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1、1,Chapter 11 circulatory system,2,Basic anatomy,Heart Blood vessels Lymphatic system,3,Heart anatomy,4,Blood vessels,5,Lymphatic system,6,Common roots and affixes,Hema/o- Sanguin- Phleb/o- Sphygm/o- -penia Angi/o-,7,Haem/o-,haema-,hem/o,hema-,hemat/o- blood hemorrhage5hemEridV 出血 hemoagglutinin7hi:m

2、EuE5lu:tinin 血红素凝结素 Hemobilia hi:mEu5biliE 胆道出血, 胆血症,血胆症 hemoclip 血管夹,8,sanguin- (L.sanguis) blood,sanguinivoroussANwi5nivErEs 食血的,吸血的 sanguinopoieticsANwninEupCi5etik 生血的,造血的 sanguinarin7sANwi5nZEri:n 血根碱,9,phleb/o- (Gr. Phleps) bleood vessel,vein,phlebitisfli5baitis 静脉炎 phlebalgiafli5bAldViE 静脉痛 p

3、hlebangioma7flibAndVi5EumE 静脉瘤,10,sphygm/o- (Gr.sphugms) pulse,sphygmogram 5sfimE7rAm 脉搏描记,脉搏曲线 Sphygmocardiograph 7sfimE5kB:diEurB:f心动脉搏描记器 sphygmometer 脉博计,11,-penia lack of, insufficiency,Lymphocytopenia 7limfE7saitEu5pi:niE 淋巴细胞减少(症) Ant. lymphocytosis Neutropenia 7nju:trEu5pi:niE (嗜)中性白细胞减少(症)

4、thrombocytopenia 7WrCmbEusaitEu5pi:niE 血小板减少(症),12,angi/o- vessel,angioataxian5t 血管紧张失调 angiosarcoma 9AndVIEJsB:kEJmE 血管肉瘤 angioplasty5AndVIEJ7plAsti 血管成形术,13,conditions,Aneurysm Arrhythmia Bleeding Disorders Bacteremia and sepsis Hodgkins Disease Pulmonary hypertension Thalassemia Thrombophlebitis

5、Varicose Veins,14,Aneurysm,Cerebral aneurysm Aortic aneurysm abdominal aneurysm Thoracic aneurysm Ventrical aneurysm,15,Arrhythmia I,Tachycardia Atrial fibrillation 心房颤动 Atrial flutter 心房扑动 Supraventricular tachycardia(SVT) 室上性心动过速 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW) 吾-巴-怀三氏综合征/pre-excitation syndr

6、ome (预激综合征 ) Ventricular fibrillation 心室颤动 Ventricular tachycardia 室性心动过速 Long QT syndrome QT间期延长综合征,16,Arrhythmia II,Bradycardia Sick sinus syndrome 病态窦房结综合症 Conduction block 传导阻滞 (atrioventricular conduction block 房室传导阻滞 ) Premature heartbeat 早博,17,Bleeding disorders,PT (Prothrombin Time) 凝血酶原时间 (

7、11-15s) ACT (activated clotting time) 活化凝血时间 aPTT/PTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) 活化部分凝血激酶时间 (37s) coagulation factors 凝血因子 platelet count 血小板计数,18,Bacteremia and Sepsis,Bacteremia 7bAktE5ri:miE 菌血症 the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream; Sepsis 5sepsis 脓毒病, 脓血症 a bacterial infectio

8、n in the bloodstream.,19,Hodgkins Disease,Hodgkins disease, sometimes called Hodgkins lymphoma, is a cancer that starts in lymphatic tissue, including the lymph nodes and related organs that are part of the bodys immune and blood-forming systems. Its named after Dr. Thomas Hodgkin who first recogniz

9、ed it in 1832. The cancer cells in Hodgkins disease are called Reed-Sternberg cells, after the two doctors who first described them in detail. Hodgkins disease is a malignant lymphoma. There is no benign (noncancerous) form of Hodgkins disease.,20,ThalassemialE5si:miE,珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血,地中海贫血,库利氏贫血 an inher

10、ited disorder sometimes called Mediterranean anemia, von Jaksch anemia or Cooleys anemia, named after the physicians who first diagnosed it,21,Thrombophlebitis7WrCmbEufli5baitis血栓(性)静脉炎,inflammation due to a blood clot occurs in a vein, usually occurs in the veins of the legs,22,Varicose veins,gnarl

