结学过的新单词及句型)5. Read after teacher.6. Read in groups.7. Role play.8. Read together(对课文进行巩固练习,为输出做准备。)III. Practice1.

8、 Choose“Yes” or “No”.(通过说、做,活跃课堂气氛,并检测理解课文程度)2. Fill in the blanks.(知识输出,鼓励复述课文)IV. Extension1. Enjoy some Chinese inventions.(拓展知识,了解更多中国古代发明,体会祖国的伟大,增强民族自豪感。)2. Look and say: Chinese people invented Chinese people didnt invent(拓展并学习否定句型Chinese people didnt invent)3. Choose and say.(运用以上肯定句及否定句,小组合

9、作描述发明,培养合作能力。)4. Little reporter: Make a poster and introduce Chinese inventions. For example: Look! Chinese people invented this kite. Its very important and beautiful. We can fly a kite. Chinese people are very clever.(知识的生成,利用已学知识制作海报,并且向大家介绍发明)V. SummaryWe have learned so many inventions .(Ask S

10、s to say thewords and sentences.)So Chinese people are very clever .We are proud ofChinese people.VI. Homework 1. Listen and repeat , try to imitate. (good)2. Make a poster and talk about it. (better)3. Make an invention . (best)(作业由易到难,鼓励学生运用英语,并争做一名创新性的人才。)VII. Blackboard design:Module 4 Unit 1 Ch

11、inese people invented paper. printingChinese people didnt invent . I printed our class newspaper yester修改后:Module4 Unit1Chinese people invented paper.教案设计郭 晓 一、学习目标:1.学生能听、说、认读单词invent, paper, important, printing, print,right, between.2.全体学生能听懂,会说Chinesepeople invented paper.并运用所学句型Chinese people in

12、vented.介绍发明。3.学生乐于参与课堂活动,培养小组合作能力。4.使学生了解我国的古代发明,增强民族自豪感,热爱祖国:乐于了解外国文化,培养跨国意识。二,教学重、难点:重点:1.能灵活运用单词invent, paper, important, printing, print,between。2,能运用句型Chinese people invented来描述发明。难点:1,能准确说出invent和print的过去式invented,printed的发音。2.能读出长句子Chinese people invented many important things.和I printed our

13、class newspaper yesterday.三、学情分析学生已经接触了用一般过去式谈论过去的事与行为。本课要求学生学会用英语谈论人类过去的发明,是对前一课语法项目的巩固与扩展。四年级的学生,对我国及人类的过去发明已经有了初步的了解。四、教学方法:游戏教学法,任务教学法,情景教学法,多媒体教学法等。五、设计理念强调教学应紧密联系学生的生活实际,创设尽量真实的语言情境,组织具有交际意义的语言实践活动。注重游戏教学,游戏贯穿整节课堂,使学生在玩中学。本课以我国的四大发明中的两项发明为主线从而使学生联系谈论人类过去的发明。六、教具准备CAI,单词卡片,人物头像 ,实物道具(麦克风、记者证)、小

14、动物七、教学过程I. Warm-upa. Greeting.(教师和学生热情地打招呼,增进师生感情,减少距离感。)b. Guess: There are 2 new friends , the little cat and pig .The cat is very clever .He invented a thing. But the pig didnt know. Can you guess, What is it?T:The cat is clever ,and Chinese people are very clever too .they invented many importan

15、t things.(介绍蔡伦和毕昇就是中国人。)(由课本中的动画来猜谜,吸引学生,并由聪明小猫的发明来引出今天谈论的主题发明。学习新单词invent及过去式和right。)c. To be a reporter to tell the inventions; divideSs into 2 teams.(设计情境,激发兴趣,培养竞争意识。)II. Presentation1.Listen and answer: What did Chinese people invent?S1: PaperS2: PrintingLearn and chant: Chinese people invented

16、 paper/printing.(整体感知课文,捕捉课文信息,检测学生是否注意倾听。并学习新单词paper,printing及相关词 print及printed。引入课题并学重点句。)2.T:Paper and printing are very important things .So we can print books and newspapers.T: Sam printed a newspaperyesterday.But he cant find it .Do you know where it is?3. Listen and answer:-Where is our class

17、 newspaper?-A. Its between the chairs.B. Its under the chair.(带着问题听录音,培养学生倾听习惯,通过做题检测学生对文章的理解,并学习新单词between。)4. Lets chant !Paper ,paper;Chinese people invented paper.Printing ,printing;Chinese people invented printing.(课间休息,放松心情能体会诗歌韵律感,总结学过的新单词及句型)5. Read after teacher.6. Read in groups.7. Role pl

18、ay.8. Read together(对课文进行巩固练习,为输出做准备。)III. Practice1.Choose“Yes” or “No”.(通过说、做,活跃课堂气氛,并检测理解课文程度)2.Fill in the blanks.(知识输出,鼓励复述课文)IV. Extension1.Enjoy some Chinese inventions.(拓展知识,了解更多中国古代发明,体会祖国的伟大,增强民族自豪感。)2.Look and say: Chinese people inventedChinesepeople didnt invent(拓展并学习否定句型Chinese people

19、didnt invent)3.Choose and say.(运用以上肯定句及否定句,小组合作描述发明,培养合作能力。)4.Little reporter: Make a poster and introduce Chinese inventions.For example:Look!Chinese people invented this kite.Itsvery important and beautiful.Wecan fly a kite.Chinesepeople are very clever.(知识的生成,利用已学知识制作海报,并且向大家介绍发明)V. SummaryWe hav

20、e learned so many inventions .(Ask Ss to say thewords and sentences.)So Chinese people are very clever .We are proud ofChinesepeople.VI. Homework1. Listen and repeat , try to imitate.(good)2. Make a poster and talk about it.(better)3. Make an invention .(best)(作业由易到难,鼓励学生运用英语,并争做一名创新性的人才。)VII. Blackboard design:Module 4Unit 1Chinesepeople inventedpaper.printingIprintedour class newspaper yesterday.


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