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1、仁爱英语 七年级下册 Unit 5 Our School Life 我们的校园生活Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.我通常乘地铁来上学。Section A 1aKangkang: !新年快乐!JaneandHelen: .Nicetoseeyou ,Kangkang.新年快乐。很高兴再次见到你,康康。Kangkang:Nicetoseeyou, .我也很高兴见到你们。Helen:Oh,yournewbikelooksvery ! 哦,你的新自行车看起来很漂亮!Kangkang:Thankyou.多谢夸奖。Helen:Doyou cometos

2、chool ? 你经常骑自行车上学吗?Kangkang:Yes,Ido. doyou cometoschool? 是的。你平时都是怎么来上学的呢?Helen:Iusuallycometoschool .我通常乘地铁来学校。Kangkang:You youusuallycometoschool ? 你是说你经常乘地铁上学?Helen:Youreright. ,Jane? 是的。你呢,简?Jane:Ialwayscometoschool .Oh, . .我总是乘公共汽车来学校。哦,上课的时间到了。快点儿!Section B1aHelen:Michael, doyouusually on ? 迈克尔

3、,你通常都是什么时候起床Michael:Ialwaysgetup about . 经常六点钟左右起床。Helen: .Howdo youusually ?早起的鸟儿有虫吃。你通常怎么去学校呢?Michael:Iusuallycometoschool ,but .Howaboutyou?我通常步行去学校,但是有时候骑自行车。你呢?Helen:I walktoschool.Ioftencome .Whataboutyou,Sally?我很少走路去上学。我经常坐地铁去。你呢,莎莉?Sally:I cometoschoolbysubway.I .我从来不坐地铁去学校。我总是坐公共汽车。Section

4、C1aJanes day简的一天Jane usually at .At seven oclock, she with . She by bus at .Classes begin at eight.She has four classes . She at school at twelve ten.She has two classes .After school, she often her classmates.At a quarter past five, she .She gets home at and at seven oclock. , she often and then fo

5、r a short time.She at about .简通常6点20分起床。7点时,她和父母一起吃早饭。7点半乘公共汽车去上学。8点开始上课。她上午上四节课。她12点10分在学校吃午饭。下午上两节课。放学后,她经常和同学踢足球。5点15分,她乘地铁回家。她5点30分到家,7点吃晚饭。晚饭过后,她经常先做作业,然后再看一会儿电视。她大约9点45分上床睡觉。Section D2Interviewer:Goodevening,boysandgirls!Please ,Michael.HeisfromAmerica.Hello,Michael!Michael:Hello!Interviewer:W

6、eliketoknowaboutthe ofAmericanstudents. dotheyusuallygoto school?Michael:Well,manystudentsusually orwalktoschool.Interviewer:Wheredotheyusually ?Michael:Theyusuallyhavelunch andthenbeginclassataboutoneoclockinthe afternoon.Interviewer: isschool ,then?Michael:Atabout3oclock.Interviewer:Whatdotheydo ?

7、Michael:Theyoften andsoccer.Interviewer:Well,Iamsorrywe .Nicetalkingtoyou.Thankyou.Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway.我通常乘地铁来上学。Section A 1aKangkang:Happynewyear!新年快乐!JaneandHelen:Thesametoyou.Nicetoseeyou again,Kangkang.新年快乐。很高兴再次见到你,康康。Kangkang:Nicetoseeyou,too.我也很高兴见到你们。Helen:Oh,yournewbi

8、kelooksverynice! 哦,你的新自行车看起来很漂亮!Kangkang:Thankyou.多谢夸奖。Helen:Doyouoftencometoschoolbybike? 你经常骑自行车上学吗?Kangkang:Yes,Ido.Howdoyouusuallycometoschool? 是的。你平时都是怎么来上学的呢?Helen:Iusuallycometoschoolbysubway. 我通常乘地铁来学校。Kangkang:Youmeanyouusuallycometoschoolbyunderground? 你是说你经常乘地铁上学?Helen:Youreright.Howabout

