人教版高中英语选修6第一单元Using language(经典实用).ppt

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1、Unit 1 Art Using language,1. Do you know any western art galleries? 2. Have you ever been to any western galleries before? If so, describe your visit.,Pre-reading,The Best of Manhattans Art Galleries,Scanning,How many art galleries are introduced in the passage? What and where are they?,Five The Fri

2、ck Collection; Guggenheim Museum; Metropolitan Museum of Art; Museum of Modern Art; Whitney Museum of American Art,5th & Madison Avenues,5th Avenue & 88th street,5th Avenue & 82nd Street,53rd Street,945 Madison Avenue,1,2,3,4,5,The Frick Collection,Guggenheim Museum,Metropolitan Museum of Art,Museum

3、 of Modern Art,Whitney Museum of American Art,street,avenue,Match the numbers on the map with the museums.,Fast reading,1. Whats the main idea of this passage? 2. Who do you think the text was written for?,The passage introduces some best art galleries of Manhattan.,Tourists and art gallery visitors

4、.,Henry Clay Frick,The Frick Collection弗里克收藏馆,Careful reading,What can you do in this art gallery?,see explore visit,pre-twentieth century western paintings,Fricks beautiful house,the garden,Guggenheim Museum,Guggenheim Museum owns _ modern paintings, sculptures and drawings. The exhibition in it is

5、 always _. The largest part of the collection is the _ and _ section. The best way to see the paintings is to start from the _ floor and walk down to the _. The museum also has an excellent _.,5, 000,changing,impressionist,post-impressionist,top,bottom,restaurant,Fill in the blanks.,Metropolitan Mus

6、eum of Art,Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆,1. In which museum can we find Chinese art? 2. Where can we find the works of Van Gogh, Picasso or Matisse?,Metropolitan Museum of Art.,Museum of Modern Art.,A Ming garden,Read and answer.,1. Museum of Modern Art has the greatest collection of art in the Unite

7、d States. 2. Metropolitan Museum of Art introduces you to ancient ways of living. 3. The admission price of Museum of Modern Art is very cheap and it is often crowded. 4. Metropolitan Museum of Art covers more than 5000 years of civilization from many parts of the world including China.,F,T,F,T,_,Me

8、tropolitan Museum of Art,_,not cheap/expensive,True or False?,Whitney Museum of American Art,Read the passage and complete the chart.,Whitney Museum of American Art,945 Madison Avenue (near 75th St.),53th St. (between 5th and 6th Avenues),Contemporary(mainly art by living artists),late 19th century

9、to the 21st century,Western countries,Modern (from late 19th century onwards),pre-twentieth century,5th and Madison Avenues,5th Avenue & 88th Street,5th Avenue & 82nd Street,Metropolitan Museum of Art,all over the world,1. The passage may probably come from _. A. a newspaper B. a magazine C. a touri

10、st guide book D. a text book 2. You must walk all the way instead of taking a lift if you visit _. A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Whitney Museum of American Art C. Museum of Modern Art D. Guggenheim Museum,Choose the correct answer.,C,D,3. If you want to see Van Goghs paintings you may go to _. A.

11、 The Frick Collection B. Guggenheim Museum C. Museum of Modern Art D. Metropolitan Museum of Art 4. You can expect to see videos in _. A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Museum of Modern Art C. The Frick Collection D. Whitney Museum of American Art,C,D,5. If you want to know how people lived 5, 000 ye

12、ars ago, you should visit _. A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Whitney Museum of American Art C. Museum of Modern Art D. Guggenheim Museum 6. Which museum does number 4 in the map stand for? A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. The Frick Collection C. Museum of Modern Art D. Whitney Museum of American Ar

13、t,A,B,Discussion,Enjoy the following pictures and discuss. Which of the five galleries you would choose to visit? Why?,The Frick Collection,Guggenheim Museum,Metropolitan Museum of Art,Museum of Modern Art,Whitney Museum of American Art,人教版高中英语选修6第一单元Using language,preference,1 A window seat is my p

14、reference 2 Which is your preference, tea or coffee? 3 Teacher should not show preference for any of their students. 喜爱,偏爱;偏爱的事物;偏袒,人教版高中英语选修6第一单元Using language,Have a preference for Have a preference of sth to / over another Give preference to 优先考虑 In preference to 优先于 By preference 凭着个人偏好 In considering people for jobs, we _those with some experience. She was chosen_ her sister an a volunteer We dress simply_.,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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