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1、. My Pledge/Oath我的誓言Whats your story?你的情况如何?You cant speak! You cant understand!你不会说!你听不懂!You feel bad! You feel hopeless!你觉得很糟!你感到绝 望!Thats crazy! Cheer up!那就太傻了!振作起来 !Its not the end of the world.这不是世界末日!Speaking English is a piece of cake.说英语是小菜一碟。Dont look back.不要畏缩。Enjoy losing face. Just forge

2、t about your face.热爱丢脸。干脆忘掉你 的面子。The more mistakes you make, the more progress you make.你犯的错误越多,你的 进步就越大Dont give up. Just try your best.不要放弃。只管尽你最 大的努力。Relax! Dont panic! Take it easy!放松!不要恐慌!放松 点!Be patient and enjoy yourself.耐心点,好好享受。Learning English should be fun.学习英语应该很有意思 。Speaking good Englis

3、h is no big deal.说一口流利的英语没什 么大不了。Its worth your time and effort.值得你花费时间和精力 。Its an easy job. Do something about it.这很简单。赶快来学习 吧。You have no choice.你没有选择。No more excuses! Get moving.不要再找借口!开始行 动吧。Lets get started! Lets talk in English!我们开始吧!我们用英 语交谈吧Youd better do it now.你最好现在就开始。I have every confide

4、nce in you.我对你非常有信心。I want to be proud of you.我希望为你感到自豪。Its my pleasure to help you anytime.我随时乐意帮助你。You can count on me! Dont worry about it.你可以信赖我。不要为 此担心。Im serious. Ill try my best (to help you).我是认真的,我会尽我 最大的努力(帮助你)。We will make it together.我们一起成功吧!II. My pledge My Oath 我的誓言I cant stand my poor

5、 English!我不能忍受我的破烂英 语!I cant stand ten years of wasted time!我不能忍受我十年来虚 度的光阴!I cant stand being looked down upon!我不能忍受被别人看扁 !I cant stand being laughed at!我不能忍受被别人嘲笑 !I want to improve my situation!我要改善我的处境!I want to change my life!我要改变我的生活!I want to be successful!我要成为成功人士!I want to be international!

6、我要成为国际人才!I dont want to let my parents down!我不想让我的父母失望 !I dont ever want to let my country down!我也不想让我的祖国失 望!Most important, I dont want to let myself down!更重要的是,我不想让 我自己失望!I want to speak perfect English!我要说一口纯正的英语 !I want to understand all kinds of accents!我要听懂各种各样的口 音!I want to write beautiful ar

7、ticles!我要写一手漂亮的文章 !I want to read thousands of books!我要阅读成千上万的书 籍!I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.我要在中英文之间自由 转换。I want to be the master of the worlds two most important languages:我要成为世界上最重要 的两种语言-Chinese and English.汉语和英语的大师。I must act at once!我必须立即行动!I must open my mouth to p

8、ractice!我必须张嘴练习!I must surprise them with my excellent English!我必须用我出色的英语 令众人惊叹!I must realize my dream!我必须实现我的梦想!I must succeed!我必须成功!. My Pledge My Oath我的誓言Today I believe-今天我相信-This unique trip will completely change my life!这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生!Today I believe-今天我相信-That all my efforts will produce

9、 generous returns!我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报!Today I believe-今天我相信-English will be a powerful weapon in my life!英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器Therefore,所以,I must devote all my energy to learning English我一定要精神饱满、with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor!热情高涨I will enjoy losing face!热爱丢脸、I will pour all my effort into learn

10、ing English.疯狂投入!I must be absolutely responsible for myself!我必须对自己百分之百 地负责I must not waste one minute, or even one second!我必须每一分每一秒全 力以赴I must challenge my limits and then surpass them!挑战极限、超越自我!I will conquer English and charge toward success!征服英文,迈向成功!I can speak good English!我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文My Ple

11、dge My Oath 我的誓言Today I believe-今天我相信-This unique trip will completely change my life!这段特殊的旅程将彻底 改变我的一生!Today I believe-今天我相信-That all my efforts will produce generous returns!我所有的付出终将得到 丰厚的回报!Today I believe-今天我相信-English will be a powerful weapon in my life!英语一定会成为我人生 奋斗的强有力的武器Therefore,所以,I must

