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1、 “十步教学法”教学设计Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. 第一课时教学设计单元名称Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister .课时安排第一课时Section A 教学目标1) 知识目标: 能掌握以下单词:outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, 能掌握以下句型: Tina is taller than Tara. Sam has longer hair than Tom. She also sings more loudly than Tara. 2) 能力目标:能听懂本课学习活动中的

2、问题及回答,能在本课的任务型活动中进行简单的交流,能正确使用形容词的比较级来比较人的个性特征。3) 情感目标:能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较;并能了解他人,正视自己,和谐相处,增进友谊。教学重难点重点:1) 形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 2) 表示两者进行比较的句式结构。难点:Tina is taller than Tara. Sam has longer hair than Tom. She also sings more loudly than Tara.学法直接法 对比法 听说法教法任务型教学法,游戏教学法,情景教学法教学环节教师活动学生活动Lead in 1a1bSentenc

3、epatterns第一步、课前准备,积极参与名人图片、多媒体、录音机、自己2年前的照片第二步、检查预习,铺垫导入1. 请同学们拿出自己两年前的照片与现在的自己做一下比较,说说哪儿变化了。那么我们用英语如何描述自己的这些变化呢,2. T:Lets review Unit 2, Show Ss the pictures of the stars, ask: Do you know them? She_exercises and she reads books every day . also , she _ drinks juice . what is more , she _ eats junk

4、 food.He _ watches TV for two hours a day, and he _ does sports . what is more , I _stays up late .Read the passages, ask Ss to write down these blank words , 第三步、亮出课题,激发兴趣 3.OK。Today were going to talk about our personal traits(自己的特点) ,and Lets learn unit3Im more outgoing than my sister.四、出示目标,明确任务

5、4. 用PPT展示本课的教学目标、重难点,重点:1) 形容词或副词比较级形式的构成。 2) 表示两者进行比较的句式结构。难点:Tina is taller than Tara. Sam has longer hair than Tom. She also sings more loudly than Tara.第五步、分配任务,自主探究分配任务5.Now open your books and turn to page 17. Look at the pictures,Please match each word ,with its opposite, finish 1a. T: Please

6、 write their comparative forms。Now stop and lets check the answers. long- tall -thin- heavy-outgoing- loudly- quietly- 教读er 的发音/ ier的发音/I/(用聚关灯)Read the words , Now begin.7. T: Now listen to the tape. There are conversations about three pairs of the twins. Look at the picture and find the twins that

7、 are being talked about. Write the number next to them in the picture next to their names. 接下来我们一起听对话,在名字下面编号1-3。You will hear the conversations once. 录音放一遍。T: S4, can you tell me your answer? T: Fantastic!OK. Has he got the correct answers? Lets listen to the tape again. Please repeat after the tap

8、e. 三、自主探究8.T:(列出Section A部分出现的比较级句子,为了便于学生理解,老师可做一些提示或讲解)哦。同学们找的都很好。ask the students to read them。把上面总结的句子用遮幕挡住,学生总结完,之后呈现,9. 把下面的形容词和副词写出比较级形式并造句。可仿照练习本上的比较级句子。分组完成, tall - heavy- thin- outgoing-loudly- eg: tall tallerYao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang . quietly more quietlyThe old man walks more qu

9、ietly than the little girl. Ss拿出自己的照片,说出自己的变化。Ss:长高了。/变胖了,/ 变瘦了。等等抽取部分学生的预习成果在展台上展示。(达到检查与纠正的目的) Yes.Listen carefully.Fill in the blanks.Read it loudly.t Finish 1a之后,写出这八个单词的比较级,写好后互相检查检查方式:小组长检查,教师指导.long-longer tall -taller thin-thinner heavy-heavieroutgoing-more outgoing loudly- -more loudlyquiet

10、ly-more quietly Ss:大声朗读Ss listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture (1-3).S4: Tom / Sam 1, Tara / Tina 2, Peter / Paul 3,Ss: yes!Ss:把句子写在练习本上a. Im more outgoing than my sister.b. Sam has longer hair than Tom.c. Sam plays the drums better than Tom.d. Tina is taller than Tara.e. She sings mo

11、re loudly than Tara.f. Peter is heavier than Paul.g. Paul is shorter than Peter.(只理解句子的大意,不做具体的语法解释。)Read them loudly.(试着总结比较级的句子结构)tall-tallerYao Ming is taller than Liu Xiang .quietly-more quietlyThe old man walks more quietly than the little girl. 6. Ss:小组长是1号生,其他分别为2、3、4号生要求:1、2号生用heavy、quietly、

12、loudly的比较级独立完成句子。3、4号生写出这9个词的比较级并用tall、thin、outgoing的比较级仿写句子。第六步、小组讨论,合作交流(课前已经预习,以小组解决,)讲解:因为outgoing是一个多音节词,简单的说就是三个元音字母或三个以上的形容词是前面加more 构成比较级S3 同学,动脑筋思考问题,很好,那是因为它们两个词是形容词+ ly 构成的副词,所以形容词+ly结尾的副词也是加more构成比较级的。S2 同学,发现知识之间的联系,很好。说的很对。.(小组长组织,组员积极参与合作。)第七步、成果展示,反馈提升(让学生根据自己写的句子,讨论、总结之后。每一组需要派出一名代表

13、,朗读句子。其余小组长进行适时评价。 )最后评价大家认为哪个组做得最好呢?是,每个组都很认真积极,造的句子也都很好,自己给自己鼓鼓掌,希望再接再厉小组讨论,可能提出的问题:S1:teacher, tall是加的er,为什么outgoing.却没有加er,前面的more是什么?S3:Teacher, quietly 和 loudly不是三个元音字母以上的,可为什么也是前面加more啊?S2:Teacher,heavy 是不是和过去式的以y结尾变y为i再加ed用法相似,把y变i再加er?.各组自由发挥1、2号生整理好之后,可以让3/4生朗读,给中差生一个表现的机会,1、2生可以做提醒。都认为自己组

14、最好(通过此环节达到了提升的目的,增强每个学生的自信心。)Pair work1c第八步、巩固练习,拓展延伸1. 巩固练习1)改一改。a.Tina is tall than Tara. b.Pauls shorter Peter.c.Peters heavy than Paul. d.Im more outgoing my sister.2).T: Lets make a conversation in pairs. according to the picture on P17. You can talk like this:A: Thats Tara, isnt it ?B: No, it

15、isnt. Its Tina. Tina is taller than Tara . And she also sings more loudly than Tara.Read it loudly 。(老师找一个学生示范一下)(时间充足的情况下,可以多练习)Do you understand? OK. Ask two students to make a conversation.2. 拓展延伸 同学们,请再拿出自己两年前的照片,现在用比较级描述一下自己与两年前不一样的地方。(可以参考3b on Page19)tall -tallershorter Peter中间加 thanheavy -he

16、avieroutgoing my 中间加thanA: Thats Tara, isnt it ? B: No, it isnt. Its Tina. Tina is taller than Tara . And she also sings more loudly than Tara.eg. T: Thats Liyan, isnt it ? S : No, it isnt。Its Lilei. Liyan is shorter than Lilei. Ss:Yes.学生结对活动仿写对话. Ss: Im taller than two years ago.Im heavier than two years ago.Im more outgoing than two years ago.板书设计.第九步、归纳总结,整理提高Homework第十步,分层作业,安排预习Extra homework 预习 (具体内容另附.)教后记Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. 第一课时教学设计刘建花 岚县民觉学校 2015.12.147


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