9、you,Jane? 是的。你呢,简?Jane:Ialwayscometoschoolbybus.Oh,itstimeforclass.Comeon.我总是乘公共汽车来学校。哦,上课的时间到了。快点儿!Section B1aHelen:Michael,whattimedoyouusuallygetupon weekdays? 迈克尔,你通常都是什么时候起床Michael:Ialwaysgetupataboutsixoclock. 经常六点钟左右起床。Helen:Theearlybirdcatchestheworm.Howdo youusuallycometoschool?早起的鸟儿有虫吃。你通常

10、怎么去学校呢?Michael:Iusuallycometoschoolonfoot,but sometimesbybike.Howaboutyou?我通常步行去学校,但是有时候骑自行车。你呢?Helen:Iseldomwalktoschool.Ioftencomebysubway.Whataboutyou,Sally?我很少走路去上学。我经常坐地铁去。你呢,莎莉?Sally:Inevercometoschoolbysubway.Ialwaystakeabus.我从来不坐地铁去学校。我总是坐公共汽车。Section C1aJanes day简的一天Jane usually gets up at

11、twenty past six.At seven oclock, she has breakfast with her parents.She goes to school by bus at half past seven.Classes begin at eight.She has four classes in the morning.She has lunch at school at twelve ten.She has two classes in the afternoon.After school, she often plays soccer with her classma

12、tes.At a quarter past five, she takes the subway home.She gets home at five thirty and has dinner at seven oclock.After dinner, she often does her homework and then watches TV for a short time.She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten.简通常6点20分起床。7点时,她和父母一起吃早饭。7点半乘公共汽车去上学。8点开始上课。她上午上四节课。她12点10分在学校吃午饭

13、。下午上两节课。放学后,她经常和同学踢足球。5点15分,她乘地铁回家。她5点30分到家,7点吃晚饭。晚饭过后,她经常先做作业,然后再看一会儿电视。她大约9点45分上床睡觉。Section D2Interviewer:Goodevening,boysandgirls!Please welcomeournewfriend,Michael.HeisfromAmerica.Hello,Michael!孩子们,晚上好!请欢迎我们的新朋友迈克尔,他来自美国。迈克尔,你好!Michael:Hello!你好!Interviewer:Weliketoknowabouttheschoollife ofAmeric

14、anstudents.Howdotheyusuallygoto school?我们想了解美国学生的学校生活。他们通常怎样去上学?Michael:Well,manystudentsusuallytakeayellowschoolbusorwalktoschool.嗯,很多学生通常乘黄色的校车或步行去学校。Interviewer:Wheredotheyusuallyhavelunch?他们通常在哪里吃午餐?Michael:Theyusuallyhavelunchatschoolandthenbeginclassataboutoneoclockinthe afternoon.迈克尔:一般在学校吃,然

15、后下午1点开始上课。Interviewer:Whattimeisschoolover,then?那么学校几点放学?Michael:Atabout3oclock.大约3点。Interviewer:Whatdotheydointheirfreetime?业余时间他们干什么?Michael:Theyoftenplaybasketballandsoccer.他们经常打篮球、踢足球。Interviewer:Well,Iamsorrywehavenomoretime.Nicetalkingtoyou.Thankyou.哦,很遗憾我们没有更多时间(交流)了。很高兴和你聊天。谢谢。Topic 2 A few

16、students are running around the playground.一些学生正绕着操场跑步Section A1aMichael:Hello,Jane!ThisisMichael. ?你好,简!我是迈克尔。你现在在做什么?Jane:Guess!猜猜!Michael:Areyou yourhomework?你在做作业吗?Jane:No,Imnot.不,没有。Michael: you TV?你在看电视吗?Jane:Yes,Iam. you?是的,我在看电视。你呢?Michael:Im ,butits .Wouldyouliketo ?我在做卡片,但是很无聊。你想去打篮球吗?Jane

17、:Good !Seeyou .好主意!一会儿见。Michael: you.一会儿见。Section B1aLi Ming:Excuse me, may I English workbooks?打扰了,我可以借一些英语练习册吗?Girl:Of . Many students are using .当然可以。许多学生正使用它们。The girl the books on the .女孩在书架上找书。Girl:Here you are.给你。Li Ming: ! can I help them?太棒了!我能借多久?Girl:Two . You must them .两周。你必须按时归还。Li Min