12、devote all my energy to learning English我一定要精神饱满、with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor!热情高涨I will enjoy losing face!热爱丢脸、I will pour all my effort into learning English.疯狂投入!I must be absolutely responsible for myself!我必须对自己百分之百 地负责I must not waste one minute, or even one second!我必须每一分每一秒全 力以赴I mus

13、t challenge my limits and then surpass them!挑战极限、超越自我!I will conquer English and charge toward success!征服英文,迈向成功!I can speak good English!我一定能讲一口最漂亮 的英文. Persistence produces miracles坚持创造奇迹The secret to success is just two words: to persist!成功的秘密就是两个字 : 坚持!Ill persist even when others dont understan

14、d.别人不理解的时候坚持 ;Ill persist even when many people object.很多人反对的时候坚持 ;Ill persist even when I suffer adversity.身处逆境的时候坚持;Ill persist even when all the others give up.别人都放弃的时候坚持 ;Ill persist even when Im desperate.绝望的时候坚持;Ill persist still longer and longer even when I feel I cant sustain it.实在坚持不住的时候,

15、再咬牙坚持一会儿;Ill persist even when its extremely cold.天寒地冻的时候坚持;Ill persist even when Im completely lonely.孤独无助的时候坚持!Persist, persist, persist!坚持、 坚持、 再坚持!Some day, Ill find:有一天, 我一定会发现:I will be among the top-notch in my field!我将成为那个领域的顶 尖人物!I will become a hero!我将成为英雄!I will become a master of my dest

16、iny!我将成为命运的主人!I will become an unbelievable miracle!我将成为“自己都不敢 相信”的奇迹!. Im crazy and I succeed.我疯狂我成功Lets go crazy completely!让我们彻底疯狂吧!Lets go crazy nonstop!让我们持续疯狂吧!Lets go crazy happily!让我们快乐疯狂吧!Im cool while others are agitated.别人不安的时候, 我冷静!Im full of hope while others are frustrated.别人灰心的时候, 我充满

17、希望!Im struggling while others are having fun.别人享受的时候, 我奋斗!Im alone while others are getting together.别人热闹的时候, 我孤独!I feel enriched while others feel empty.别人无聊的时候, 我充实!Im brave while others are frightened.别人恐惧的时候, 我勇敢!Im confident while others feel inferior.别人自卑的时候, 我自信!Im happy while others are angr

18、y.别人生气的时候, 我快乐!Im grateful for failure, while others curse at their failure.别人为失败而诅咒, 而我为失败而感激!I regard negative feelings as trash,别人为情感而挣扎,while others are tortured by feelings.而我视情感为垃圾!I am the master of my emotions, not a slave to my emotions.别人是情感的奴隶, 而我是情感的主人!So I succeed when other fail.所以别人失败

19、的时候, 我成功!If I am this crazy, how can I not succeed?!像我这么疯狂, 怎么可能不成功?!No one can stop my success! Not even I!成功挡都挡不住!I just cant get rid of my success!成功甩都甩不掉!This is what I call being crazy!这就是疯狂!. I promise! 我承诺!Today, I want to make a solemn promise.今天,我要做出神圣的保证。Today, I want to make a serious vow

20、.今天,我要做出严肃的宣誓。Today, I want to make a life-changing commitment to myself.今天,我要对自己做出改变一生的承诺。I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes every morning.我承诺,每天早晨我都会大声地、疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 5 minutes before and after eve

21、ry meal.我承诺,我会在三餐前后大声地、疯狂地朗读至少5分钟的英语。I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes before going to bed every night.我承诺,我会在每晚临睡前大声地、疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。I promise I will read English loudly and crazily whenever I have a spare minute.我承诺,一有零碎时间,我就会大声地、疯狂地朗读英语。I will keep my promis

