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1、(四)年级(上)册(英语)集体备课表备课时间11.27主 备 人尹 楠主 备 人所在单位解愁乡中心学校复备时间11.27授课教师郝凯丽授课教师所在单位南沟小学课 题Unit 4 Part4课 型Story课时分配共4课时第3课时上课时间项 目内容教学目标知 识能 力a. Learn to understand this story.b. The pupils learn to understand some sentences in the story: Heres my prize. Stop it! Help me, please. Where is my pencil case? Its

2、 not here. Ive got it!c. Decoding the meaning of the language in a story.过 程方 法通过游戏、角色扮演等活动,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,让学生在参与“做事”的体验中,提高语言技能,丰富情感。情 感态 度价值观通过角色扮演,培养学生团结互助的精神和英语交际的能力。教学重点Understand the story教学难点Understand and use:Heres my prize. Stop it! Help me, please.Wheres my (pencil case)?Its not here Ive got

3、 it!教学、教具(课件)准 备The cassette; Some school things; New word cards教 学 流 程教学环节教 师 活 动预设学生活动一、Warming-up& Revision1、Greetings2、Play a game:T shows some school things one by one, Ps look and say them out. The quickest one is the winner.Greetings Play a game教学 环 节二、Presentation1、Learn to say : Heres my pr

4、ize.a. When pupils play the game, T will give the winner a prize. Then saying: Heres your prize.b. Ask the pupils who get the prize show their prize to other pupils and help them to say: Heres my prize.c. T writes the sentence on the Bb and teach to read.2、Learn to say: Help me, please. Wheres my pe

5、ncil case? Its not here. Ive got it!a. When T shows some school things to pupils, she found her pen lost. So T says to Ss: “Wheres my pen? Wheres my pen?”b. T pretends to find her pen, and saying: “Help me, please.” Try to help Ss understand meaning of the sentence.c. Lead to the sentence “Help me,

6、please.” and teach to read.d. T continues to find the pen, then nodding her head and saying: “Its not here.”e. After a while, T found the pen, and said: “Ive got it!”f. Teach to say: Its not here. Ive got it!3、Introduce the story-Timmya. T: Today well listen to a story about Timmy. Do you know who i

7、s Timmy?b. Ask pupils to open books and listen to the story. Then T askspupils to say who is Timmy.c. Listen to the story two times. Let pupils talk about the main idea of this story.三、Practice1、Play the cassette and ask pupils to point to the pictures that iscorresponding to the sentences.2、After l

8、istening the story twice in this way, play it again andask pupils to listen with their eyes closed and imagine the scene.3、Play the cassette. Ask pupils to read the story sentence by sentence followed by the tape.四、Consolidation1、Read the story in this way several times.2、Role-play in groups.3、Act out the story in class.read.Listen and pointListen and readAct the story板书设计Unit 3 School thingsHeres my prize.Stop it!Help me, please.Wheres my pencil case?Its not here.Ive got it课后反思课堂学习情况良好,学生们还学到了要尊重年龄产生的差距


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