人教版九年级全册 Unit 13 单元测试.docx

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1、Unit 13 of Grade 9习题精选I. Multiple choices.1.- Could you give me some advice on how to lose weight?-Well, I think eating healthily can really make_difference. A. an B. a C. the D. /2. -Im surprised to see you smoking. You _, I remember. A. arent used to B. werent used to C. didnt use to D. dont use t

2、o 3. So far this year we _ about half of the road and we are sure that it will be finished on time. A. have built B. built C. build D. are building 4. Its helpful for older adults to exercise, not only_ them keep their bodies healthily, but it can also help their brains. A. it helps B. helps it C. c

3、an it help D. it can help 5. -This is really_ ugly bird, -but it is_useful bird, it can help fisherman catch fish.A. an;a B. an;an C. a;a D. a;an6.- There _ lots of trees in the area. -but they have all gone because people built a railway here. A. have been B. used to be C. have had D. used to have

4、7. In the past, my grandpa cut _trees and cut them _for firewoodA. down;up B. up;down C. out;up D. down;off8. The painting on display was _ by a very famous artist in China. A. create B. creates C. created D. creating 9. The geography teacher told us that the sun _ in the east.A. had risen B. has ri

5、sen C. rose D. rises 10. In our school library there _ a number of books and the number of them _ growing larger and larger. A. is;are B. has;is C. are;is D. have;are 11. If all of us pull together, there must be something we can do _. A. improve the environment B. improved the environment C. improv

6、ing the environment D. to improve the environment 12. _ my backpack, but I also lost my way yesterday. A. Not only lost I B. Not only did I lose C. Not only I lost D. Not only I have lost II. Gap filling according to the Chinese words.1. The_(底部) of the sea is not deep at all in some places.2. Child

7、ren should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw _(垃圾) onto the ground.3. The Jasons has worst clothes in the street, I think the clothes there are probably the _(最难看的) I have ever seen.4. Supermarkets are not allowed to provide free _(塑料的)bags for customers anymore in order to protect the en

8、vironment. 5. Can you tell me the_ (优势) of living in the countryside?6. I suggested going to the aquarium because I was interested in _(鲨鱼),seals and octopuses there.7. We all think it is very_(残酷的) to kill sharks for their fins.8. The film_(工业) in Hollywood is famous around the world.9. We should m

9、ake strict _(法律), open more national parks, plant more trees and stop pollution.10. _(科学的) farming is important. Now more and more farmers are interested in it.11. The sports car is too expensive, I cant _(买得起) it.12. Dont throw away the plastic bag on the table because it is clean and _(可重复使用的)13.

10、People in cities are encouraged to use public _(交通) to work in order to protect the environment.14. Though they have a lot in common, they_(不同意) with each other in some aspects.15. My uncle used to be a _ (渔民), He had spent over 10 years catching fish in the sea. 16. The water in the river near his

11、village was very d _(脏的) because people nearby kept pouring trash in it. 17. There are some_(优点) of taking the subway, for example, It is much faster and cheaper.18. The local government t_(改变) an old school_ a quarantine area(隔离区) because of the novel corona virus (新冠病毒).19. In order to keep the pa

12、rk clean. I suggest the government should put more_(垃圾箱)around the pathway so that people wont pour trash on the grass.III. Filling in the blanks below with the correct forms of the given words in the brackets.1. Has he_(tell) you about what happened on that day?2. If we keep putting waste water int

13、o the ocean, sooner or later the ecosystem in the ocean will be _(destroy).3. The numbers of some kinds of fishes_( have) reduced since the last century.4. Wild Aid and the WWF are two_( environment) protection groups around the world.5. Traffic fumes are_( harm) to the environment.6. Fresh air make

14、s a big_(different) to our health.7. The girl used to _(take) a bus to school, but this morning she walked.8. Everyone should play a role in_ (protect) the forest.9. Please remember to _(bring) a cloth bag when you go shopping in the supermarket.10. What are your _(suggest) for solving the problems?

15、11. _ (fish)are allowed to catch fish only in the open season.12. China has rich natural resources, such as_(coal) and iron.13. A smile, _(cost) nothing, but it gives so much to people around you.14. Travelers should throw the rubbish into the _(bin) along the pathway in the mountain.15. Whats the _

16、(weigh) of the wooden box?16. Dont make so much noise. The children _(have) an English lesson right now.17. She used to_(read) English in the morning but now shes used to reading in the evening.18. Every year millions of trees _(plant) to make our country more beautiful.19. In the past few years we

17、_(learn)about 3000 English words.20. There is such a big noise that I cant _(hear) you very well.21. I stopped _(use) disposable chopsticks(一次性筷子) last year.22. While I _(do)my homework, the phone rang.23. Seeing the tears in her eyes, he quickly took out a piece of _ (napkins).24. Have you ever col

18、lected waste paper or bottles for_( recycle)?25. It usually_(take) me a few minutes to wash my hair.26. Father_(use) to go to work by car, but now he takes the bus.27. Lets go hiking instead of _( stay) at home, shall we?IV. Translation.1. 杰森今天早上乘坐公共汽车上班而不是步行。Jason went to work by bus _ _on foot thi

