课后练习Book TextA新视野大学英语三版(精选干货).ppt

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1、,课后练习Book TextA新视野大学英语三版,Text A,Text B,When honesty disappears,Rays of hope in rising rudeness,Exercises Text A,1. Language focus,2. Translation,Words in use,1. If you promise you wont _ my name, I will tell you the true story.,2 .Are you_ that I am the one to blame? I didnt do anything wrong!,3 .Wh

2、ile advertisements do not necessarily present_ information, they do make people aware of the availability of products that could improve their lives.,4. He _the dangers of the trip to the mountain in order to frighten the children out of going.,5. You have to_all the mistakes from the essay before y

3、ou hand it in.,3.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.,reveal,implying,accurate,exaggerated,eliminate,eliminate reveal accurate facilitate exaggerate imply launch frustrate conscious appropriate,6 .The new policy was expected

4、 to_the development of trade between the two cities.,7. she was_ by her failure in applying for the post she had long dreamed of.,8. In most cultures it is not _ for one to wear a red dress or suit at a funeral.,9.He suddenly became _ that he was the only person who wasnt dressed formally at the rec

5、eption.,10 .To _this new product into the European market, the company gave away 10,000 free samples to the local consumers to try.,facilitate,frustrated,appropriate,conscious,launch,Words in use,eliminate reveal accurate facilitate exaggerate imply launch frustrate conscious appropriate,4.Add -al,

6、-ence, or y to or remove them from the following words to form new words.,Words learned New words formed -al continue emotional industry part -ence correspond innocence present occur intelligent -y worth unite inquiry,continual emotion Industrial partial correspondence innocent presence occurrence i

7、ntelligence worthy unity inquire,Word building,5. Fill in each of the blanks with the newly-formed words in Activity 4. Change tje form where necessary. Each word can be used only once.,1. He had kept up _ with his friends for many years, but all of a sudden, he stopped writing to them.,2.The _ tick

8、 of the clock got on my nerves, and I found it hard to fall asleep.,3. Your responsibility for the failure of the plan is only_. Your partner should also take responsibility.,4. She remained calm and cool in appearance, but she gave away her _ by smoking one cigarette after another.,5. Newspapers sh

9、ould record important _of the day, but this significant incident was missed by many newspapers on that day.,correspondence,continual,partial,emotion,occurrences,6.The court made a huge mistake in sending a(n) _ man to jail; he was put into prison for 10 years for doing nothing wrong.,innocent,7. I t

10、hink the scientist is _ of the high praise that has been given to him.,8. Some _ chemicals and food additives (添加剂) are known to increase cancer risk.,9. He was not as self-confident as before in the _ of so many competitors. On the contrary, he felt very nervous.,10. He got lost on the street, and

11、had to _ about how to get to the department store.,Word building,11. It is our consistent policy that we will achieve _ through peaceful means, not by using arms.,worthy,industrial,presence,inquire,unity,12 .There are two factors which determine an individuals _: the brain that a person is born with

12、, and the environment in which he is brought up.,intelligence,Banked cloze,6. Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words more than once.,A confront D accepted G available J browse M career B protect E pressure H satisfactory K released N exten

13、sive C expelled F compaign I prevent L admitted O affirmative,Plagiarizing, copying a peers test answers, and buying essays online are all ways in which college students cheat. According to a survey, nearly 80% of the students interviewed 1) _ cheating at some point during their educational2) _. The

14、 consequences are severe (严重的), ranging from a failing grade to being 3) _from college.,L,M,C,But why do students cheat? In college, the4)_ to do wel1 ls very high. Students know that without 5)_grades, their potential for success at school would be limited, so they sometimes copy their peers answer

15、s in the exam. Besides, with todays technology, there is more information 6)_ online than ever before. Students dont have to 7) _ the Internet long to find essays for sale.,Banked cloze,E,H,G,J,A confront D accepted G available J browse M career B protect E pressure H satisfactory K released N exten

16、sive C expelled F compaign I prevent L admitted O affirmative,These are just some of the reasons why college students might cheat. Although colleges do everything they can to 8) _ cheating, it still goes on. And cheating becomes more9) _ in some schools. But students should think about the consequen

17、ces they will10) _. They should stop and think about how happy and proud they will be when they earn a good grade in an honest way.,Banked cloze,I,N,A confront D accepted G available J browse M career B protect E pressure H satisfactory K released N extensive C expelled F compaign I prevent L admitt

18、ed O affirmative,A,Expressions in use,7. Fill in each of the blanks with the expressions given below. Change tje form where necessary. Each expression can be used only once.,launch a campaign if this / that is the case be confined to rip off descend into turn in cope with not to mention,1.The activi

19、ties of famous people always attract peoples attention, _ their marriages and divorces.,2.You are free to use the resources in the library or on the Internet, but you must_ a paper written in your own words.,not to mention,turn in,3.Some taxis do not have a meter (计程表). Then its easy for some dishon

20、est taxi drivers to_ their passengers.,rip off,4. All the employees must work hard to_ the present financial difficulties in order to triumph over them in a short period of time.,5.She has already_ for a charity that helps people suffering from unusual diseases.,6.You really believe that this medici

21、ne can cure all diseases? _, we dont need doctors or hospitals any more.,Expressions in use,7.In my opinion, educational reforms should not _ big cities alone, where conditions are already much more advanced than in the countryside.,cope with,launch a campaign,If this is the case,be confined to,8.Le

22、cturers and journalists have been arguing over a serious question: Will this area _ chaos if another major strike takes place?,descend into,Translation,XI. Translate the following sparagraph into English.,为人诚信,以和为贵是中华民族的传统美德。 和的思想体现在很多方面。在处理人与人的关系上,中国传统思想主张和为贵以及家和万事兴,从而创造一个和谐的社会环境。,Integrity and har

23、mony are traditional Chinese virtues.,“Harmony” is demonstrated in various aspects. In regard to interpersonal relations, traditional Chinese thoughts hold that “Harmony is most precious” and “A family that lives in harmony will prosper”. A harmonious social environment can be created based on these

24、 principles.,Translation,XI. Translate the following sparagraph into English.,在人与自然的关系上,人类应当学会认识自然,尊重自然,保护自然。 人与人、人与社会、人与自然都需要“和谐”。如今,和谐发展依然是我们的治国之本和管理人才之道。,As for relations between human beings and nature, people should learn to understand, respect and protect nature.,Harmony is essential to interpersonal relations, relations between human beings and society, as well as between human beings and nature.,Nowadays, harmonious development is still the way of running the country and managing talented personnel.,感谢您的阅览,【此课件下载后可自行编辑修改 关注我 每天分享干货】,


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