22、e because I know every single time I read English loudly and crazily, my English will improve.我会遵守我的承诺,因为每一次我大声地、疯狂地读英语时,我的英语都会进步。I will keep my promise because I know the more I repeat, the deeper and more long-lasting my English ability will become.我会遵守我的承诺,因为我知道我重复的次数越多,我的英语能力就会变得越精深,越长久。Day by d

23、ay, month by month, year by year, I will become better and better, stronger and stronger, smarter and smarter.日复一日,月复一月,年复一年,我会变得越来越棒,越来越强,越来越聪明!I will do it no matter if it rains, snows, or blows.不管下雨、下雪还是刮风,我都会这样做。I will do it no matter if I feel tired, happy, or sad.不管我疲倦、快乐还是悲伤,我都会这样做。I will do

24、it no matter how crazy my schedule is.不管我的时间表安排地多么紧,我都会这样做。I will stick to my promise.我会坚守我的承诺。I will stick to my plan.我会遵循我的计划。I will stick to my goal.我会坚持我的目标。Nothing and nobody can stand in my way!任何人、任何事都不能阻挡我前进!Nothing and nobody can discourage me!任何人、任何事都不能打击我的信心!Nothing and nobody can hinder

25、my progress!任何人、任何事都不能阻碍我进步!Nothing and nobody can take the place of my crazy self-improvement pursuit!任何人、任何事都不能替代自我提升的疯狂追求!Whenever I think about my splendid plan, Im full of power.一想到我那宏伟的计划,我就充满了力量。Whenever I think about my shining, successful future, Im full of power.一想到我那灿烂成功的未来,我就充满了力量。Whenev

26、er I think about myself speaking eloquent English, Im full of power.一想到自己说一口流利的英语,我就充满了力量。Whenever I think about my capable, professional self, Im full of power.一想到一个能干、专业的自己,我就充满了力量。I promise I will speak standard, beautiful, and perfect English.我承诺,我将会说一口标准、漂亮、流利的英语。I promise English will become t

27、he solid foundation of my future career.我承诺,英语将会成为我未来事业最牢固的基石。I promise I wont let myself, my parents, and my country down.我承诺,我不会让我自己、我父母以及我的祖国失望。I totally believe that all my effort, devotion, enthusiasm and hard work will pay off.我完全相信,我所有的努力、投入、热情与勤奋都会有所回报。I totally believe that all the time, mo

28、ney, energy, and determination Ive invested will produce generous returns.我完全相信,我所投入的所有时间、金钱、精力与决心都会带来丰厚的回报。I totally believe that all the difficulties, frustrations, failures and tears that Ive endured will make me a stronger person.我完全相信,我所承诺的所有困难、挫折、失败和泪水都会使我成为一个更坚强的人。Actions speak louder than wo

29、rds.行动比言语更响亮。Storms make trees grow deeper roots.暴风雨使树木深深扎根。Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦就是快乐。If I can dream it, I can do it.只要我想得到,我就做得到。Challenges make life more interesting.挑战让生活更精彩。It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up.要打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的。Successful people never give up. People who g

30、ive up can never succeed.成功者永不放弃。放弃者永不成功。Im born to succeed! Im born to win!我就是要成功!我生来就是要赢!Im born to make miracles!我生来就是要创造奇迹!I will never give up! I will never give up!我将永不放弃!我将永不放弃!I will never, never, never give up!我将永不、永不、永不放弃!. Live for promise!为承诺而生What makes the difference between people is

31、whether you dare to make a promise and do your best to realize that promise!人与人的区别就在于能否勇于承诺并全力以赴实现承诺You must promise yourself that you will definitely succeed.你一定要给自己一个一定要成功的承诺Make only one promise I your whole life!一生只有一个承诺!Live your entire life for this very promise!一生只为一个承诺!Keep improving yoursel

32、f, and do all you can to make the world a better place!不断地完善自己,并全力以赴让这个世界变得更美好!Live for the promise. Die for the promise.为这个承诺而生,为这个承诺而死!Youll be omnipotent!你将无所不能!Youll be invincible!你将天下无敌!Crazy Promise ONE:I must speak good English!我一定要讲一口流利的英语!I must make it at any cost!我要不惜一切代价!I must live in t