18、g:Sure, I . Thank you.当然,我会的。谢谢你。Girl:Youre .不用谢。Kangkang: me, do you have English ?打扰了,你有英语报纸吗?Girl:Sorry, we have any.对不起,我们没有。Kangkang:Thank you . Bye!还是要谢谢你。再见!Girl:Bye!再见!Section B2aGirl:Can I you?我能帮助你吗?Michael:I m my .我在找我的钱包。Girl:Well, what is it?钱包是什么颜色的?Michael:Its .蓝色的。Girl: is it?钱包里面有什么

19、?Michael:My photo and some .里面有我的全家福,还有一些钱。Girl:Oh. is a wallet, but it isnt .哦。这里有一个钱包,但不是你的。Michael:.还是谢谢你。Section C1aMiss Wang is a new student the school.王老师正领着一位新学生参观学校。On the playground.A students the .Some students a soccer game.Some students .Look! students are there and .在操场上。一些学生正绕着操场跑步。一些

20、学生正在举行足球赛。一些学生正在打篮球。看!还有许多学生坐在那儿观看。In the .Three students in the .What about the girls ?Oh, they !But Helen dancing with them.She ping-pong with Ann.在体育馆。有三个学生在游泳。那边的女孩们在干什么?哦!她们正在跳舞。但是海伦没有和她们一起跳舞。她正在和安打乒乓球。In the .Look at your .They .Kangkang is .Michael his homework. Wang Wei doing his homework, t

21、oo?Oh! No. He a letter.What are Jane and Maria ?They are talking. is Sally?Aha, she the the of the classroom.在教室里。看看你的同学们。他们没在上课。康康在读英语报。迈克尔在做作业。王伟也在做作业吗?哦!不,他在写信。简和玛丽亚正在做什么?她们正在谈话。萨莉在哪儿?啊哈,她在擦教室后面的黑板。Section D 2aWenWeiismygoodfriend.Herearesome of .Look!Heis inthegyminpicture1Inpicture2,he inaswimm

22、ingpool.Helooks helovesswimming.Inpicture3,heistalkingtoa girlon .TheGreatWalliswonderful.Ialsowantto itoneday.文伟是我的好朋友。这儿有一些他的照片。看!第一张照片上,他在体育馆里跑步。第二张照片上,他在游泳池里游泳。他看起来很高兴,因为他喜欢游泳。第三张照片上,他在长城上和一个日本女孩谈话。长城很雄伟。我也想有一天去那儿参观。Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground.一些学生正绕着操场跑步Section A1aM


24、:Goodidea!Seeyousoon.好主意!一会儿见。Michael:Seeyou.一会儿见。Section B1aLi Ming:Excuse me, may I borrow a some English workbooks?打扰了,我可以借一些英语练习册吗?Girl:Of course. Many students are using them.当然可以。许多学生正使用它们。The girl looks for the books on the shelves.女孩在书架上找书。Girl:Here you are.给你。Li Ming:Great! How long can I h

25、elp them?太棒了!我能借多久?Girl:Two weeks. You must return them on time.两周。你必须按时归还。Li Ming:Sure, I will. Thank you.当然,我会的。谢谢你。Girl:Youre welcome.不用谢。Kangkang:Excuse me, do you have any English newspapers?打扰了,你有英语报纸吗?Girl:Sorry, we dont have any.对不起,我们没有。Kangkang:Thank you all the same. Bye!还是要谢谢你。再见!Girl:By

26、e!再见!Section B2aGirl:Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?Michael:I m looking for my wallet.我在找我的钱包。Girl:Well, what color is it?钱包是什么颜色的?Michael:Its blue.蓝色的。Girl:What is in it?钱包里面有什么?Michael:My family photo and some money.里面有我的全家福,还有一些钱。Girl:Oh. Here is a wallet, but it isnt yours.哦。这里有一个钱包,但不是你的。Michael:Thank y

