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1、 听力部分(69分)一、听录音选出你所听到的图片(18分)1. ( ) 2. ( ) A. B. A. B.3. ( ) 4.( ) A. B. A. B.5.( ) 6.( ) B. A. B.学校123456二、 听录音,内容相符的请圈出,内容不相符的圈出 (12分) 三、听录音,排序(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 听句子,判断对错,正确的打,不正确的打(12分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、 听录音。圈出你所听到的单词(15分)1. Whats the weather like today?Its ( raining / windy

2、)2. What are you doing?Im ( eating / swimming ) an ice-cream. 3. What do you like doing in summer?I like ( skiing / swimming ).4. Where do you live, monkey?I live at the ( zoo / school ).5. What is she doing? She is ( sleeping / cooking) 笔试部分(31分)六、读一读,连一连。(15分)1. My grandma is sleeping.2. His fathe

3、r is running.3. Amy and Sam are playing five-stones.4. Is she writing a letter? Yes, she is5. Lingling is skipping.VIII.抄写下列字母。(16分)Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv 听力材料一、听一听,圈一圈。1. Some children are doing a dragon dance . 2. Daming is playing football.3.The girls are playing clapping

4、 games. 4. Lingling is sad.5. Mom is listening to the radio. 6. The boy is reading a book.7. The girl is singing a song. 8. Its sunny.9. Its cold. 10. I am riding my bike.二、听音,标号。1. They are playing five-stones. 2. Tom is playing with his train.3. I like swimming. 4. Daming and Sam are playing hide-

5、and-seek.5. Turn left. 6. He is going up.第三大题:Listen and circle. 听一听,句子和图片相符,圈“”,否则圈“”。请同学们准备好。No. One: This is my bag .No. Two: The girl is next to the school.No. Three: The train is going down the hill.No. Four: Look, he is reading a book.No. Five: Excuse me, wheres the hospital. Turn right.No. Si

6、x: Whats the weather like? Its hot。第四大题:Listen and match. 听句子,照例子连线。请同学们准备好。On Sundays, I usually watch TV. But now Im writing a letter.On Sundays, I usually play basketball. But today I am playing football.On Sundays, I usually tidy my room. But now Im riding my bike.On Sundays, I usually dance. But now Im swimming. On Sundays, I usually row a boat. But now Im listening to music.On Sundays, I usually read a newspaper. But now Im reading a book.


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