11、ed, enlarged, thus visible veins mostly occurring in the legs and feet, which may be caused by incompetent valves within the veins. The word varicose comes from the Latin root varix, which means twisted.,23,A Quiz before we move onMatch each specific disease in column B with its type in column A.,Co

12、lumn A Column B Heart valves diseasestroke Coronary diseasehemophthalmia Bleeding disorderhemophilia Cerebrovascular diseasenodular sclerosis Lymphatic diseasethrombophlebitis Inflammationsaortic stenosis Hemorrhagesmitral insufficiency,24,Tests,Blood test series Angiography ABI Duplex ultrasound,25

13、,Blood test series,Cardiovascular Risk Profile total cholesterol HDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol triglycerides cholesterol/HDL ratio glucose,26,Blood test series,Liver Function: AST天冬氨酸转氨酶 ALT丙氨酸转氨酶 LDH乳酸脱氢酶 total bilirubin alkaline phosphatase GTP谷氨酰转肽酶,27,Blood test series,Blood Protein Levels: Al

14、bumin Globulin Albumin/globulin ratio,28,Blood test series,Kidney Function BUN (blood urea nitrogen)血尿素氮 Creatinine肌酐 Uric acid,29,Blood test series,Complete Blood Count (CBC) red blood cell count white blood cell count mean corpuscular volume (MCV)平均红细胞容积mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)红细胞平均血红蛋白量m

15、ean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度hemoglobin hematocrit血细胞比容platelet count basophils eosinophils neutrophils lymphocytes monocytes,30,Angiography血管造影术,The radiographic visualization of blood vessels following introduction of contrast material, or through CT scanning or MRI Ca

16、theter angiography CT angiography MRA Magnetic Resonance Angiography,31,Catheter Angiography,32,CT angiography,Computerized tomography scanning, also called CT or CAT scanning, is a test that uses x-rays and computers to create detailed images of the internal structures of the body.,33,Magnetic Reso

17、nance Angiography,When MRI is applied to the blood vessels, it is also sometimes referred to as MRA (magnetic resonance angiography).,34,Ankle-brachial index (ABI)臂-踝指数,Measurement and comparison of the blood pressure in the ankle and in the arm,35,Duplex Ultrasound双功能超声仪,Duplex ultrasound combines

18、Doppler and conventional ultrasound to allow physicians to see the structure of the blood vessels. Duplex ultrasound shows how blood is flowing through the vessels and measures the speed of the flow of blood.,36,Treatments,Thrombolytic Therapy Venous Access Surgical Bypass Surgical Aneurysm Repair F

19、oot Care Endovascular Stenting Endarterectomy,37,Thrombolytic therapy,Thrombolytic therapy is a treatment used to break up dangerous clots inside the blood vessels by injecting clot-dissolving medications into a blood vessel. ischemic stroke Pulmonary embolism DVT (deep vein thrombolism / thrombosis

20、),38,39,Venous Access静脉通道,Venous access allows the physician to deliver medicine directly into the bloodstream without repeatedly puncturing blood vessels. In venous access, a long, thin tube, called a catheter, acts as a kind of artificial vein. One end of the catheter is placed in a vein in the ar

21、m, neck, or chest. The other end exits the body so that the physician can deliver medicine. This end may be connected to a circular device called a port under the surface of the skin.,40,41,Surgical Bypass,Surgical bypass treats the narrowed arteries by creating a bypass around a section of the arte

22、ry that is blocked.,42,Surgical Aneurysm Repair,In surgical aneurysm repair, the vascular surgeon repairs or removes an aneurysm through an incision in the skin,43,Foot Care,Foot care is important if patients have leg artery disease (peripheral arterial disease or PAD). In PAD, the blood vessels in

23、the limbs become blocked because of hardening of the arteries.,44,Endovascular Stent Graft,a fabric tube that reinforces a weak spot in a blood vessel, such as an aneurysm typically used to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), but also used to treat thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAAs).,45,Carotid S

24、tenting颈动脉支架术,Carotid artery stenting is a procedure in which the vascular surgeon inserts a slender, metal-mesh tube, called a stent, which expands inside the carotid artery to increase blood flow in areas blocked by plaque.,46,Endarterectomy en7dB:tE5rektCmi动脉内膜切除术,the surgical removal of plaque f

25、rom an artery that has become narrowed or blocked, especially for carotid arteries,47,And for peripheral artery disease,48,Dialysis,Dialysis, also called hemodialysis, is the most common treatment for kidney failure. A dialysis machine is an artificial kidney designed to remove impurities from the blood and to regulate fluid and chemical balances.,


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