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1、英语话剧PPT,赵慧欣饰演 李 俊饰演 李 昂饰演猪八戒 张意刚饰演 王秀娟饰演白骨精及白骨精变化成的村姑和老太婆、老头 孔文胜客串哪吒 郝钱红客串女儿国的王后,三打白骨精,英语话剧PPT,英语话剧PPT,第一回,英语话剧PPT,One day Tang Seng mentoring four came to a piedmont .Wukong walks in front ,Tangseng is looking around ,Bajie is looking a book .Oh look ,what is Shaseng is doing ,he is looking in the

2、mirror .The story begins from now,英语话剧PPT,T: Emitofo Wow,boys,this place looks beautiful. where we are now?Does any oneof you young men know what this place is? ,英语话剧PPT,T: hey!bajie,you are making youself a new man.what kind of book are you reading? Is it jingangjing ordabeizhou?,T:yao.xi .,but,英语话

3、剧PPT,T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map?,E: Here.Em we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I cant walk on any more!My stomach doesnt allow So.,S: Fat Pig!,英语话剧PPT,E:Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will,I will,S:You will what?,E:I Will help you catch fleas(跳蚤),

4、英语话剧PPT,T:Wukong,I an hungry .Go and get some food,Shaseng,you go to feed the horse.And I think it is the time for me to call my litter honey pony .Hey! Pig,get out of here !Give me private space !,T:Hi ,how are you?,Q:I am fine,but I miss you.Since you left ,I can not stoping recalling the days we

5、are together . But you dont give me a call,英语话剧PPT,S: Who are you phoning,boss?,T:I was just having a chat with Budda.Where is my food?,T:Bananas again?! How many times I told you!I am a monk, not a mokey!I want meat ,meat!,英语话剧PPT,T:The next time ,you still brings me nothing but bananas,I think we

6、can do nothing but eat your buddy pig.,eat,T:I will call you later, honey ,I miss you,英语话剧PPT,第一回合完,英语话剧PPT,第二回,英语话剧PPT,英语话剧PPT,J: This is.? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from bosss books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! T: EmWukong, you are b

7、ecoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走),英语话剧PPT,play cards,英语话剧PPT,B: I heard that any monster eating master tang will get a infiinite life。How lucky am I,they are in my area .Wow,I get to come up with a plan.Ehn.get it ! I can pretend to be a village girl,so they w

8、ill trust me.Haha.change change . B: Hm!Hm!Electric net? You are too childish.,英语话剧PPT,Monster!,英语话剧PPT,T:Its too late!(唱)Once moreyou open the door S: Please,Please,oh,no T: Wukong,Im disappointed with you!,英语话剧PPT,B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter? T: Daughter?.No,sorry! S: You monster, Ill beat

9、you into hell! E&J: Are you Ok, boss? J: Look,how many? T:Two.,英语话剧PPT,T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!,英语话剧PPT,E:Master,brother Monkey is.,T:Scratch!Dont mention that guy anymore,T:You are,B:How foolish you are ,Mr Tang,B:Ill enjoy your meat and blood ,ha,ha,英语话剧PPT,第二回完,英

10、语话剧PPT,第三回,英语话剧PPT,S:How can I go now,Monster just misunderstood me.If I go now,not only can not let monster understand ,but will make deepen misunderstanding.these difficulties are passed,which can care about this litter misunderstanding.I must go back to save master,英语话剧PPT,T:Wukong?,E:Oh,Brother

11、Monkey.,J:Our hero is back!,T:I cant understand.What happened?,S:Master ,your IQ needs increasing!This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you!,T:How ,how did you find out?,S:Monkeys intuition,英语话剧PPT,N:Excuse me,where is the cniminal?,S:Ahyou are too late,Nezha!(对T)I

12、have called the police,N:You are under arrest.You have the right to remain silent.If you give up the tight,anything you will say can and be will be against you in a court of law!,英语话剧PPT,T:Wukong I admit my mistake this time.I am sorry(小声),S:What?,T:Im sorry.,S:Em? Louder,please?,T:I.amsorry,英语话剧PPT

13、,T:Lets go guys!,S:You carryburden,I pull hores,E:Receive sunrise,say good-bye to sunset,J:Overcome troubles,walking on avenue,T,S,E,J:Finish finghting sufferings,getting going again,getting going again ,come come come,T,S,E,J:A series of changes of seasons,you taste bitterness and happiness,dare to ask where is road,the road under foot,come come come,英语话剧PPT,谢谢观赏,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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