冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8:Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment. 教案 (1).doc

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《冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8:Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment. 教案 (1).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8:Lesson 46 Protect Our Environment. 教案 (1).doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson46:Protect Our EnvironmentTeachingContents:1.Oral wordsFour skills:truck, factory, Three skills: leak,tap, beer,recycling, unlike2.Expressions:again and again ,make a big difference to3.Some sentences:I try to save water in many ways. We sort our pop cans, beer bottles and waste paper .More pe

2、ople should ride bikes or take buses. Teaching Aims:1.Know about the pollution in our country.2.We all should take care of our environment.Teaching Important Points: 1.Use the words correctly: truck, factory, leak,tap, beer,recycling, unlike2.Master some important sentences:I think everyone should t

3、ake care of the environment.I often check to make sure there arent any leaks and I never forget to turn off the tap.Its not too hard to protect the environment.Teaching Difficult Points:1.What do you think of the pollution in our country?2.What should we do to stop pollution?TeachingPreparation:pict

4、uresTeaching Aids:audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson:new lessonTeachingProcedures: Step1.Free talk:1).Whats the weather like today?2).How do you feel today?Why?3).By the way ,how do you go to school every day ?4).Do you think our school isbeautiful?Why?设计意图 运用学生所学的知识,从谈论熟悉的话题入手,与学生进行自由会话,

5、进入新内容的学习。Step2.Lead into new lessonT :Our school is very clean and beautiful. We love our school .So we should protect our school environment .Lets come into our new lesson .Step3. Come to“THINK ABOUT IT.”Get the students totalk about it in pairs.1. Is your hometown clean enough?2. Do you have any i

6、deas for reducing waste?设计意图 利用学生学过的内容,从询问如何保护家乡的环境开始,轻松进入语境,进而自然地进入谈论保护环境的新话题。Step4.Listen tothe tape and tick the pointsmentioned in the lesson:( )sort garbage at home( )reuse plastic bags( )bring your own bag when you go shopping( )ride bikes or take buses( )pike up rubbish off the street( )turn

7、offthe lights when you leave a room( )take short showers设计意图 学生训练听力之后,抓住有用信息,找出本课所涉及的有关环保的句子。培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。 Step6. Reading:Read the text loudly and answer some questions.1).When you take a shower, what should you do?I make sure there arent any leaks. And never forget to turn off the tap.2). How

8、do we recycle at home?We sort our pop cans , beer bottles. A truck picks up our recycling every week.3) .Do you know what makes the most pollution?Cars and factories.4).How doesKatiegotoschool every day? Why?She rides her bike. Because a bike is unlike other types of transportation,it doesnt make an

9、y pollution. 设计意图 学生大声朗读课文, 加深同学们对整篇课文的掌握,学生们带着问题有目的地阅读,容易把握内容,进而介绍生词,图片的使用能更加形象直观地训练阅读能力。Step7. Ask the students to read the text loudly in class, thencheck them to do it . 设计意图 学生进行朗读巩固,训练学生的语音语调,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。Step8. Language Notes:1).again and again2).make a (big) difference to设计意图 学生通过阅读课文,了

10、解重点内容,加深对课文的理解。同时,学习本课的语言元点。Step9. Work in pairs: Discuss the following question:What can we do to help the environment?We shouldWe shouldnt设计意图 此环节重点是口语练习,同学们通过同桌来完成两人合作。以“改善环境”为话题,提供了一个语境完整、内容丰富的谈话内容,自然呈现本单元的核心句型,为学生进一步输出语言提供了口语示范。Step10. Work in groups:Come to“LETS DO IT!”Compare the two pictures

11、. Tick the words to describe the differences. 设计意图 教师通过幻灯片、图片向学生展示保护环境的情况,学生在学完本课后, 通过小组合作的形式进行相互交流,对比两幅图片并进行描述,谈论环保的重要性。从而升华本课的主题,培养学生的环保意识,使学生懂得保护环境就是保护我们自己。Step11.Doexercises. 设计意图 以学评教、强化落实。当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价,利用已知的信息,让学生补充,让他们得到充分的训练。Step12. HomeworkWriting :How to Protect Our Environment ? 1.

12、环境对我们来说是非常重要的;2.我们的环境变得越来越差了;3.我们应当想办法阻止污染;4.如果我们关爱我们的环境,我们的世界会变得更加美丽。 关键词汇:important, worse and worse, stop pollution,more beautiful设计意图 结合本课的环保话题,复习、归纳,注重语言知识的操练与积累。练习组织语言的能力,让学生以书面的形式谈论如何保护环境。Blackboard DesignLesson46:Protect Our Environmentleak (v.). (n.) 1.again and againtap (n.) beer (n.) 2.make a big difference to truck (n.)recycling (n.)recycle (v.)factory (n.) factories (pl.) unlikelike (pre.)unhappyhappy (adj.)


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