33、he world of English!我要生活在英语当中!I must totally devote myself to and indulge myself in English!我要真正做到全力以赴,如痴如醉!I must speak English to myself and practice crazily at any time, at any place!我一定要随时随地自言自语、疯狂操练!I must read English crazily without wasting a single minute!我一定要疯狂阅读,不浪费一分钟!Crazy Promise TWO:I

34、must speak the most standard and beautiful English!我一定要说最标准、最漂亮的英语!I cant afford any flaw in my pronunciation!我不容忍自己发音的“任何缺陷”!I will pay attention to every detail!我注重每个细节!I will get rid of my “English pronunciation with Chinese accent bit by bit!我要一点、一点地改掉我的“中国式音”!I want perfection!我追求完美!I want to s

35、ound like an American broadcaster!我追求美国播音员的水平!I wantto amaze the world with my perfect English!我追求一鸣惊人的伟大效果!I can do it!我一定能做到!Crazy Promise THREE:I must conquer English thoroughly!我一定要全面征服英语!With the standard pronunciation, I have the most valuable asset and the strongest foundation!有了一口纯正的发音,我就有了最

36、大的资本、最坚实的基础!New words are nothing; grammar rules are a piece of cake, as long as I master numerous passages!单词算什么?语法算什么?一切都消灭在短文中!I must speak English passage by passage!我一定要大段、大段地讲英语!I must succeed!我一定要成功!I must become an international Chinese!我一定要成为国际化的中国人!Crazy Promise FOUR:I dont care about test

37、 scores!我不在乎考试成绩!I dont care about speaking fluent English!我不在乎讲一口流利的英语!I practice English with all my effort for greater objectives!我全力以赴操练英语是为了更加伟大的目标!I want to challenge my potential completely!我要全面挑战自己的潜力!I want to build up my willpower!我要锻造我的意志力!I want to train my memory!我要训练我的记忆力!Im sick of my

38、 cowardly self!我讨厌贪生怕死的我!Im sick of my weak-willed self!我讨厌意志薄弱的我!I must transform myself by learning English!我要通过学习英语来改变自己!I must reshape myself through practicing English!我要通过操练英语重塑自己!I want to completely change my life!我要彻底改变我的人生!I believe in myself Im the best!我相信我自己!我是最棒的!Crazy Promise FIVE:I w

39、ant to promote Chinese to the whole world!我要向全世界推广普及中文!It is my greatest motivation for conquering English!这是隐藏在我攻克英语努力中的最伟大的动机!Every day there is a wonderful vision in my mind:我每天都在脑海中想象这样一个伟大的景象:That people all over the world are learning Chinese language and culture!全世界的人都在学习汉字、都在研究中国文化!That peop

40、le all over the world are enjoying Chinese food and practicing Chinese kung fu!全世界的人都在吃中国菜、都在练中国功夫!We are promoting Chinese language and culture with fluent and beautiful English!我们用一口流利、优美的英文在传播着伟大的中国语言和文化!China makes the world a more splendid and wonderful place!中国让世界变得更美好、更灿烂!This is my most powe

41、rful impetus for cracking English!这就是我攻克英语最伟大的动力!I will take action now!我要马上采取行动!I will open my mouth and practice crazily!我呀张开嘴巴疯狂操练!Crazy Promise SIX:I am repeating my objectives day after day!我每天都在重复我的目标!On the wall, on my headboard, in my diary, on my tapes, on my palms!在墙上、在床头、在日记本里、在录音带里、在手心上!

42、With my mouth, with my eyes, with my ears!用嘴巴、用眼睛、用耳朵! And especially with my heart!更重要的是用心!Im making my objectives clearer and more powerful every day!我每天都让目标变得更清晰、更强大!Im declaring and explaining my objectives loudly and tirelessly to people around me every day!我每天都在向周围的人不厌其烦地大声“宣讲着”我的目标!They are all my impetus for achieving my goals!它们都是我实现目标的推动力!I reflect on my thoughts and actions every day!我每天都在反省自己!I develop good habits every day!我每天都在培养好习惯!I take action every day!我每天都在行动!I am full of power!我充满力量!I am bound to fulfill my goals!我一定可以实现我的目标!


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