19、s morning2. 我们必修采取严格措施来减少空气污染。We have to take measures to _ _ air pollution.3. 我们应该充满信心来面对将要到来的期末考试。We should _ _ _confidence to face the coming final exam.4. 过多的压力和过少的休息会引起疾病。Too much stress and too little rest _ _ illness.5. 辛迪五岁的时候就会下象棋。Cindy _ _ _ _chess at the age of five.6. 记住我们也是食物链的一部分。Remem

20、ber that we are also a part of _ _ _.7. 长颈鹿能够到树顶的叶子。The giraffe can reach the leaves _ _ _ _the trees.8. 到目前为止,警察还没有找到那个失踪的男孩。_ _, the police havent found the missing boy.9. 我们从来没有听说过这个地方We have never_ _this place.10. 吉姆太矮了,他不能够到树上的苹果。Jim is_ short _ _ the apples on the tree.11. 实际上,他不但会说英语,而且会说法语。_

21、 _,he can speak_ _English_ _ French.12. 你的问题很难回答。Its _ _ _ your question.13. 我们应该尽快停止使用塑料袋。We _ _ _ plastic bags as soon as possible. 14. 不要仓促地做出决定。Dont make decisions _ _ _. 15. 从现在起我们必须更加的努力学习。We must study even harder_ _ _.16. 当你刷牙的时候,你应该关闭水龙头。You should _ _ the taps while you _ _ your teeth.V. R

22、ewriting the following sentences.1. The digital camera cost him 1200 dollars last month.=It _ him 1200 dollars to _ the digital camera.=He _ 1200 dollars _ the digital camera.2. More and more people speak Chinese around the world.=Chinese _ _by more and more people around the world.3. We used to liv

23、e in a small village by the sea.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ to live?4. Jack left two days ago.= Jack _ _ _ since two days ago. VI. Fill the blanks in the passage according to the Chinese words. Passage A:Many people have cars in the city, but the pollution is a problems because of the_(交通). Now some downtown

24、 areas around the world dont have cars. These car Free zones are areas for people, bicycles and public transportation only.Eight million people live in the center of London and _(另外的) two million people go to work there every day. The downtown area is very _(喧闹的) with hundreds of cars, buses and tax

25、is, but there are _(也) a lot of beautiful parks with free music concerts. At lunch time, many people go there for a rest after they get off work.Parts of Tokyo are always _(拥挤的) with hundreds of people- but no cars! These modern car-free zones are really popular and people like _(购物) there.In the pa

26、st, Bogota was polluted _(因为) there were lots of cars and traffic. Now the downtown area is a car-free zone and the air is _(干净的)! many people dont have a car and _(一半的) a million people take the bus to work. There are lots of stores. It is not expensive.Passage B: 阅读短文,在空白处填一个词或者根据所给词的适当形式填空。Have y

27、ou ever heard of e-waste, which can be produced every day? how do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when they are broken 1. _ you want a new one?Most people just throw them away. 2. _ the development of electronic industry e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. Acc

28、ording to the united nations, in 2014 people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and 3. _ (recycle) 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came 4. _ (two)with 6 million tons. Its important 5._ (pay) attention to e-waster. It can either b

29、e valuable or harmful 6. _ (depend) on how we deal with it, e-waste is a valuable urban mine. The value of the metals, like gold and silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can 7. _(use). But if people throw them away, the toxic chemicals can get into the earth or air, affec

30、ting the environment and 8. _ (people) health.Apple, for example, now recycles peoples used products in China when they are 9. _ (buy)new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell 10. _ lower prices. To help reduces e-waste, we can take computers and phones to see if companies of

31、fer recycling programs.Answers:1-5 BCACA 6-12 BACDCDB1. bottom 2. litter 3. ugliest 4. Plastic 5. advantages 6. sharks7. cruel 8. Industry 9. Laws 10. Scientific 11. Afford 12. reusable13. transportation 14. disagree 15. fishman 16. dirty 17. advantages 18. turned, into 19. dustbintold, destroyed, h

32、as, environmental, harmful, difference, take, protecting, bring, suggestion, Fishes, coal, costs, bins, weight, are having, read, are planted, have learned, hear, using, was doing, napkin, recycling, takes, used, stayingsentence rewritingtook, buy, spent, on is spoken, where did use, has been awayTr

33、anslation:Jason went to work by bus instead of on foot this morningWe have to take measures to cut down air pollution.We should be full of confidence to face the coming final exam.Too much stress and too little rest lead to illness.Cindy was able to play chess at the age of fiveRemember that we are

34、a part of the food chain.The giraffe can reach the leaves at the top of the trees.So far, the police havent found the missing boy.We have never heard of this place.Jim is too short to reach the apples on the tree.In fact, he can speak not only English but also French.It is hard to answer your questi

35、on. We should stop using plastic bags as soon as possible.Dont make decisions in a hurry. We must study even harder from now on. You should turn off the taps while youre brushing your teeth.Sentence rewriting It took him one hundred $1200 to buy the digital camera. He spend $1200 on the digital camera. Chinese is spoken by more and more people around the world. Where did you use to live? Jack has been away since two days ago.短文填空:A: traffic. another noisy also crowded shopping because clean half B: or, with, recycled, the second, to pay, depending, be reused, peoples, buying, at


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