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1、小学英语颜色教学ppt,color,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,Olympic rings:,blue,black,red,yellow,green,小学英语颜色教学ppt,文化点滴: 奥运会会旗是五环旗,它是由现代奥林匹运动会创始人皮埃尔.德。顾拜旦男爵设计的。 旗上有五种不同颜色的圆环,蓝色、黑色和红色的圆环在上,分别代表欧洲、非洲、美洲。黄色和绿色的圆环在下,代表亚洲、澳洲。它们连结在一起,象征全世界运动员以公正的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见,共同促进奥林匹克的发展。,2008年北京奥运会的主题口号是: “同一个世界,同一个梦想!”One W

2、orld、One Dream,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,“ 颜 ”外之意: 西方国家极为重视颜色环境的情感反应与交际作用。这是因为颜色可以使人产生很多联想,也会对人的情绪产生很大影响,所以人们经常用颜色喻指人的情绪和看法,一起来看看吧。,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,小学英语颜色教学ppt,-Whats this in English ? -Its a rainbow. -There are(有) many colors in the rainbow.,colors:,red,ora

3、nge,yellow,green,blue,purple,小学英语颜色教学ppt,Black A black-letter day 倒霉的日子 Black dog沮丧 Black and blue 青肿的 Black sheep害群之马 Blue Blue Monday(烦闷的星期一) Blue jacket(水手) Blue blood(贵族血统) Blue music(伤感的音乐) once in a blue moon(千载难逢),小学英语颜色教学ppt,White white lie (善意的谎言) A white night (不眠之夜) white room (绝尘室, 最清洁的房

4、屋) a white elephant (白象, 累赘物,无用之物) white coffee (加牛奶的咖啡) Yellow A yellow dog (不参加或不协助工会的工人, 卑鄙的人) a yellow card 黄牌,小学英语颜色教学ppt,Green green hand (生手;新手) green house(温室) green room (演员休息室) green tea 绿茶 green card 绿卡 green light 绿灯,准许,允许 a green old age(老当益壮),小学英语颜色教学ppt,red,red,green,yellow,小学英语颜色教学pp

5、t,Colors,What color is it?,Its ,red,blue,white,yellow,black,green,black and white,小学英语颜色教学ppt,Colors,What color is it?,Its ,grey,pink,orange,brown,purple,小学英语颜色教学ppt,Its a red apple.,Whats this? Its a/an ,What color is it? Its,red,小学英语颜色教学ppt,blue,Whats this? Its a .,What color is it? Its .,Its a bl

6、ue pen,pen,小学英语颜色教学ppt,Whats this? Its a ,What color is it? Its ,Yellow,key,Its a yellow key.,小学英语颜色教学ppt,green,Whats this ? Its a map.,What color is it? Its,It is a green map.,小学英语颜色教学ppt,The key is_.,yellow,The ruler is _.,The pen is _.,green,black,小学英语颜色教学ppt,red,red,green,yellow,小学英语颜色教学ppt,red,

7、red,green,yellow,小学英语颜色教学ppt,a white pigeon (鸽子),a black and white panda (熊猫),小学英语颜色教学ppt,H,B,u,x,A: Whats this? B: Its . A: What color is it? B: Its .,A: Whats this? B: Its a/an A: What color is it? B: Its .,小学英语颜色教学ppt,_,a pink quilt,_,_,_,_,_,a blue map,a black pen,an orange orange,a white dog,a

8、yellow cat,小学英语颜色教学ppt,英汉互译 1、它是什么颜色的?_ 2、这把钥匙是什么颜色的?_ 3、它是白色的。_ 4、这是一把蓝色的尺子_ 5、一件黄色的夹克衫_ 6、一个橘子 _,What color is it?,What color is the key?,Its white.,This is a blue ruler.,a yellow jacket,an orange,小学英语颜色教学ppt,连词成句,What, this, is, English, in _ 2. color, what, key, the, is _ your, name, what, is _,

9、What is this in English?,What color is the key?,What is your name?,小学英语颜色教学ppt,V. 用方框内的词完成下列句子(注意大小写)。 Hello! _ you Henry ? No, _ not. Im Jim. -Im sorry. - Thats all _. -_ me, are you Mr Green? Yes, I _. -_ it, please. GREEN, -Are you fine, Jim? - _, I am. - _ this? - _”U”. - What _ is it? - Its yel

10、low. - Is this a pen? - Yes, _,Are,Im,right,Excuse,am,Spell,Yes,Whats,Its,color,it is,天天伴我学,小学英语颜色教学ppt,V.用汉语提示完成句子。,Whats this _ _ (用英语)? This is _ _ _. (一把黄色的尺子) _ _ (什么颜色)is “B”? _ _(拼写它),please. _ _ _ (这个蓝色的夹克衫)is here.,in English,a yellow ruler,What color,Spell it,The/ This blue jacket,小学英语颜色教学

11、ppt,II. 补全下面的一段对话。,A: Hello! B: Hello! A: I _ English. Are you English? B: No, I am _ English. Im Chinese. A: I _ English. B: I like English, too. A: Whats this? B: Its a bus. A: Can you _ _? B: Yes, BUS, bus. A: _ _ is it? B: _ red. A: I see. Its _ and _. B: Thank you.,am,not,like,spell it,What col

12、or,Its,a bus,小学英语颜色教学ppt,IV. 根据上下文的意思完成下列单词。,This is not a color TV. Its a _ and _ one. Its fine today. The sky is _. The wall is _. Its clean. The blackboard on the wall is _. In spring, the trees are _. In autumn (秋天), the trees are _. The traffic lights (交通灯)are _、_ and _ Our skin (皮肤)is _,black

13、white,blue,white,black,green,yellow,red yellow green,yellow,小学英语颜色教学ppt,III 根据所给汉语完成句子。,这把钥匙是什么颜色的? _ 2. 这是一支彩色的铅笔。 _ 3. 你能拼写你的名字吗? _ 4. 这是黄色的 L. _,What color is the key?,This is a colorful pencil.,Can you spell your name?,This is a yellow L.,小学英语颜色教学ppt,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,orange,green,red,white,blue,dark blue,black,Making color,Game:,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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