27、ou all the same.还是谢谢你。Section C1aMiss Wang is showing a new student around the school.王老师正领着一位新学生参观学校。On the playground.A few students are running around the playground.Some students are having a soccer game.在操场上。一些学生正绕着操场跑步。一些学生正在举行足球赛。Some students are playing basketball.Look! Many students are si

28、tting there and watching.一些学生正在打篮球。看!还有许多学生坐在那儿观看。In the gym.Three students are swimming in the swimming pool.What about the girls over there?Oh, they are dancing!在体育馆。有三个学生在游泳。那边的女孩们在干什么?哦!她们正在跳舞。But Helen isnt dancing with them.She is playing ping-pong with Ann.但是海伦没有和她们一起跳舞。她正在和安打乒乓球。In the class

29、room.Look at your classmates.They are not having lessons.Kangkang is reading English newspapers.在教室里。看看你的同学们。他们没在上课。康康在读英语报。Michael is doing his homework.Is Wang Wei doing his homework, too?Oh! No. He is writing a letter.迈克尔在做作业。王伟也在做作业吗?哦!不,他在写信。What are Jane and Maria doing?They are talking.Where

30、is Sally?Aha, she is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom.简和玛丽亚正在做什么?她们正在谈话。萨莉在哪儿?啊哈,她在擦教室后面的黑板。Section D 2aWenWeiismygoodfriend.Herearesomephotosofhis.Look!Heisrunninginthegyminpicture1文伟是我的好朋友。这儿有一些他的照片。看!第一张照片上,他在体育馆里跑步。Inpicture2,heisswimminginaswimmingpool.Helookshappybecausehel

31、ovesswimming.第二张照片上,他在游泳池里游泳。他看起来很高兴,因为他喜欢游泳。Inpicture3,heistalkingtoaJapanesegirlonthe GreatWall.TheGreatWalliswonderful.第三张照片上,他在长城上和一个日本女孩谈话。长城很雄伟。Ialsowanttovisititoneday.我也想有一天去那儿参观。Unit 5 Our School Life Topic 3 My school life is very interesting.Section A 1a?今天是星期几?W, it s my favorite day.星期三

32、。这是我最喜欢的日子。 ?为什么? we have a class Wednesday.因为在星期三我们有一节音乐课。I like it .我非常喜欢音乐课。Listen, what are they ?听!他们正上什么课?They are having a music class.他们正上音乐课。No, I they are having .不,我想他们在上英语课。You are .你说的对。 is the class ?这节课什么时候结束?At .十点四十。What time does begin?下一节课什么时候开始? ten .十点五十。Section B 1aZhou Yan: ar

33、e you reading, Maria?你在看什么书,玛丽亚?Maria: Im .我在看英语书。Zhou Yan: I think you like English .我想你一定非常喜欢英语吧。Maria: Yes. Its and ? it?是的!它既容易又有趣。你觉得它怎么样?Zhou Yan: I dont like it. Its . I like very much its very .我不喜欢英语。它有点难。我喜欢历史,因为它非常有趣。Maria: My history is not . Can we ?我的历史不好。我们互相帮忙吧?Zhou Yan: Good .好主意!Ma

34、ria: Oh, . .哦,到上课时间了。我们走吧。Zhou Yan: Ok.好的。Section C 1aHi! Im Hu Bin, Class 1,Grade 7.At school, my teachers and classmates very to me.My school life is very .I like it very much. begin at 8: 00 a.m.I have four classes and two classes in the .I study , English, politics, art, , geography, biology and

35、 some other subjects. is my , and I often English my classmates.I also like P.E. and music. I dont like math at all. I think its a little and .What do you think? , I often with my .Its my favorite .Sometimes I swim .Sometimes I with my friends in the park.Every and , I go to the school .Do you think

36、 my school life is very interesting? ?Can you me it?Review(单元)复习Maria usually gets up at half past six and has breakfast with her parents at seven oclock.She often goes to school at a quarter past seven, and sometimes by bus, sometimes by bike, but seldom on foot.Maria always has her lunch at school.She has six classes every day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon.After school, she often plays basketball or soccer with her classma


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